Information for BSc. and MSc. students
- the faculty offers a study programme for BSc. students in the English language: Environmental Studies
Bachelor and Master Studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University Bratislava
- Study at Comenius University Bratislava
- State final exams - committees, deadlines (only in Slovak)
- International Relations (ERASMUS+, ENLIGHT, mobilities, study structure, incoming students, ... )
- manuals for AIS (
- Study Schedule (only in Slovak)
- Slovak language course for foreign bachelor's students - beginners
- Study Bc. Yearbook (with courses for the actual study year, p. 41 in PDF file for "Bc. stupeň štúdia" for the year 2024/2025)
07.02.2025 - Open Days at Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava
On Easter, Rector of the University grants to students day off on Thursday 17.04.2025 and Dean of the Faculty grants day off on Tuesday 22.04.2025.
On the occasion of Student Scientific Conference at our Faculty Dean grants day off for students on Wednesday 30.04.2025 (program will be later). The day off is only for students attending the conference (active). Everybody is invited as public or active parcitipant (poster or presentation).
Rector of the university, Prof. Števček announced the rector's vacation for Thursday, October 31, 2024. Given that November 1, 2024 is a public holiday, classes will not take place from 31.10.2024 to 01.11.2024.
Requirements for Bachelor's thesis preparation
- State final exams - committees, deadlines (only in Slovak)
- some text is only in Slovak language
Instructions for academic works at Faculty of Natural Sciences CU (only in Slovak language)
Academic works are prove in compliance with Internal Regulation No. 32/2023 - Comenius University - Directive by the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava (only in Slovak language - Vnútorný predpis č. 32/2023) (excerpts in English).
- Internal Regulation No. 32/2023 - Comenius University Bratislava - Directive by the Rector (only in Slovak Language - Vnútorný predpis č. 32/2023) - previous version IR 7/2018 (full EN version) is not actual from 3rd October, 2023
- CU formulates rules for using artificial inteligence (AI) in education – Directive of the Rector of the CU Bratislava Internal regulation 2/2024 [only in Slovak]; Recomended ways to cite or use generative artificial intelligence (AI) [only in Slovak]
- access to THESES (in the column on the right side "PRÍSTUP DO THESES - ZÍSKANIE PROTOKOLU") - finished with academic year 2022/2023
- template of Cover and Title Sheet - (doc attachment to IR 32/2023 - in Slovak)
!!!! The title of the Bachelor Thesis (cover, title sheet) must be IDENTICAL to the title in Thesis Assignment (Zadanie záverečnej práce) (including punctuation and spacing)!!!!! There must be no dot after the thesis title.
The Bachelor's Theses have to be uploaded to the AIS no later than Monday, May 20, 2024.
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The Theses is only submitted in electronic form to AIS from the year 2024. No printed version is required to be submitted for the Faculty archives. The License Agreement is not necessary to print, only electronical version in AIS is needed.
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LICENSE AGREEMENT: when submitting your Final Thesis to AIS, you fill in the box on the time of publication and making your work available to the public, preferring the "no grace period" option. Otherwise (e.g. the results fall under the patent, etc.) in the License Agreement there is a footnote: "integer from 1 to 12, with the consent of the rector, or dean to 24", where you need the consent of the mentioned persons when writing a non-zero number which you need to obtain in advance.