Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology
Study plan [daily form] [external form]
Teachers [daily form] [external form]
Responsible persons
The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme
prof. RNDr. Martin Bednarik, PhD. funkčné miesto profesor, [portál VŠ]
Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme
doc. Mgr. Vladimír Greif, PhD. [portál VŠ]
doc. RNDr. Renáta Adamcová, PhD. [portál VŠ]
Graduate profile and learning objectives
The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes .
The aim of the education within the study program Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology is to convey the progress in the science to students, in the research of causes, interaction of human activities with the geological environment and its consequences, to show them all aspects of the theory, principles, methodology and practice, and to teach them to do own engineering geological or hydrogeological scientific work, respectively.
A graduate of the third degree of university study in the field of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology is skilled in scientific research methods in engineering geology and hydrogeology. During his study he can specialize in engineering geology or hydrogeology. Courses and the individual study for the specialization in the engineering geology are focused on modern methods of a rational use of the geological environment, with the emphasis on the prevention of geological hazards and minimization of the geological risk, on modern technologies of investigation works, pre-project and project preparation of buildings and their realization, on technologies of the remediation of buildings failures, also in the context of the protection of the cultural heritage, non-traditional building materials, modern technologies for improving the rock environment and its protection against pollution. Courses and the individual study for the specialization in the hydrogeology are focused on the detection, development prognosis, proposal for use and protection of groundwater quantity and quality, on the interaction between groundwater and the rock environment, as well as between groundwater and technical constructions, on the hydrogeochemical assessment and groundwater protection, on the solution of anthropogenic impact upon the groundwater and the possibilities of its protection, as well as on issues of a rational use of mineral and geothermal waters.
The graduate is able to design and to apply new methods and approaches for solving problems in accordance with the world trends and knowledge. He processes and presents the acquired knowledge using modern technologies. The main topics of the knowledge core provide him with a theoretical and methodological apparatus, enabling a scientific research, formulation of his own methodological approaches for the solution of both research and scientific problems, their creative application in the practice, creation of information systems and application databases. He is able to design methods of data processing and to present the results of own scientific research activities at national and international forums among scientists and professionals, to popularize and to introduce the field of his study and the research results to the general lay public. When designing methods and approaches, he is aware of the ethical, legal, and environmental aspects of the proposed way of solving the problem and he applies them in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. He applies the principles of a scientific work and the coupling: research - investigation – use in practice - protection.
The graduate of the third degree of university study in the study program Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology is skilled in the applications of geology in solving problems of a rational use of the geological environment, in the pre-project and project preparation of buildings, their foundation, construction and use. He knows the technologies of investigation works and improvement of the rock environment. He has acquired advanced knowledge in the field of hydrogeology, he is able to solve the tasks of the hydrogeological research and exploration of common, mineral and geothermal waters, he can solve problems of pollution and protection of groundwater, as well as of remediation of environmental loads. He is skilled in the processing of quantitative data about the geological environment into databases, and in their application by mathematical methods and mathematical modeling. These skills are necessary for the theoretical preparedness of the PhD graduate in terms of his knowledge, but they also support the development of his potential in a wide range of the engineering geological and hydrogeological practice. The education results will also be reflected in the student's overview at the level of methodological approaches in the subject matter.
The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.
The extensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the PhD graduates provide wide opportunities for their employment. The universality of the acquired knowledge enables their employment not only in Slovakia, but also abroad. Graduates of the study program Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology are qualified to perform the following professions: Engineering geologist and hydrogeologist in the scientific-research institutions and in educational institutions focused on natural sciences; Engineering geologist and hydrogeologist in project organizations, laboratories and companies focused on construction-geological work, water management - detection, capture, use and protection of all types of groundwater, as well as remediation of pollution and addressing environmental loads; Engineering geologist and hydrogeologist in public administration organizations (state administration and self-government of municipalities) in the process of land use planning and environmental impact assessment; Engineering geologist in project organizations focused on technical investigation works for investment construction; Engineering geologist in research and design organizations with a focus on rock and soil mechanics; Hydrogeologist in the spa, resp. mineral water bottling plants; Hydrogeologist in mining plants for mineral deposits. The Chamber of Civil Engineers accepts the engineering geological profile subjects completed in this study program, therefore, graduates can apply for the authorization and subsequently work as an authorized civil engineer for construction supervision and geotechnical structures after gaining the necessary practice and completing certain exams at STU.
Graduates of the study program Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology have got successfully employed either in the academic sphere, as independent researchers or assistant professors. Also in the field of public administration, which is represented by institutions such as the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, the Research Institute of Water Management, the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, the Slovak Water Management Company, often in leading positions. Several graduates of the third degree work in state administration, directly at the Ministry of the Environment and departmental institutions such as the Slovak Environment Agency, the State Nature Protection Agency, the Environmental Inspectorate, and the environmental departments of local governments and land use planning departments. Graduates are in high demand and also find jobs in the private sector - in companies with geological, mining, geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental focus - such as Envigeo, a. s. , GeoSlovakia, Ltd., Hess-Comgeo, Ltd., INGEO a. s., GEOFOS Ltd. and many others. They were also employed in water companies that supply inhabitants of Slovakia with drinking water, as well as in the spa and thermal-water-use sector. In general, it can be stated that graduates of the third degree are in positions important to the economy and society, often in leading positions, whether in the state, public or private spheres.
For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- number of credits for compulsory courses required for proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies, 60,
- number of credits for compulsory optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies, 10,
- number of credits for optional courses required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies, 170,
- number of credits required for the completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for the common foundations and for the relevant specialization, in the case of a teaching combination study programme or a translation combination study programme, 240,
- number of credits for the final thesis and the defense of the final thesis required for the proper completion of studies, 30,
- number of credits for professional practice required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of studies,
- number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for project work with the indication of relevant courses in engineering study programmes,
- number of credits required for the proper completion of studies/completion of a part of the studies for artistic performances in addition to the final thesis in art study programmes.