2017/04/25 Prednáška Ekologického krúžku
Katedra ekológie Vás srdečne pozýva 25.apríla (utorok) o 16:00 hod. v miestnosti CPS+ na ďalšiu prednášku v rámci Ekologického krúžku GAIA, kde privítame zahraničného prednášajúceho prof. Simonovića z Univerzity v Belehrade.
Prednáška bude v anglickom jazyku.
TÉMA: "Autochthonous Brown Trout (Salmo cf. trutta) in the Western Balkans: Implications for Conservation and Fishery"
DÁTUM: 25.4.2017 o 16:00 hod.
MIESTO: PriF UK v miestnosti CPS+ (B1-322)
Western Balkans is one of the biodiversity hotspots and homes the great variety of trout taxa, with the high degree od endemism in them, coming from dynamic history of that area and of trout taxa living there. That great variety combined with the recently occuring instability of the species concept holds back the consistent resolving of their taxonomic status, which would greatly enhance their conservation.
Nevertheless, in addition to the traditional classification and classical taxonomic characters, the contemporary widely used molecular characters provide a new and useful information that help in understanding of the great diversity in various trout taxa as described so far. That provides a starting point for implementation of finer conservation-friendly activities in the management of attractive trout fisheries.
Following that knowledge could avoid the mistakes made previously by insufficiently controlled stockings with the domesticated, hatchery reared strains of brown trout in the conservtionally significant brown and marble trout stocks.
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