Project administration
III. Meeting of the Steering Committee
January 2022
Project prezentation (only in Slovak):(pdf)
Monitoring report on the project activity - August 2021 (Action E. 1)
Download: Monitoring report (only in Slovak)
II. Meeting of the Steering Committee
3. December 2020
Project prezentation (only in Slovak):(pdf)
Monitoring report on the project activity - July 2020 (Action E. 1)
Download: Monitoring report (only in Slovak)
I. Meeting of the Steering Committee
9. December 2019
Minutes of the first meeting of the Steering Committee (pdf) only in Slovak
Attendance list of the 1st meeting of the Steering Committee (pdf) only in Slovak
Project presentation LIFE 17 ENV/SK/000036 (pdf)
Monitoring report on the project activity April - October 2019
Download: Monitoring report (only in Slovak)
Monitoring report (March 2019)
Download: Monitoring report (only in Slovak)
Activity report on the project (September – December 2018) (action E. 1)
(only in Slovak): Sprava_cinnost_sept_dec2018