Prírodovedecká fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Mustafa GHULAM

Publikačná činnosť - výber

- publikácie (v EPČ UK)

Ghulam Mustafa, et al. (2019): Evaluation of Dominant Allelopathic Weed through Examining the Allelopathic Effects of Four Weeds on Germination and Seedling Growth of Six Crops Journal: Pakistan Journal of Botany ,Year: 2019 ,Volume/Issue: 51(1) DOI: 10.30848/PJB2019-1(22)

Zeeshan Ahmed Solangi, Ghulam Mustafa, Yanmei Yao, Zhang Yani, Taj Muhammad, Qurban Ali Rattar, Shoaib Tahir, , and Dezhi Du (please provide the year): QTL Mapping for Seed Weight and Seed Yield-Related Traits in Oil-Seed Crop Rapeseed (Brassica sp.) Journal: International Journal of Advance Agricultural Research, ISSN: 2053-1265, Volume/Issue: Vol. 9(4), Pages: 51-60, Publication Date: September 2021, DOI: 10.33500/ijaar.2021.

Dr. Aman Ullah, Prof. Li Kun Zheng, Dr. Zhang Zheng Ping, Dr. Wen Shengbao, Dr. Wu Bin Jie, Dr. Guo Yan Jun, Ghulam Mustafa (2019): Prediction of Motor Outcome Using DTI, in Patients with Haemorrhagic Stroke in Basal Ganglia, Caused by Hypertension,  Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences , CODEN : IAJPBB ,issn 2349-7750, DOI:


(zoznam aktuálnych projektov, na ktorých zamestnanec participuje):

2024-2028  PhD program topic: Environmental technologies for seed priming in relation to ecological stress 

2024-2026 09I03-03-V03-00033: Environmentálne aplikácie elektrických výbojov pre čistenie vody, ovzdušia a poľnohospodárstvo (Environmental applications of electrical discharges for water, air cleaning, and agriculture) (riešiteľ/solver) 

2023-2026 VEGA: Cestná sieť ako líniový prvok pre migráciu a šírenie organizmov v podmienkach prebiehajúcej zmeny klímy [Road network as a linear element for the migration and spreading of organisms in the context of ongoing climate change] (riešiteľ/solver)

Výskum a jeho aplikácia

I specialize in Nature-Based Solutions, Environmental Protection, and Seed Germination. With a keen interest in broad treatments for seed protection and germination, my research aims to contribute to sustainable solutions. My work spans across diverse roles, including teaching, academic management, and extensive experience in agriculture.