Ponuky práce a pobytov
Zbalené položky nie sú už aktuálne. Na stránke sme ich ponechali kvôli prehľadu predošlých možností, ktoré môžu slúžiť ako kontakty pri hľadaní miesta.
Ponuka práce - analýza genetických dát
Firma DNA ERA s.r.o. ponúka pracovnú pozíciu s nástupom september 2024.
PhD pozícia - oddelenie Molekulárnej fyziológie kostí, Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, Praha
PhD pozícia na oddelení Molekulárnej fyziológie kostí, Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, Praha.
Odborný konzultant - Onkologický ústav sv. Alžbety
Pracovná pozícia odborný konzultant - reprezentant na Oddelení lekárskej genetiky, Onkologický ústav sv. Alžbety, Bratislava.
PhD. pozícia, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
PhD. pozícia v Laboratóriu bunkovej morfogenézy, Univerzita Karlova, Praha.
CEITEC PhD štúdium, Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Ponuka PhD. štúdia na CEITEC, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno.
Podávanie prihlášok do 28.2.2022.
PhD position at Laboratory of Early Mammalian Developmental Biology, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Aim of the project: Characterization of Hippo-signalling related genes during mouse oocyte maturation, acentrosomal cell division and blastocyst cell lineage allocation.
Post doc a PhD pozície, rastlinná genomika a proteomika, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno
Post doc a PhD pozície so zameraním na rastlinnú genomiku a proteomiku v Laboratóriu Funkčnej Genomiky a Proteomiky, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno. Predpokladaný termín nástupu január 2021, najneskôr jún 2021.
PhD. štúdium, Ústavu biologie a lékařské genetiky, Praha
Voľné miesto pre záujemcov o PhD. štúdium na Ústavu biologie a lékařské genetiky 1. lékařské fakulty UK (Albertov 4, Praha 2). Bližšie informácie.
PhD pozícia na Medizinische Universitat Wien
Ponuka PhD pozície na Medizinische Universitat Wien v odbore neurobiológia od októbra 2020. Posledný termín podania prihlášky do 15. 9. 2020.
PhD pozícia, Univerzita Bonn, Nemecko
Laboratórium Dr. Katrin Paeschke ponúka PhD pozíciu zameranú na štúdium funkcie a významu G4 DNA štruktúr. Posledný termín podania prihlášky je 14.3.2020.
2 PhD pozície, Laboratórium bunkovej motility, Ústav molekulárnej genetiky, Praha
1 PhD pozícia zameraná na štúdium štruktúry cilií cicavcov, druhá PhD pozícia zameraná štúdium flagela na modelovom organizme Trypanosoma brucei v laboratóriu bunkovej motility, Ústav molekulárnej genetiky ČAV, Praha.
Postdoc pozícia, Ústav Biológie, Lekárska fakulta Palackého Univerzity, Olomouc
Ústav biológie Lekárskej fakulty Palacké Univerzity v Olomouci ponúka postdoc pozíciu. Posledný termín podania prihlášky je 1. 4. 2020.
3 PhD pozície v Laboratóriu génovej expresie, ČAV, Praha
Laboratórium génovej expresie na Ústave biotechnológie ČAV v Prahe ponúka 3 PhD pozície zaoberajúce sa problematikou:
Single-cell profiling of glial cells in the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Transcriptome analysis of acute injuries of the central nervous system
Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alexander disease
Termín podávania prihlášok do 31.3.2020
Postdoctoral Fellow position, University of Trento, Italy
Postdoc position in the laboratory of dr. Emilio Cusanelli at the Department of Cellular, Computational and Integrative Biology, University of Trento, Italy.
Postdoc and PhD position, Laboratory of Regulation of Gene Expression, Czech Academy of Sciences
Postdoc a PhD pozície na rok 2020 v laboratóriu regulácie génovej expresie, Mikrobiologický ústav, ČAV, Praha.
Postdoc and PhD position, Laboratory of Regulation of Gene expression
Postdoc pozícia - Česká akadémia vied, Praha
Postdoc position at Institute of Physiology, Department of Membrane Transport, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.
Full time position for at least 3 years, starting spring - summer 2020.
PhD program, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
PhD program na Institute of Science and Technology v Rakúsku.
Termín podávania prihlášok do 8. januára 2020.
2 PhD pozície na University of Florida
Laboratórium dr. Mareka Schwendta ponúka 2 pozície na PhD štúdium v oblasti molekulárnej a behaviorálnej neurobiológie.
Posledný termín zaslania prihlášky je 1. december 2019
PhD pozície na CEITEC, Brno
PhD pozícia/pozície v laboratóriu zameranom
1. na úlohu modifikácií RNA a ich vplyve na vznik niektorých ochorení
2. na diferenciáciu ľudských buniek
Prihlasovanie na PhD štúdium začne na jar 2020
Kontakt: Dr. Štepánka Vanáčová, PhD. (stepanka.vanacovaceitec.muni.cz)
Postdoktorandská pozícia Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota
Postdoktorandská pozícia na Katedre klinickej genomiky, zameranie na metabolické genetické ochorenia. Nástup začiatok roka 2020 - jar 2020.
Kontaktná osoba: Silvia Radenkovic (silradenkovic@gmail.com)
Vienna BioCenter PhD Programme
Group Leader position EMBL Developmental Biology Unit
We are seeking a new Group Leader to join the Developmental Biology Unit at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany.
EMBL Group leaders are hired for an initial 5 years, with renewal to a maximum of 9 years.
Interviews are planned for 18, 19 and 20 December 2019
Poster info.
Anne Ephrussi
Head, Developmental Biology Unit
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
PostDoc - DNA repair, Copenhagen
A postdoc position is available at University of Copenhagen to study the role of the ZGRF1 helicase in DNA repair and genome integrity maintenance.
Further information on the Department is linked at https://www1.bio.ku.dk/english/. Inquiries about the position can be made to Professor Michael Lisby, mlisbybio.ku.dk. The position is open from 1 October 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is tentatively for 2 years with a possibility for extension. The deadline for applications is 10 July 2019, 23:59 GMT+2.
More info.
PostDoc - Laboratory of DNA integrity, Liběchov
Research in the field of chromosome dynamics, spindle formation, and cell cycle in mammalian oocytes and early preimplantation embryos. We are using mouse genetic tools, combined with chemical biology approaches and advanced live cell imaging (both confocal and light sheet microscopy) and computer image analysis to uncover how chromosome segregation and integrity are ensured in mammalian oocytes and embryos. This research is connected to developmental disorders and infertility. It has a close connection to human reproductive medicine. INFO
PostDoc - University of Pennsylvania
The Shi Lab at the Cancer Biology department of the University of Pennsylvania is recruiting highly motivated and independent postdoctoral fellows (https://www.med.upenn.edu/apps/faculty/index.php/g275/p8912044 ). The lab focuses on epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory pathways that are essential for cancer cell proliferation. We couple CRISPR-based gene editing with next-generation sequencing methods to identify and dissect novel genetic regulatory pathways and further explore them as potential new therapeutic opportunities in cancer. We also develop innovative CRISPR toolkits for robust gene editing in mammalian cells using structure-guided rational design and bacterial directed evolution approaches. We are looking for postdoctoral fellows who will develop/engineer the newly-identified Cas12 and Cas13 protein variants for manipulating genetic regulatory pathways in mammalian cells.
Applicants should have a strong background in molecular biology or biochemistry. Candidates with some level of bioinformatics experience analyzing genome-wide data sets will be considered favorably.
Lab website: https://www.med.upenn.edu/shi-lab/
Please send CV, a statement of research goals, and contact information of three references to: jushi@upenn.edu
PostDoc - Molecular Mechanisms of Chromosome Segregation, Portugal
The Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology Lab is hiring a researcher to work on the FCT funded project “Molecular Mechanisms of Chromosome Segregation”.
The Cell Cycle and Cancer Biology Laboratory (CCBL) examines the components and regulatory mechanisms of the mitotic machinery and investigates the mechanisms by which deregulation of cell division can lead to cancer. The CCBL is focused on two crucial processes during mitosis, chromosome attachment to the spindle (kinetochore function) and the completion of cell division (cytokinesis). Using a broad range of classic genetic and cellular models, the CCBL group has identified a set of new genes that significantly affect chromosome segregation, spindle assembly, and cell abscission. We further showed that, when mutated, some of these genes cause the formation of tumors in Drosophila and that the human homologs of these genes can rescue the phenotypes. Our main goal is to find if they are equally involved in tumorigenesis in humans. We call for highly motivated, self-driven candidates to apply until the 12th of April 2019. To apply, please go to BEP or see the attachments. If you have any questions please contact atavares@ualg.pt. We would very much appreciate that in your application you also join
1- Cover letter (presentation letter in which you should mention what are your scientific interests and why would you join our research group)
2- Contacts of two referees.
In the cell cycle lab, you will have excellent training in a broad range of biochemistry, molecular biology, and microscopy techniques, as well as a chance to grow and develop critical scientific analysis and reasoning. THE CALL IS FORMALLY OPEN UNTIL THE 12th of APRIL We hope you join our team, Álvaro Tavares.
Hledáme vědeckého pracovníka / asistenta - cytometristu, Olomouc
Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, Centrum strukturní a funkční genomiky rostlin v Olomouci hledá vědeckého pracovníka / asistenta do výzkumné skupiny prof. J. Doležela. Úspěšný kandidát bude odpovědný za provoz laboratoře průtokové cytometrie. Viac info.
PhD. - Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) as a novel adipose depot in the regulation of the whole body metabolism and bone homeostasis.
Candidates with MSc degree or equivalent in molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, medicine, pharmacology or related disciplines, or students expecting to obtain their degree this year. Experience with molecular biology techniques and in vitro cell culture methods are advantage. INFO >>>.
PhD. in Olomouc - Population genomics and biogeography of cyanobacteria
The PhD thesis project will be carried out at the Department of Botany of Palacký University Olomouc at the laboratory of Prof. Aloisie Poulíčková. The laboratory has a long-term experience in algal and cyanobacterial research with wide range of collaborative laboratories in Europe and USA, which can be utilized for obligatory stay abroad (University of North Florida, USA; Uppsala University, Sweden etc.). Info here.
Dunn School Summer Studentship Program 2019
The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology is launching the 2019 Summer Studentship Program. This program is aimed at undergraduate students excited about research in life sciences and looking for a hands-on experience.Studentships will have a duration of 6-12 weeks, between June and September, and have a competitive student stipend. Interested candidates should directly contact the PI of their preferred laboratory to discuss the available projects. Subsequently, candidates should submit an application by email to pedro.carvalho@path.ox.ac.uk that includes a letter of motivation and a CV (please include Summer Studentship Program in subject of the email). Deadline for applications is March 17, 2019. Selection results will be announced by the end of March of 2019.
Selected students must be:
- In the middle years of their first degree studies in a UK or EU university
- Registered for a basic science (including mathematics and engineering) or veterinary degree at a UK or EU university
- Non UK or EU applicants with right to work in the UK are eligible to apply
Postdoctoral Research Fellow – UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX
DNA Replication stress and links to cancer. Contract: fixed term for 2 years initially. Closing date:28 February 2019.
Info here.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow – UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX
Molecular mechanisms of chromosome stability (yeast). Contract: fixed term for 2 years initially. Closing date: 28 February 2019.
Info here.
PostDoc at University of Cambridge
The postdoc will test the importance of self-interactions in integrin function within the fly, to complement biochemical and structural work on the formation and structure of the aggregate's performed by the postdoc in Ben Goult Lab (University of Kent) . The project involves extensive gene-editing followed by phenotypic analysis by advanced microscopy, so experience in molecular biology, fly genetics and development and microscopy will all be useful.
The closing date is 25th February, 2019, and it is available from 1st March.
CRG Summer Internship Programme, Barcelona 2019
The Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) launches the 7th Summer Internship Program to provide undergraduate students and master students the opportunity to conduct summer research at the CRG. The goal of the programme is to encourage students, from any nationality, in the pursuit of a scientific career and to introduce them to an international laboratory experience. The internship will last 2 months and can start from the beginning of June/July to finalize by the end of September 2019, however all summer internship fellows should be at CRG from the 15th to the 19th July 2019 as there will be some specific training provided. Applications received after 14th March 2019 will not be considered.
More info.
Applications are invited for an enthusiastic, motivated individual for a Wellcome Trust funded postdoctoral position in the group of Professor Paul Lehner at the Cambridge Institute of Medical Research on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, University of Cambridge. Applicants should have excellent organisational and communication skills, and work well as part of a team. Funds for this position are available for 3 years in the first instance with an immediate start date. For further details or informal enquires please contact Paul Lehner via email (pjl30cam.ac.uk). Info here.
PostDoc in Ulsan, South Korea
The Center for Genomic Integrity (CGI) of Institute of Basic Science (IBS) at UNIST in Ulsan, Korea invites applications for post-doctoral research associates. The successful applicant will conduct research in the Chemical and Cancer Biology Branch (CCBB). CGI-IBS is a recently established research center belonging to IBS, a national research institute to enable top notch basic science research of Korea, and aims to be one of the leading institutes in the world in the area of DNA repair and genomic integrity. More info
Vedecký pracovník - Oddelenie mikrobiálnej genetiky SAV
ústav: Ústav molekulárnej biológie SAV autor: RNDr. Imrich Barák DrSc. email: imrich.baraksavba.sk kontakt: imrich.barak@savba.sk |
Riaditeľka Ústavu molekulárnej biológie SAV, vypisuje výberové konanie na pozíciu: Informovať sa o pozícii a o vedeckom zameraní je možné aj osobným stretnutím s použitím hore uvedených kontaktných údajov. |
Vienna Biocenter PhD Symposium 2018 - Metamorphosis: Transforming Science
A unique opportunity for students to take part in “Metamorphosis – Transforming Science” for an inspiring discussion about the changes we as scientists will have to make, in order to move to a new chapter of scientific research.
8-9 November 2018 in Vienna BioCenter
Free registration until 15 October 2018. Travel grants for Master students will be available. More >>>
PhD. v odbore biochémia na ÚBGŽ SAV Bratislava
Štúdium fosfolipidov u kvasiniek na ústave Biochemie a genetiky živočíchov SAV v Bratislave. fileadmin/prif/biol/kge/Ponuky/PhD2018-Griac.docx
Two PhD Positions in Cell Signalling and Blood Cancer Research, Ostrava
The Blood Cancer Research Group at the University of Ostrava and University Hospital Ostrava invites applications for two doctoral projects in Cell Signalling and Blood Cancer Research in a 4-year Biology Programme. The research group is a newly established young international team led by experienced scientists with many national and international collaborations and as such provides an attractive training opportunity to start your career in science. Deadline: 11th May 2018.
More info
MD-PhD./PhD. positions in Molecular and Cellular Biology University of Bern
We invite applications for PhD student positions for basic and translational researchoriented projects related to DNA damage response and receptor tyrosine kinases signaling in cancer. Cellular and molecular biology-based assays, omic techniques and animal models will be used for these investigations.
Interested applicants are asked to send their CV along with a short motivation letter and 2-3 references as a single .pdf file to michaela.medovadbmr.unibe.ch.
PhD., MSc pozície Laboratoř genové exprese Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, BIOCEV
Laboratory of Gene Expression is looking for PhD candidates with an expected starting date in spring-summer 2018 (MSc positions are also available). Students will participate on projects focused neurobiology using most current approaches for gene expression analysis.
Laboratory: The Laboratory of Gene Expression is a well-funded research laboratory with an excellent publication track record comprised of researchers with unique scientific expertise. We focus on gene expression studies using a combination of up-to date techniques such as single cell expression profiling and RNA-Seq. The laboratory is located in the new state-of-the-art BIOCEV research center.
Projects: We are running several projects focused on characterization of glial cells (especially astrocytes, NG2 cells, microglia) in different pathophysiological conditions - after ischemic brain injury or in the progression of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). We are also interested in new methods development and their application in interesting biological models, e.g. role of microRNAs and their application as biomarkers in patients with acute spinal cord injury. The projects are solved in collaborations with several laboratories, mainly from Institute of Experimental Medicine, using most current techniques in the field (their implementation is an important part of our work).
Contact: For application please contact Lukáš Valihrach (lukas.valihrachibt.cas.cz).
Pripojte sa k inovátorom na Falling Walls Lab Slovakia 2018
Inšpiratívny a interdisciplinárny formát, ktorý poskytuje priestor na prezentáciu nových výsledkov, myšlienok, výskumných projektov a podnikateľských modelov z najrozmanitejších vedných disciplín a oblastí. Online prihlasovanie je prístupné do 13. mája 2018: http://falling-walls.com/lab/apply Informáciu o prihlásení treba poslať aj na e-mailovú adresu vladimir.kovacuniba.sk
Spomedzi prihlásených porota vyberie finalistov, ktorí budú môcť prezentovať svoje príspevky 31. mája 2018 popoludní v Moyzesovej sieni Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Každý účastník má na svoju prezentáciu presne 3 minúty. Prví traja získajú finančnú odmenu.
Postdoctoral Position at the NIH
Position Title: Postdoctoral Position; Immunology; Host-Microbe Interactions
Position Description: The Immunity and Inflammation Unit, DIR, NIDCR, is recruiting for a postdoctoral candidate to work in the area of Immunology; Host-Microbe interactions. Our program is focused on oral-barrier immunity. Our studies implement a bedside-to-bench approach and aim to understand the mechanisms by which microbial triggers and host elements regulate oral barrier immunity in health and disease. State-of-the-art methodologies are used in human and murine systems are employed for the study of host-microbiome interactions in vivo and in vitro systems.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have a reasonable level of independence, be highly motivated and inquisitive, and will have a strong background in immunology. The candidate must have received a Ph.D. and/or an M.D. or D.D.S degree. The candidate will be supported with the excellent intramural NIH fellowship in a stimulating and interactive research environment at NIH.
To Apply, please e-mail Dr. Moutsopoulos, at nmoutsopmail.nih.gov with the subject line "Postdoctoral Candidate":
- Your curriculum vitae (with bibliography and description of research experience), and
- The contact information for three references.
Disclaimers: The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.
Ph.D. student at the Department of Pathological Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc
Doctoral student positions are available on this topics:
- Molecular basis of sarcoidosis
- miRNAs and inflammatory diseases
- Detection and the role of exosomes in inflammatory pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases
- Personalized medicine –pathophysiological aspects
- The role of genetic factors in development and progression of cardiovascular diseases
- Stability of mRNA in primary cells and the effect of ageing
- The effect of smoking on expression of translation regulating factors
Deadline May 15, 2018. More INFO
PhD positions in Life Sciences (Bio-omics) at CEITEC, Brno
The study of the SMC (Structure Maintenance of Chromosome) complexes, which are the key components of higher‐order chromatin fibers. We focus particularly on assembly and functions of the SMC5/6 complexes (http://www.ncbr.muni.cz/SPEC/) using combination of genetic (fission yeast model), biochemical and bioinformatics methods to get deep insight into SMC5/6 features.
Deadline: March 15, 2018. INFO-poster.
PhD positions in Molecular Life Sciences The Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna
The Max F. Perutz Laboratories provide interdisciplinary PhD training, high‐quality research, a fulltime contract and a competitive salary for outstanding university graduates. The MFPL are situated at the Vienna Biocenter (VBC), a major science hotspot in Europe. Students and scientists benefit from the excellent scientific networks between the research institutes and companies at the VBC.
Deadline: March 8, 2018. INFO-poster.
PostDoc in University of Oxford
The closing date for applications is 12.00 midday on 31 January 2018. Interviews will be held in March 2018.
Súťaž mladých onkológov
Nadácia Výskum Rakoviny v spolupráci s Jesseniovou lekárskou fakultou v Martine a Martinským centrom pre biomedicínu BioMed si Vám dovoľuje oznámiť, že v roku 2018 pri príležitosti 12. Dňa výskumu rakoviny organizuje už 6.ročník Súťaže mladých onkológov v oblasti základného, aplikovaného a klinického onkologického výskumu. Záujemcovia môžu prihlásiť do 15.1.2018 jednak práce experimentálne, klinické, ako aj práce teoretické, vrátane prehľadných (review, state of the art). Prihláška tu.
Forma prezentácie bude prednášková, detaily sú uvedené na pripojenej pozvánke. Súťažiť sa bude v troch kategóriách:
1. študenti stredných škôl (absolvujúci predmet Onkologická výchova, ale nie je podmienkou),
2. študenti vysokých škôl (medicíny, prírodných vied, farmácie ap.)
3. absolventi vysokých škôl do 35 rokov, vrátane PhD. študenti a postdoktorandi.
Cieľom podujatia je umožniť stretnutie mladých nadšencov v oblasti onkologického výskumu a poskytnúť im príležitosť verejne prezentovať svoj záujem a výsledky vedeckej práce v tak dôležitej oblasti, akou je onkológia. Máme snahu motivovať mladých ľudí, aby sa venovali vede a prípadne sa vydali na dráhu výskumného pracovníka. Ponúkame im výnimočnú príležitosť spoznať ďalších mladých ľudí s podobnými záujmami a diskutovať o svojej práci so špičkovými výskumníkmi.
A call for applications for a PhD program, Paris, France
A call for applications for a PhD program in life sciences co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N°666003 (https://enseignement.curie.fr/en/ic3iphd).
12 PhD positions will start on October 1st, 2018 at Institut Curie, in the following research areas : Biology & Chemistry of Radiations, Cell Signaling & Cancer ; Biology, Cancer, Genetics & Epigenetics ; Integrative Tumour Biology, Immunology & Environment ; Multiscale Physics-Biology-Chemistry; and in translationnal research.
Applications have to be sent before January 18th, 2018.
Four postdoctoral or postgraduate positions, BIOCEV, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Four postdoctoral or postgraduate positions on a project funded by ERC will be opened in June 2018.
Position location: BIOCEV, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The whole project in focused on the investigation of eukaryotes without mitochondria (oxymonads; Karnkowska et al, Curr Biol 2016). Major aims are to disclose their metabolism, particularly FeS cluster synthesis, development of tool for their study (axenic cultivation, RNAi, CRISPR/Cas9), examination of other potential amitochondriates (Pelomyxa, Retortamonads) and testing the possibilities of mitochondrial knock-outs is selected anaerobes (Entamoeba, Giardia).
The work on the project will be carried out in the new institute BIOCEV (http://www.biocev.eu/en/) in the laboratory of Vladimir Hampl (http://www.protistologie.cz/hampllab/).
Qualification in cell biology (cell fractionation, immunofluorescence, genetic transformation, RNAi, immunolocalisation, immunoprecipitation, two-hybrid systems), cultivation techniques and genomics (single cell isolation, NGS library preparations, data assembly, genome annotation, methods of comparative genomics) is advantage but enthusiasm and invention are necessary condition.
Contact: vladanatur.cuni.cz
Vienna BioCenter PhD programme
VBC invites applications from motivated and knowledgeable applicants from all over the world. Applicants should hold a Master\'s degree or equivalent from a university in the field of Natural Sciences.
Attached please find the poster, you can find more detailed information on our website: https://www.training.vbc.ac.at/
Práca pre doktoranda/doktorandku - Botanický ústav AV ČR, Průhonice
We seek a bright, highly motivated, and enthusiastic plant biologist with a background in (epi)genetics and and/or population genetics with interest to work both in the laboratory and in field conditions. A high standard of spoken and written English is required, as are good quantitative and analytical capabilities, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, and the ability to work independently, as well as part of a team. More info
Deadline podání přihlášek je 24. listopadu 2017.
Postdoc Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science ponúka 1 voľné miesto pre jedno až dvojročné postdoktorandské stážové pobyty pre vedeckých pracovníkov, ktorí ukončili doktorandské štúdium nie viac ako pred 6 rokmi (k 1.4.2018).
Stážové pobyty sú zamerané na prírodné, technické a spoločenské vedy. JSPS hradí pobytové náklady (spiatočnú letenku, mesačné vreckové vo výške 362,000 jenov, vzniknuté výdavky vo výške 200,000 jenov, cestovné poistenie). Podmienkou úspešnosti návrhu je pozvanie od japonského hostiteľa, ktorému predchádza dlhodobá spolupráca. Paralelnú prihlášku na JSPS podáva japonský hostiteľ.
Termíny podávania prihlášok na Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce Úradu SAV:
- najneskôr tri mesiace pred plánovaným začiatkom pobytu (napríklad pokiaľ chce záujemca nastúpiť od 1.6.2018, podklady treba dodať do 1.3.2018, pokiaľ chce nastúpiť od 1.8.2018, podklady treba dodať do 1.5.2018, atď.)
- konečný termín podávania prihlášok na stážové pobyty so začiatkom od 1.6.2018 do 30.11.2018 je 31.7. 2018
Žiadosti musia obsahovať tieto náležitosti:
- Originál vyplnenej a podpísanej prihlášky z JSPS (Postdoc Application Form for 2018)
- Prílohy:
a) originál pozývacieho listu od japonskej inštitúcie
b) originál odporúčacieho listu od terajšieho, resp. predchádzajúceho zamestnávateľa
c) kópia PhD. diplomu (diplom nemusí byť oficiálne preložený) alebo - pokiaľ k dňu podania žiadosti titul PhD. ešte nebol udelený - list od vysielajúcej inštitúcie uchádzača s uvedením presného dátumu, kedy mu bude titul PhD. udelený.
Všetky dokumenty musia byť v angličtine, resp. v japončine. Odbor medzinárodnej spolupráce zašle prihlášku na JSPS a bude informovať uchádzačov o výsledkoch výberového konania. Formuláre si môžete stiahnuť aj elektronicky, z nižšie uvedenej adresy (formuláre nájdete v dolnej časti načítanej stránky):
Bližšie informácie Vám poskytne na odbore medzinárodnej spolupráce Mgr. František Fundárek, CSc.
Viac informácií na: www.sav.sk/index.php
V prípade podávania žiadosti súvisiacej s hore uvedenou výzvou, kontaktujte prosím Projektový útvar BMC SAV.
Mgr. Erika Hlavatá
projektová manažérka
Právno – organizačný úsek
Biomedicínske centrum SAV
Dúbravská cesta 9
845 05 Bratislava
02/593 02 402
Štipendium DBU v Nemeckej spolkovej republike pre absolventov Mgr.
Štipendium poskytuje Nemecká spolková nadácia pre životné prostredie - Deutsche Bundesstiftung für Umwelt (DBU) a je určené pre všetkých absolventov Mgr. a Ing. stupňa štúdia na univerzitách a vysokých školách s akýmkoľvek zameraním. Podmienkou je zameranie/špecializácia/záujem na/o environmentálne problémy (prírodné, technické, spoločenské vedy, medicína, ekonomika....).
Štipendium umožní záujemcom zo SR 6-12 mesačný pobyt v Nemecku a to vo firme, výskumnom ústave, na univerzite...Toto štipendium predstavuje pre absolventov našej fakulty reálnu šancu získať jedinečné a neoceniteľné odborné pracovné skúsenosti v zahraničí a tým zvýšiť ich uplatniteľnosť na trhu práce v SR. Prihlášku môžu poslať i študenti, ktorí ukončia Mgr., Ing. štúdium najneskôr do 30.7.2017 a všetci absolventi z posledných troch rokov.
Online prihlášky je možné podávať od 1.5.2017 do 31.7.2017. Nástup na stáž je od 1.2.2018.
Dňa 14.3.2016 o 14,00 hod. sa bude konať na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UK, Ilkovičova 6, Mlynská dolina, v Bratislave, miestnosť CPS+ krátky workshop o týchto štipendiách. Budú tu i bývalí štipendisti DBU, ktorí radi zodpovedia na všetky otázky.
Voľné miesto rastlinný genetik, Lesnícke centrum Zvolen, prac. Gabčíkovo
Voľné pracovné miesto: vedecko-výskumné práce a ich zabezpečovanie (Genetika) v oblasti genetiky drevín a rastlín. Žiadosť treba podať do 31.1.2017. Viac info.
Ph.D. student at Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budejovice
Ph.D. PROJECT: Investigation of the origin of adenosine as a selfish signal used by immune cells to gain energy from the rest of the organism.
We are looking for highly motivated candidates with background in experimental biology, preferentially in molecular genetics, cellular biology or biochemistry, interested in basic research using Drosophila melanogaster as a model for fundamental biological problems. Student would optimally start during the first half of 2017. More info.
PhD Student Position, BIOCEV, Vestec
PhD Student Position: The role of protein friction in the dynamics of cytoskeletal filaments. BIOCEV. Institute of Biotechnology, CAS, Průmyslová 595, 25242 Vestec, Czech Republic
Laboratoř anoxygenních fototrofů, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR Třeboň hledá PhD studenta
Laboratoř anoxygenních fototrofů, Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR Třeboň hledá PhD studenta pro výzkum ekologického významu nově objevené skupiny Gemmatimonadetes. Více informací naleznete v tu >>> a na http://www.alga.cz/c-370-laborator-anoxygennich-fototrofu.html
Volné místo pro Ph.D. a diplomové studenty pro rok 2016/17 v oboru molekulární biologie regulace proteosyntézy
We seek one or two ambitious, well-trained and skillful Ph.D. student(s) to address several important questions in the field of translational control.
Leos Shivaya Valasek, Ph.D., Laboratory of Regulation of Gene Expression, Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Videnska 1083, 142 20, Prague 4
Viac info >>>
A postdoctoral research scientist position is available immediately in the laboratory of Transgenic Models of Diseases & Transgenic Unit at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i., BIOCEV in Vestec (near Prague), Czech Republic. We undertake various approaches to understand the function of several E3 ubiquitin ligases by using mouse models with their potential to be instrumental for the study of the disease mechanisms, particularly cancer and inflammatory diseases. More info >>>.
PhD student position in DNA damage signaling
The laboratory of Dr. Pavel Janscak at the Institute of Molecular Cancer Research of the University of Zurich: the study of molecular mechanisms underlying the cellular response to DNA replication stress. Candidates should hold a Master's degree in Biochemistry or Molecular Biology and should be highly motivated for basic biomedical research. Experience in the field of DNA damage signaling/repair will be advantage. More info >>>.
PhD Position in the VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent, Belgium
The Jacobs Lab at PSB will start its activities on September 1st 2016 and is looking to recruit 1 PhD student funded by PSB. The lab is focused on the development and optimization of genome editing in plant systems, primarily with the use of CRISPR.
Deadline: The position is available from September 19th, 2016 and applications will be considered until the position has been filled. INFO >>>
The Dept. of Plant Systems Biology belongs to the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) and the Ghent University (UGent), both equal opportunity employers.
PhD. štúdium na Katedre biochémie PRIF UK
Ponúkame Vám možnosť spolu s nami spoznávať bacila, ktorý spôsobuje tuberkulózu a možno odhaliť informácie užitočné pre hľadanie nových účinnejších liečiv. INFO
Two PhD fellowships in Hematology/ CEITEC Brno
PhD fellowship program 2016/2017 granted by Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University in Brno/ Department of Internal Medicine – Hematology and Oncology (IHOK).
- Study of molecular genetic changes in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) using next generation sequencing and digital PCR methods.
- Study of heterogeneity of mutant clones in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients using next generation sequencing methods.
Deadline for enrollment to PhD program is 30th April 2016
PhD Student / Postdoc Position - Institute of Biotechnology, CAS, Vestec, Czech rep.
Mechanical coupling between microtubules and actin filaments mediated by molecular motors. Viac info >>>.
Vienna Biocenter Summer School - Open for Applications Now - Calling for Slovak Applicants!
The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides a unique opportunity for approx. 20 undergraduate students to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment. Deadline: 31 January2016
Applicants who are successful are provided with accommodation, a travel allowance and a stipend for the duration of the scholarship.
Viac info >>>.
PhD study - Genome stability - Dunn School, University of Oxford
DPhil (PhD) positions available through competitively funded BBSRC, Wellcome
Trust and departmental studentships - deadlines 8th & 22nd January 2016.
PhD In Biology - Vienna Biocenter
Vienna Biocenter is looking for motivated and knowledgeable students, who are passionate about Science. 4-year fully funded positions in an amazing campus that fosters excellent science
- Learn from the experts: research groups at the forefront of science.
- Vibrant scientific atmosphere: numerous seminars, workshops, symposia.
- Supreme scientific infrastructure: virtually all experiments are possible!
- Multidisciplinary and international community
- Opportunities for career development
Bring your questions and put your curiosity to work!
Visit a website for more information:
Deadline: November 15, 2015
Post-doc - Univ. of Gothenburg - surrogate genetics of salt tolerance
Post-doc position (2 years) in a lab regarding Surrogate genetics of salt tolerance. A key component of this project is the heterologous expression of various alleles from marine organisms in yeast for their functional characterization. Genes/alleles of interest will be those with a link to salt tolerance, e.g. Na+/ion pumps, proline metabolism, and aquaporins. It is required good experience with yeast genetics, DNA technology and yeast phenomics. Deadline for application: 30.9.2015. More information.
PhD Fellowships 2015-2016 - The University of Lausanne, Switzerland
The PhD Fellowships 2015-2016.
If you are interested or if you know someone who would be interested in taking part, please click on the following link for more information: www.unil.ch/fbm-phd
Deadline for applications: October 26, 2015.
Výskumu neurogenézy - zastupovanie počas materskej dov.
Hľadáme pracovníka pre oblasť výskumu neurogenézy (tvorby nových neurónov) v dospelom mozgu a naučenej vokálnej komunikácie. Môže to byť skončený doktorand alebo magister, prednostne s biologickým vzdelaním. Pri riešení úloh bude využívať techniky, ako je napríklad stereotaxická mikrochirurgia mozgu, MRI, alebo molekulárne techniky na značenie mRNA a proteínov. Jedná sa o zastupovanie počas materskej dovolenky (3-5 rokov) s nástupom začiatkom roka 2016.
Kontakt: Mgr. Ľubica Niederová, PhD., Ústav biochémie a genetiky živočíchov SAV, Moyzesova 61, 90021 Ivanka pri Dunaji
02/4594 3232
Štipendium DBU do Nemeckej spolkovej republiky pre absolventov Mgr. stupňa štúdia
Možnosť získať štipendium DBU do Nemeckej spolkovej republiky pre absolventov Mgr. a Ing. stupňa štúdia. Štipendium poskytuje Nemecká spolková nadácia pre životné prostredie -
Deutsche Bundesstiftung für Umwelt (DBU) a je určené pre všetkých absolventov Mgr. a Ing. stupňa štúdia na univerzitách a vysokých školách s akýmkoľvek zameraním. Podmienkou je zameranie/špecializácia/záujem na/o environmentálne problémy (prírodné, technické, spoločenské vedy, medicína, ekonomika....).
Štipendium umožní záujemcom zo SR 6-12 mesačný pobyt v Nemecku a to vo firme, výskumnom ústave, na univerzite. Toto štipendium predstavuje pre absolventov našej fakulty reálnu šancu získať jedinečné a neoceniteľné odborné pracovné skúsenosti v zahraničí a tým zvýšiť ich uplatniteľnosť na trhu práce v SR.
Informácie môžete nájsť aj na stránkach https://www.dbu.de/1460.html.
Online prihlášky je možné podávať od 1.5.2015 do 1.8.2015. Nástup na stáž bude od 1.2.2016. Prihlášku môžu poslať i študenti, ktorí ukončia Mgr., Ing. štúdium najneskôr do 30.7.2015.
Dňa 10.3.2015 o 14,00 hod. sa bude konať na PriFUK v miestnosti CPS+ krátky seminár o tomto štipendiu. Vstup je voľný.
- možnosť 1-2 ročných stáží na top svetovej biomedicínskej inštitúcii JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, BALTIMORE, USA (doteraz realizovaných 10 pobytov mladých vedeckých pracovníkov).
1.Sensory nerve structure-function studies by multiphoton imaging.
2. Molecular determinants of sensory nerve phenotypes.
3. Optogenetic modulation of detection of pain stimuli by sensory nerves
Ďalšie informácie
Master of Genetic Fellowship in Paris
Interested candidates should contact the program director Prof Zider Alain as early as possible. To apply for the fellowship, download the application form and send it before March 31th. A list of short-listed applicants will be available in April.
Open PhD positions at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v. v. i.
Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR vypisuje PhD témy.
Online application deadline 1. 3. 2015
PhD interviews 12. 3. 2015
Pokyny tu >>> a na webe ústavu.
1 PhD position - Hans Knöll Institute, Jena, Germany
The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute
1 PhD position in the field of Microbiology / Infection Biology / Cellular Microbiology. The project will be associated to the research project “FunComPath - From colonization to infection: dissection of the commensal-to-pathogen shift of Candida albicans” within the European Infect ERA Program.
Ďalšie informácie