CEMBO Workshop, Slovakia – 28th June-1st July
Dear all,
We are cordially inviting you to participate in Workshop ” Conventional and alternative approaches combating antimicrobial resistance”
held in Hotel Sorea Trigan, Štrbské Pleso, the most famous mountains in Slovakia, High Tatras.
The date of the conference is 28th June – 1st July 2023.
The topic covers all aspects of antimicrobial resistance.
The workshop is organized under project CEMBO in cooperation with the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology.
Registration fee is 130 EUR (accommodation 3 nights in a double room, half-board, coffee breaks, social events, workshop materials)
The number of participants is strictly limited, so please register as soon as possible.
On behalf of the organizing committee
prof. Helena Bujdáková, PhD.
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Email: prif.kmv@uniba.sk
Telefón/ Fax: 02/602 96 480
Pavilón B2
web SK fns.uniba.sk/kmv
web EN fns.uniba.sk/en/kmv
Facebook: hľadaj - Katedra Mikrobiológie a Virológie, PrifUK
Správca katedrovej webovej stránky
doc. RNDr. Peter Kabát, CSc.
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