2017/04/28 Prednáška A web-system of virtual morphometric globes
Katedra fyzickej geografie a geoekológie PriF UK v Bratislave
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popredného predstaviteľa ruskej geomorfometrickej školy
Dr. Igor V. Florinsky
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia)
A web-system of virtual morphometric globes
piatok 28. apríla 2017 o 14:30 hod.
zasadačka katedry (B1-444)
Research interests
· Digital terrain modelling and geomorphometry
· Interrelationships between topography, soils, and tectonics
· Influence of geological environment on humans, society, and civilization