Tennis courts Swedish Cottages at VI Družba UK
In the area of the Swedish Cottages (Švédske domky) UK there are 2 tennis courts with clay surfaces. Tennis courts are open seasonally from May to the end of September.
In the complex there are changing rooms, showers and bathrooms.
Opening hours:
Monday−Sunday: 07:00─20:00
Rental fee for UK employees is €4/hour and for students accommodated at Družba UK it is €2 /hour.
The tennis code of conduct
1. Access to the tennis courts is permitted only in tennis shoes
2. Access to the courts is allowed only to authorized users on the basis of payment for court
3. Respect the principles of good conduct, refrain from unnecessary loud or vulgar expressions
4. The game hour is 55 min.
5. After the game clean up the court (even-out holes with provided wooden rake and subsequently sweep with a Drag Net)
6. Garbage and plastic bottles should be discarded in the trash
7. Follow all instructions of the court administrator
Contact: +421 2/654 28104
Gym of Pedagogical Faculty
Sport activities: indoor team sports (football, basketball, volleyball...)
Location: Manželáky hostel − Block J.
How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)
Monday – Friday €25/hour*
Saturday – Sunday €10 €/hour*
* prices apply for resident students
Monday−Friday 18:00−24:00
Saturday−Sunday 08:00−24:00
Location: Átriáky hostel – block K.
Sport activities: indoor fitness and bodybuilding
Significant details: entry allowed for membership card holders only
How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)
of a membership card held by students:
1 week − €7
1 month − €20
3 months − €50
6 months − €90
12 months − €150
of a membership card held by non-students:
1 week − €10
1 month − €30
3 months − €75
6 months − €120
12 months − €180
Open daily 08:00−23:00
office hours of the head of the gym: Monday − Thursday 08:00−21:00
mobile: +421 918 110 033
Gym of Faculty of Medicine
Location: Manželáky hostel – block J.
Sport activities: indoor team sports (football, basketball, volleyball...)
How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)
Monday – Friday €30/hour
Saturday – Sunday price upon agreement
Monday – Friday 18:00–24:00
Saturday – Sunday 08:00–24:00
Ľ. Štúr hostel office – block B
phone: +421 918 110 009 (on week days from 09:00–16:00)
Location: Átriáky hostel – Block E
Sport activities: indoor group sports (martial arts, self-defence, aerobics, dance, zumba dance...)
Significant details: complex of three gyms – Small, Central and Great Hall – perfectly equipped and air-conditioned
How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)
Small hall
7:00–16:00 €5/hour
16:00–23:00 €9/hour
23:00–0:00 €6/hour
Weekend: €4 /hour
Central hall
7:00–16:00 €7/hour
16:00–23:00 €13/hour
23:00–0:00 €10/hour
Weekend: €6/hour
Great hall
7:00–16:00 €10/hour
16:00–23:00 €20/hour
23:00–0:00 €15/hour
Weekend: €9/hour
Discount price:
3–5 hours per week: 10% off
over 5 hours per week: 20% off
open daily 08:00−23:00
address: Staré Grunty 36, Bratislava 841 04
phone: +421 918 110 033
e-mail: info(at)
Dyana Lady
Location: Ľ. Štúr hostel – Block A
Sport activities: indoor fitness and bodybuilding
Significant details: entry allowed for membership card holders only; well equipped fitness centre with dressing rooms, showers and Finnish sauna with a capacity up to nine people (sauna is open 18:00–22:00 on week days or by appointment)
How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)
of a membership card held by students:
1 week − €8
1 month − €22
3 months − €55
6 months − €100
12 months − €170
of a membership card held by non-students:
1 week − €12
1 month − €33
3 months − €85
6 months − €140
12 months − €200
open daily 8:00−23:00
phone: +421 918 110 033
office hours of the head of the gym: Monday − Thursday 08:00−21:00