Kurz Plant Cell, Developmental, and Molecular Biology

Milí kolegovia a študenti,

v mene Katedry fyziologie rastlín si Vas dovolujem pozvat na zaujimavy kurz Plant Cell, Developmental, and Molecular Biology, ktory prednesie celosvetovo vyznamny vyskumnik v oblasti rastlinnej biologie - prof. Philip J. White (James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland):



Kurz sa bude konat v dnoch 1. - 3. aprila 2019 v miestnosti CPS plus - B1-322, PRIF UK v BA.

Zacina sa v pondelok 01. 04. 2019 o 10:00, kde bude oznameny aj detailny itinerar kurzu.


Dear colleagues and students,

On behalf of the Department of Plant Physiology I would like to invite you to enjoy the interesting course „Plant Cell, Developmental, and Molecular Biology“. The course will be lectured by world known researcher in the field of plant biology - prof. Philip J. White (James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland):



The course will be held in the period of 1st – 3rd April, 2019 starting on Monday at 10:00 in the room B1-322 (CPS-plus), Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava (where detailed itinerary will be announced).

Michal Martinka
Head of the Department
Department of Plant Physiology
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Comenius University in Bratislava
Mlynská dolina
Ilkovičova 6
842 15 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


Plagát  [.pdf]    [.jpg]