2018/11/29-30 Konferencia ESSEWECA
11. konferencia ESSEWECA
29.-30. november 2018
Miesto konania: Vedecký park Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave
Detaily konferencie: http://esseweca.geopaleo.sk/
Kontakt: essewecageoklub.sk
The biannual ESSEWECA conferences are devoted to the environmental, sedimentary, stratigraphic and structural evolution of the Western Carpathians, together with the Pannonian domain and related Alpine orogenic zones. The meeting should bring new possibilities for interregional correlation of the paleo-biologic, paleo-climatic and paleo-tectonic events as well. Presentation of new results and ideas concerning the fundamental questions of the structural pattern and evolution of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic systems during the Paleoalpine and Neoalpine evolutionary stages and the tectonic control on sedimentation and basin development should be the main goals of talks. The relationship of the magmatism and tectonics is also one of the critical points of the existing and new models of geodynamic development. Reconstructions of tectonic evolution of the lithosphere (tracked by geophysical, geochemical, and petrological methods) support the models of ALCAPA, Tisza-Dacia and other related domains as well as their paleogeography in a micro-continental or continental scale during the Mesozoic to Cenozoic eras.
We invite you to the 11th ESSEWECA conference which will be held in the conference rooms of the Science Park of the Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia) in dates 29th – 30th November 2018.
A special emphasis will be given to the structural evolution and tectonics of the Western Carpathian realm this year. Sessions of oral presentations and poster presentations will be opened.
The conference is under the auspices and financial support of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO.
Organizátor konferencie:
Geologický klub, Bratislava
s podporou Slovenskej Geologickej Spoločnosti
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scienctific and Cultural Organization
Konferencia je pod záštitou a finančnou podporou Slovenskej komisie pre UNESCO.
Vedecká garancia konferencie:
Katedra geológie a paleontológie, Prírodovedecká fakulta,
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Odborní garanti:
Prof. RNDr. Daniela Reháková, CSc.
Prof. RNDr. Dušan Plašienka, DrSc.
Prof. RNDr. Michal Kováč, DrSc.
Organizačný výbor:
RNDr. Michal Šujan, PhD.
Mgr. Tamás Csibri
Mgr. Margaréta Gregáňová
Mgr. Péter Kiss
Mgr. Samuel Rybár, PhD.
Download - Stiahnite si súbory
2018-ESSEWECA [.doc] [.odt] [.pdf] [.jpg]
2018-ESSEWECA program A4 [.pdf]
2018-ESSEWECA poster list A4 professionals [.pdf]
2018-ESSEWECA poster list A4 students [.pdf]
2018-ESSEWECA-posters [.doc]
2018-ESSEWECA-program [.doc]