Life Water and Health
Final project report LIFE 17/ENV/SK/000036
Na stiahnutie: pdf
GEOCHEMIA 2023 - scientific conference
26.-28. April 2023, Stará Lesná - Vysoké Tatry
Prezentations for download (only in Slovak):
Change in vascular elasticity depending on the content Ca and Mg in drinking water
How many ICD diagnoses are affected by the content of Ca and Mg in drinking water
GEOCHEMIA 2023 - Proceeding of scientific works
Paper for download (only in Slovak):
Change in vascular elasticity depending on the content Ca and Mg in drinking water
How many ICD diagnoses are affected by the content of Ca and Mg in drinking water
The final monograph of the project (Action D.2)
Title of monograph:
Improving of health status of inhabitants of the Slovak Republic through drinking water re-carbonization
Final monograph online (only Slovak): PDF
In the Slovak version was published in both a printed version and an online version .
Action B.7 Instalation of two prototypes for water re-carbonization into continuos operation
Results of continuous operation of installed water recarbonation prototypes
Download: pdf
Action C.1 Monitoring of Ca and Mg of the in re-carbonized drinking water sources
Short report: Monitoring the content of Ca and Mg in two water sources with recarbonation of drinking water (18 months after the start of recarbonation)
Download (only in Slovak): pdf
Action C.2 Monitoring of the health impacts of the project actions
Short report: Results of measurements of arterial stiffness after enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg_2
Download (only in Slovak): pdf
Economic newspaper (Action D.1)
17. December 2023
Article online (only in Slovak): Do you know which minerals rejuvenate us and protect our heart?
Action B.7 Replicitability and Transferability Plan
Replicitability and Transferability Plan
Download: (pdf)
Action D.2 Dissemination of research findings and knowledge transfer among scientific community and concened authorities
Recommendation of the proposal for the inclusion of calcium and magnesium among the regulated parameters in the Drinking Water Directive and national regulations for drinking water
Download: (pdf) (Action D.1)
7. December 2022
Article online (only in Slovak): Do you know which minerals rejuvenate us and protect our heart?
E. Project management
Action E.1 Project administration, management and planing
E.1.2 After-LIFE Plan Including Exploitation Plan
Na stiahnutie: (pdf)
Bachelor theses, 2022 (Action D.2)
Title of bachelor's thesis:
Influence of deficient Ca and Mg contents in drinking water on the health status of the population of the Slovak Republic
Bachelor thesis to download (only in Slovak): PDF
Title of bachelor's thesis:
The impact of deficient Ca and Mg contents in drinking water on cardiovascular diseases and elasticity of blood vessels of the population of Slovak Republic
Bachelor thesis to download (only in Slovak): PDF
Radio Regina West (10:12) / Health (Action D.1)
2. December 2022
(only in Slovak) relation: Calcium and magnesium in water
Final meeting for residents of Kokava nad Rimavicou municipality (Action D.1)
23. November 2022
Objective: meeting with the residents of Kokava nad Rimavicou, presentation of the results of the LIFE - WATER and HEALTH project, communication through questionnaires.
Sorry, the whole article is only in Slovak.
Final meeting for residents of Devičie municipality (Action D.1)
14. November 2022
Objective: meeting with the residents of Devičie, presentation of the results of the LIFE - WATER and HEALTH project, communication through questionnaires.
Sorry, the whole article is only in Slovak.
Action D.1 - Dissemination management and communication activities for general public and stakeholders
The layman report on the LIFE - WATER and HEALTH project is available for download: Layman report EN
PROCESSES, 2022 (Aktivita D.2)
Paper title:
Design, Scale-Up, and Construction of Drinking Water Recarbonization Fluidized Bed Reactor System
Paper for download: PDF
On October 10 – 14, 2022, members of the research team actively participated in the international SEGH conference, where they presented the project results.
Presentations for download:
Abstracts presentations for download:
abstract_Cveckova-Rapant_37SEGH_Kenya 2022
abstract_Rapant et al_37SEGH_Kenya 2022
Photogallery excursion - Rosterman artisanal mine
Final conference within the project LIFE - WATER and HEALTH (Action D.2)
10. November 2022
(only in Slovak)
26. – 28. 09. 2022, Nový Smokovec
On September 26. 09-28. 09, 2022, members of the research team actively participated in the scientific and professional conference with international participation “Životné podmienky a zdravie“, organized by the Slovak Society of Hygienists, where they presented the project.
27. September 2022
Title of the article (only in Slovak): Ordinary water has become miraculous, it prolongs life ((The result of the experiment surprised even the scientists themselves) )
Headlines TV Markíza (19:30) action D.1
27. august 2022
(only in Slovak) relation: Breakthrough discovery of Slovak scientists. They discovered something like the elixir of youth.
(only in Slovak) relation: They changed the water in the village.
Action C.4 Monitoring of the LIFE -cycle assessment
Short report (only in Czech) - Environmental assessment of drinking water recarbonization reactors for a water source in the village of Devičie and in the village of Kokava nad Rimavicou
Download: (pdf)
Information meeting for water managers at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source (Action D.1)
14. June 2022
Objective of meeting: Presentation of a recarbonization reactor for drinking water treatment at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source. The presentation was attended by 35 participants.
DRINKING WATER 2022 (Action D.2)
Proceeding of scientific works
Paper title:
Enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg, Devičie
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
Názov článku:
The influence of the chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water on the health status of the Slovak Republic
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
Názov článku:
Health status of the population of the Slovak Republic depending on the different water hardness
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
Professional conference DRINKING WATER 2022 (Action D.2)
23.-26. May 2022, Tábor, Czech Republic
The members of the research team participated in the professional conference DRINKING WATER 2022, where presented partial results of the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Rapant-Cveckova Enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg, Devicie
Information meeting for environmentalists at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source (Action D.2)
9. May 2022
Objective of meeting: Presentation of a recarbonization reactor for drinking water treatment at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source. The presentation was attended by 35 participants.
Paper title:
Enrichment of drinking water with Ca a Mg by a fluidized bed recarbonization reactor: a case study of Devičie, Slovak Republic
Paper for download PDF
Workshop 2022 (action B. 3)
8. April 2022, Senec
Sorry, the presentation and complete programme of the workshop are available only Slovak language.
GEOCHEMIA 2021 (Action D. 2)
06. - 07. April 2022, Senec
The members of the research team participated in the scientific conference GEOHÉMIA 2021, where they presented partial results of the project.
for download (only in Slovak):
Rapant_et_al_Enrichment with Ca and Mg_Devičie
Cveckova_et_al_poster_Differences in the arterial age of the population
TV Regina (16:30) (Aktivita D.1)
1. February 2022
(only in Slovak) relation: In Kokava nad Rimavicou they drink healthier water
III. Meeting of the Steering Committee
January 2022
Project prezentation (only in Slovak):(pdf)
Action C. 1 Monitoring of Ca and Mg of the in re-carbonized drinking water sources
Short report: Monitoring of Ca and Mg content in two water sources with recarbonization of drinking water (six months after the start of recarbonization)
Download (only in Slovak): (pdf)
Scientific proceedings. (Action D.2)
Paper title:
Recarbonization of Drinking Water, Case Study Devičie, Slovak Republic
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
Proceedings of scientific works. (Action D.2)
Paper title:
Differences in the arterial age of the population depending on the different water hardness
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
Paper title:
Enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg in the municipality of Devičie
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
12. July 2021
Article online (only in Slovak): Slovensko je veľmocou minerálnych vôd
Action B.4 Biomonitoring
(only in Slovak) A short report – Measurement of elasticity (stiffness) of vessels in villages with different water hardness
Download: (pdf)
Scientific seminar of the Cambel Days 2021 (Activity D.2)
Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
From 7 to 9 September 2021, the members of the research team participated in the scientific seminar "Survey and research of the geological environment - new knowledge, opportunities and challenges", where they presented partial results of the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Differences in arterial age in municipalities with different water hardness
Recarbonization of drinking water in the village of Devičie
Monitoring report on the project activity - August 2021 (Action E. 1)
Download: Monitoring report (only in Slovak)
NEWS TA3 (19:00), Action D.1
8. August 2021
(only in Slovak) relation: Residents of Kokava nad Rimavicou will drink healthier water. They put the recarbonization reactor into operation.
Action B.6 Instalation of two prototypes into testing operation
Commissioning of the recarbonization reactor at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source into temporary operation - 12 July 2021
DRINKING WATER 2020 - 2021
Tábor, Czech Republic
(only in Slovak) DRINKING WATER 2020 - 2021.pdf
Papers from the 15th PITNÁ VODA conference (electronic proceeding)
Action B.6 Instalation of two prototypes into testing operation
Commissioning of the fluid recarbonization reactor at the Devičie water source - June 25, 2021
Headlines TV Markíza (19:30) Action D.1
28. June 2021
(only in Slovak) relation: They will drink healthier water
Headlines TV Markíza (19:30) Action D.1
4. June 2021
(only in Slovak) relation: They measured of arterial stiffness
The First Television News TV Markíza (17:00) Action D.1
4. June 2021
(only in Slovak) relation: They measured of arterial stiffness
Action B.6 Instalation of two prototypes into testing operation
(only in Slovak) Photovoltaic system for water source in the village Devičie and for water source in the village Kokava nad Rimavicou
Download: (pdf)
Action B.5 Construction of prototypes
(only in Slovak) Technical documentation for the production of equipment for the recarbonization of drinking water at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source
Download: (pdf)
Action D. 1 - Dissemination management and communication activities for general public and stakeholders
Evaluation of questionnaires on the awareness of the citizens of the village Devičie and the village Kokava nad Rimavicou about the recarbonization of the water source of drinking water in their village for the purpose of enrichment with calcium and magnesium (only in Slovak)
Download: (pdf)
Proceedings of scientific works. (Action D.2)
Paper title:
Risk analysis for deficit essential elements.
Paper for download (only in Slovak): PDF
II. Meeting of the Steering Committee
3. December 2020
Project prezentation (only in Slovak):(pdf)
Action B.4 Biomonitoring
(only in Slovak) A short report – Methodology and results of measurements of arterial stiffness
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) A short report – Evaluation of chemical analyses of localy grown vegetable
Download: (pdf)
MY Zvolensko-podpolianske noviny
13. - 19. October 2020
Article PDF (only in Slovak):Úmrtnosť majú vyššiu ako priemer
Article online (only in Slovak): Mortality rates are higher than average
Mid-term Report
October 2020
download: pdf