Human Geography and Demography
Study plan [daily form] [external form]
Teachers [daily form] [external form]
Responsible persons
The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme
prof. RNDr. Ján Buček, CSc. funkčné miesto profesor [portál VŠ]
Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme
prof. RNDr. Branislav Bleha, PhD. [portál VŠ]
doc. Mgr. Marcel Horňák, PhD. [portál VŠ]
Graduate profile and learning objectives
The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.
The study programme "Human Geography and Demography" is the only doctoral study programme sheltered by Earth Sciences in the Slovak Republic, which specializes in human geography and demography. The study programme is based on many years of experience of the Department of Economic and Social Geography, Demography and Territorial Development (hereinafter KEGD) with education in this field and takes the need for narrowly focused scientific preparation of geographers into account. The study programme follows a bachelor's programme and a master's degree of similar focus, but it is also accessible to graduates from related disciplines (for example economics and management, spatial planning, political sciences, sociology and social anthropology, informatics).
Graduates of the third level of higher education in Human Geography and Demography are prepared primarily for research, analytical and management positions in research institutions, universities, state administration organizations and self-government of all levels, in the business and non-profit sectors. They are familiar with the latest knowledge and research trends in their specialization. They know the current priorities of research also in the context of the actual social development. During the study, the ability to analyze economic, social, political and demographic processes, processes of development of the whole hierarchy of spatial units, from local to transnational, develops. Graduates are capable to use the recent quantitative and qualitative methods, prepare original data sets, apply techniques of advanced demographic and demogeographic research, urban and regional analysis, public policy analyses and management of socio-economic systems. Great emphasis in preparation is placed on the ability to independently formulate research projects and present the results of their work in the form of studies, analyses, projects, cartographic outputs, publishing outputs of the international standard, communication and education activities (including online forms).
In practical terms, students are prepared to cope with a specialized research agenda, find alternatives to solve identified problems, formulate policy recommendations, plan public policies with spatial features, as well as evaluate their implementation. They are prepared to work in research teams and coordinate research work. They are prepared to take responsibilities for managing financial matters, material and technological support as well as outputs quality.
The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.
Graduates of this study programme find employment primarily in the field of research, state administration and self-government, in business entities and non-profit organizations. They are skilled in quantitative and qualitative methods of research, visualization of geographical data, processes of spatial planning of development, development of public policies, especially in areas close to the focus of their dissertation. In the field of research, the most suitable workplaces for graduates are in universities and research institutes (e.g. SAS). They can apply for different positions in the state administration of all levels. Typically, their skills are required by the Ministries dealing with spatial policies, territorial development, social issues and those focusing on regional development - MIRRI SR, transport and infrastructure - MDV SR, environmental issues - MŽP SR, public administration - Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, agriculture and rural development - MPRV SR, social and family affairs - MPSVR SR, or large cities). They can work in teams bringing together experts from different professions. Thanks to internationally comparable training, they can work in multinational companies operating in Slovakia and abroad, as well as large non-profit organizations.
In addition to research-oriented positions and careers in academia, typical professions are e.g. state counsellors of various ranks in state administration, analysts – specialists in companies of different orientations (data analyst, business analyst, financial analyst, logistics analyst), project or programme managers (all sectors, projects financed by EU funds), various specialized professions in informatics (especially in GIS applications). Over time, graduates are also promoted to management positions (team leaders, heads of departments and administrative divisions, up to higher-level executive management positions). Taking into account the classification of occupations they can find workplaces as for example: university teachers of different categories; specialists in socio-economic and regional development; GIS specialists; specialists in the development of science, research and innovation; specialists in evaluating the operational programmes of EU funds and assessing EU fund projects; data analysts; senior civil servants and representatives of municipalities and regions; strategy planning managers; managers of administrative and support activities; specialists in social sciences.
The department relies on decades of experience in the preparation of doctoral students (and previous scientific training leading to the title of CSc.). It maintains and supplements the database of working experiences of all graduates of doctoral studies for a long time. We currently register more than 50 graduates of doctoral studies who completed this study at the Department after 1989 (and more than 20 other graduates of this degree before 1989). Of the current number of after-1989 graduates (including CSc. completed during this period), one-third work at the department they graduated from (recently known as Department of Economic and Social Geography, Demography and Territorial Development), another third hold positions at other universities and research institutes in the Slovak Republic and abroad. The private sector and public administration have the same share of the employment of other graduates. More details concerning graduates’ employability are presented in the next paragraphs.
Graduates found employment in a wide range of academic institutions, at public administration, selected sectors of the economy and the non-profit sector bodies, taking the specialization they acquired during the study into account. They have analytical skills, experience in the implementation of research, knowledge in the field of public policies and development planning, project management, suitable for fulfilling tasks in public administration institutions as selected ministries (regional development, interior, environment, transport), municipal and regional self-governments, district offices, other central authorities, specialized state administration bodies. They can also be employed in various sectors of the economy, in services and administration, consultancy companies, the financial sector, planning and advisory companies. Graduates can cooperate in interdisciplinary teams as well as among specialists in the field of territorial planning and management (spatial planning and urban planning, sociology, economics, political sciences) in solving practical analytical tasks as well as research.
For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- Number of credits for compulsory courses: 20 credits
- Number of credits for compulsory optional courses: 10 credits
- Number of credits for the dissertation and for the dissertation defence: 30 credits
- Number of credits for the elective courses, scientific activities and other activities needed: 165 credits