2019/05/03 Prednáška profesora Philippa Kukuru (University of Oxford) Weighing single molecules with light
3. mája 2019 sa od 11 h do 12:30 h uskutoční v prednáškovej sále Vedeckého parku Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave prednáška významného svetového chemika profesora Philippa Kukuru na tému Weighing single molecules with light. Prednášku organizuje Učená spoločnosť Slovenska v spolupráci s Vedeckým parkom UK v Bratislave. Profesor Kukura bude hovoriť o svetovo významnom vedeckom výsledku. Prednáška je obzvlášť vhodná pre fyzikov, chemikov a biológov, vedeckých pracovníkov i študentov. Tématicky je však zaujímavá pre širokú vedeckú komunitu.
Profesor Kukura je členom Kráľovskej spoločnosti chémie. Získal viacero prestížnych ocenení. Naposledy Cenu Klung-Wilhelmy za výsledky výskumu vo vizualizácii biomolekúl. Z 35 doterajších nositeľov tohto ocenenia v Nemecku v oblasti chémie a fyziky získali piati vedci neskôr Nobelovu cenu.
3. mája 2019 od 11 h v prednáškovej sále Vedeckého parku UK v Bratislave
Ilkovičova 8, 841 04 Bratislava
(nová moderná budova vedľa Prírodovedeckej fakulty v Mlynskej doline)
Weighing single molecules with light
Philipp Kukura
Department of Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford
Plagát [.pdf] [.docx]
The cellular processes underpinning life are orchestrated by proteins and the interactions they make with themselves and other biomolecules. A range of techniques has been developed to characterise these associations, but structural and dynamic heterogeneity remain a fundamental challenge. I will show that mass photometry based on interferometric scattering microscopy can mass-image single biomolecules in solution with nanometre precision and mass accuracy comparable to native mass spectrometry in the gas phase. Thereby, we can resolve oligomeric distributions at high dynamic range, detect small-molecule binding, and mass-measure polypeptides, glyco- and lipoproteins. These capabilities enable us to quantify the molecular mechanisms of processes as diverse as homo- and hetero-oligomeric protein assembly, amyloidogenic protein aggregation and actin polymerisation [1]. Our results illustrate how single molecule mass imaging provides access to protein dynamics and interactions and introduces a third, light-based approach to measuring mass in addition to the historical mechanical and spectrometric methodologies. This ability to investigate biomolecules in their native state with high mass accuracy and resolution provides critical, complementary information to static structural techniques in the context of protein function and regulation.
1. Young G, Hundt N, Cole D, Fineberg A, Andrecka J, Tyler A, Olerinyova A, Ansari A, Marklund EG, Collier MP, Chandler SA, Tkachenko O, Allen J, Crispin M, Billington N, Takagi Y, Sellers JR, Eichmann C, Selenko P, Frey L, Riek R, Galpin MR, Struwe WB, Benesch JLP, Kukura P. Quantitative mass imaging of single biological macromolecules. Science 2018 360: 423-327
Philipp Kukura [.jpg]