Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Regional Geography

Study plan  [daily form]   [external form]

Teachers    [daily form]   [external form]

Responsible persons

The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme

doc. RNDr. František Križan, PhD. funkčné miesto docent [portál VŠ]


Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

prof. RNDr. Ladislav Tolmáči, PhD. [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Daniel Gurňák, PhD. [portál VŠ]

Mgr. Michala Sládeková Madajová, PhD. [portál VŠ]

Mgr. Martin Šveda, PhD. [portál VŠ

Graduate profile and learning objectives

The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate of the study program Regional Geography understands traditional and the latest theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills corresponding to the current state of knowledge in the field (Theory and methodology of geographical research, Theory of regional development). At the same time, he has got extensive knowledge of several areas of geography and related scientific disciplines, which serve as a basis for research and in his field of specialization. The graduate has skills to publish scientific papers, is considered to be an expert in his field.

The graduates are able to educate themselves further and purposefully guide their scientific growth, monitor current knowledge and innovations in the field of their specialization and continue their own professional growth (New trends in regional geography). The graduate are able to carry out research work, independently or in a team to solve problems in the field of regional geography, to propose solutions and decisions and to create new and complex concepts. They are able to independently use a wide range of methods and tools for the retrieval, analysis, interpretation and presentation of geospatial data (GIS in regional geography).

The graduates are able to formulate a scientific problem and hypotheses, determine the theoretical framework, specific methodological solution, critically evaluate the results and formulate conclusions and strategies for further research and development of their specialization (Research methods in regional geography). They are able to evaluate and verify the suitability of the application of methods and tools in solving specific scientific and practical problems. They are able to use these methods and tools and further improve them in evaluating and optimizing the solution of academic problems and in finding new knowledge. Based on its outputs and findings, they are able to design, verify and implement new research and working practices in the broader context and possible consequences of the proposed solutions. It can present these practices in the form of research outputs, such as publications or research reports, and transform the results into recommendations for society, such as decisions, planning documents or public policies. The graduates contribute to the development of the society.

The graduates demonstrate a high degree of independence in solving research and professional tasks and projects (scientific part of the program). They are able to apply for, obtain and effectively use grant funds to solve a specific scientific task. They demonstrate the ability to work effectively as an individual, team member or team leader. They have an innovative thinking and are ready to professionally present the results of their own critical analysis and demonstrate the ability to design and solve a scientific task in front of domestic and international audiences (Bloc of experts). They are able to work independently on professional problems and texts, compare them, critically analyze and interpret and independently formulate the conclusions and recommendations of his research. They are ready for interdisciplinary cooperation in solving scientific and social problems and proposing their solutions.


In order to be complex and synthetic in nature, graduates of doctoral studies in the regional geography should be able to carry out a high degree of excellence and coexistence. They are able to manage and to coordinate the activities of the authorities, not just in the own field of study but even the authorities in the other closest field of studies.

Their knowledge predestines them to lead projects independently and take responsibility for complex solutions. The possibilities of applying for graduates of doctoral studies in regional geography are wide-ranging from educational institutions to state and public administration bodies, as well as international institutions addressing and implementing regional problems, regional development and regional disparities. The most suitable employment of graduates is in scientific research institutes, in addition to the Geographical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, they are related institutes dealing with issues of regional development, planning, the environment problems, etc. Their sphere of activity also includes university and other institutions. After graduation, graduates will be able to assist in the education of experts in the field of regional geography, geography teachers or related fields of study.


For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- Number of credits for compulsory courses: 95 credits  
- Number of credits for compulsory optional courses: 10 credits  
- Number of credits for the elective courses, scientific activities and other activities needed: 135 credits