On October 10 – 14, 2022, members of the research team actively participated in the international SEGH conference, where they presented the project results.
Presentations for download:
Abstracts presentations for download:
abstract_Cveckova-Rapant_37SEGH_Kenya 2022
abstract_Rapant et al_37SEGH_Kenya 2022
Photo gallery excursion - Rosterman artisanal mine
26. – 28. 09. 2022, Nový Smokovec
On September 26. 09-28. 09, 2022, members of the research team actively participated in the scientific and professional conference with international participation “Životné podmienky a zdravie“, organized by the Slovak Society of Hygienists, where they presented the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Professional conference DRINKING WATER 2022 (Action D.2)
23.-26. May 2022, Tábor, Czech Republic
The members of the research team participated in the professional conference DRINKING WATER 2022, where presented partial results of the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak/Czech):
Rapant-Cveckova Enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg, Devicie
František Kožíšek, Why should drinking water be neither too soft nor too hard
GEOCHEMIA 2021 (Action D. 2)
06. - 07. April 2022, Senec
The members of the research team participated in the scientific conference GEOHÉMIA 2021, where they presented partial results of the project.
for download (only in Slovak):
Rapant_et_al_Enrichment with Ca and Mg_Devičie
Cveckova_et_al_poster_Differences in the arterial age of the population
Scientific seminar of the Cambel Days 2021 (Activity D.2)
Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
From 7 to 9 September 2021, the members of the research team participated in the scientific seminar "Survey and research of the geological environment - new knowledge, opportunities and challenges", where they presented partial results of the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Differences in arterial age in municipalities with different water hardness
Recarbonization of drinking water in the village of Devičie
DRINKING WATER 2020 - 2021
Tábor, Czech Republic
(only in Slovak) DRINKING WATER 2020 - 2021.pdf
Papers from the 15th PITNÁ VODA conference (electronic proceeding)
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Rapant - Effect of hardness of drinking water on the arterial stiffness of the population.pdf
University lecture - Man as a part of nature
2. October 2020 Prif UK Bratislava
Prezentácia na stiahnutie: Rapant october 2020
GEOCHEMIA 2019 (action D.2)
Paper contribution to the conference organized in 03. – 04. December 2019, Častá - Papiernička, Slovak Republic.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak): Differences in health status of inhabitants depending on different hardness of drinking water - different geological environment
Photo gallery:
International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition, Roma, Italy (action D. 2)
On October 23 – 25, 2019, members of the research team actively participated in the International Conference on Food Science and Nutrition (Magnus Corpus), where they presented the project.
Presentations for download:
Hard Water – More Elastic Arteries, A Case Study from Krupina District, Slovakia
Impact of calcium and magnesium in drinking water on the health of inhabitants of the Slovak Republic
Abstracts presentations for download:
Photo gallery:
XXVII. scientific and professional conference with international participation ŽIVOTNÉ PODMIENKY A ZDRAVIE (action D2)
23. – 25. september 2019, Nový Smokovec
On September 23 – 25, 2019, members of the research team actively participated in the scientific and professional conference with international participation “Životné podmienky a zdravie“, organized by the Slovak Society of Hygienists, where they presented the project.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak):
Vplyv potenciálne toxických prvkov na zdravotný stav obyvateľov Slovenskej republiky (prednáška 1)
Rozdiely v zdravotnom stave obyvateľov v závislosti od rôznej tvrdosti vody (prednáška 2)
LIFE – WATER and HEALTH (poster)
Photo gallery:
35nd International SEGH conference, Manchester, United Kingdom (action D2)
On July 1 – 5, 2019, members of the research team actively participated in the international SEGH conference, where they presented the project.
Presentations for download:
LIFE – WATER and HEALTH (poster)
Abstracts presentations for download:
Photo gallery
Paper contribution to the conference organized in 02. – 05. October 2018, Sisak, Croatia.
Presentation for download: Kozisek_Sisak_2018
44nd ENDWARE meeting (action D.2)
Paper contribution to the conference organized in 22. – 23. October 2018, Bruges, Belgium.
Presentation for download: Kozisek_Bruges_2018
LIFE17 ENV KO Meeting (action D. 2)
06. – 07. November 2018, Brussel, Belgium
Presentation for download: KO_LIFE_17_ENV_SK_000036
GEOCHÉMIA 2018 (action D.2)
Paper contribution to the conference organized in 05. – 06. December 2018, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
Presentation for download (only in Slovak): poster geochemia 2018