2024/04 - Pozvaná prednáška: Ing. Guillaume Voyard

Seminar series - Department of Inorganic Chemistry

Kedy: Piatok 26.4.2024 o 11h00
Kde: Knižnica katedry (CH2-213)


Liquid chromatography is a widely used analytical method for separating, identifying, and quantifying compounds in a liquid mixture. The separation of the sample compounds is based on their affinity for a stationary phase and a mobile phase.

The Chromatography Analytical Platform at ICCF provides cutting-edge expertise in chemical compounds analysis through liquid chromatography. Equipped with advanced technologies such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Ion Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (IC-MS), the service offers precise and reliable analytical solutions for a wide variety of applications (pharmaceutical chemistry, environmental chemistry, materials chemistry, etc.). It also provides training and consultations to assist researchers in optimizing protocols and interpreting data. The Chromatography Analytical Platform at ICCF is recognized as a trusted partner for high-quality research and analysis projects.

In the present talk, I will introduce theoretical and technical aspects accompanied by concrete study examples, where you will appreciate the commitment to scientific excellence and the perfect scientific alignment between the research groups of ICCF and FNS CU Bratislava.

Invitation [.pdf]



Olivier Monfort - Associate Professor
PI - MR2P lab, M² group
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava
Ilkovicova 6, Mlynska Dolina, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia
Office: +421 2 9014 2141 ; Cellphone: +421 951 673 858