FTYRW, Bratislava 2012
First TOPO-EUROPE Young Researcher Workshop (FTYRW)
28 – 30 April 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia
Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava
The FTYRW should be a place where TOPO-EUROPE Young Researchers can express their problems freely and help each other as well as build up an independent network. The idea is to strengthen the relationships among them as well as to have space and time to understand the basics of the very different methods/techniques that they use in Earth Sciences nowadays. This is in contrast to the ordinary scientific state-of-the-art presentations/posters contributions, giving them both, a relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to focus exclusively on topics/problems in which they are interested.
The maximum number of participants will be 40. Expenses will be covered by the ESF. Funding will be available for young researchers involved in the TOPO-EUROPE EUROCORES Programme.
Main organizer
Professor Sierd Cloetingh, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Tectonics Group, 3508TA Utrecht Netherlands, Tel: 0031 634109420, Email: d.fernadez (at) vu.nl; CRP: 07-TOPO-EUROPE-FP-013 / Continental plateaus and tectonics-climate interactions (VAMP) (Project Leader)
The workshop's website
E-mail contact of the Organising Committee
contact (at) young-topo-europe.eu