Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava


Casey discoclub

Casey offers a disco with professional DJs, theme parties, and concerts. Casey is located near the Botanical Garden and can be reached by trams 1, 4, 9 or 11 from the Old Town.
Tuesday–Saturday: 21:00−5:00
Address: Botanická 35, Bratislava

Havana club

A bar constructed of brick and wood in a dormitory building, usually full of students. With the posibility to play table football and darts. Student prices.
Monday−Friday: 12:00−24:00
Saturday−Sunday: 15:00−24:00

Kotolňa pub

Kotolňa pub offers:
− draught beer: Zlatý Bažant 10° a 7 others: Zlatý Bažant 12°, Zlatý Bažant dark, Heineken, Krušovice 10°, Kelt 10°,  Starobrno and Edelweiss.
− entertainment: table football, jukebox
− events for students
− live broadcasts of sport events
− smoking permitted

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

Monday – Saturday  17:00−05:00
Sunday   17:00−03:00

e-mail: kotolnapub(at)gmail.com
facebook: Kotolňa Pub


MC2 is a unique student television channel which has been on the media market for more than two years. The exceptionality of this television lies in the fact that it is managed entirely by students. Moreover, it is the first student online TV broadcasting in HD quality and we use some of the latest technologies including cameras, computers and Livestudio.

Our target group is people aged 18−26 years, active Internet users and anyone of " a young spirit".

We have a total of 10 regular formats:
− Heuréka (technical session where you will learn not only how things work)
− Kultúrista (format rife with love and art)
− Dvojplatnička/Double electric plate (learn how to cook tasty and cheap food in a dormitory)
− BeFIIT (broadcasting non-traditional sports)
− Benziňáci (something for fans of gasoline, cars, oil)
− Študák Revue (reviews of student lives)
− Film faktor (the latest info from the world of films)
− Fatal error (short funny microformat about the dangers of student life)
−Handráreň (helping hand in a wardrobe or what to wear during the day and night)
−Zin (curiosities and news of student life)

If you are brave enough and creative, do not be afraid to contact us soon!

e-mail: hocico(at)mc2.sk
website: www.mc2.sk

Unique club

Location: Ľ. Štúr hostel Block−C

University Club Unique follows a 40-year tradition as a legendary student club well-known as Unic in the past and provides one of the best entertainment events in Mlynská dolina. In the reconstructed premises there is always something interesting going on:

− live concerts of music bands
− performances of small theater groups
− movies
− discussions
− and much more...

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

Monday:   programme according to schedule
Tuesday:   22:00−4:00
Wednesday:  22:00−4:00
Thursday:   22:00−4:00
Friday:   22:00−4:00
Saturday:   closed for the public
Sunday:   closed for the public
address: Staré Grunty 36, Bratislava 842 25
phone (manager): +421 948 058 405
e-mail: unique(at)unique.sk
website: www.unique.sk
facebook: University Club Unique


A favourite tea and coffee bar located in the lobby of Ľ. Štúr hostel on the right side of the main entrance. The pleasant atmosphere of this place makes this cosy bar suitable for meeting friends, organising exhibitions, concerts, dance performances and discussions.

Location: Ľ. Štúr hostel

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

Monday − Sunday   18:00− 2:00

address: Staré Grunty 36, 841 01Bratislava
phone: +421 2 65423739
mobile: + 421 948 201005
fax: +421 2 65423738
e-mail: aura(at)mlynskadolina.sk


It is popular with students for its memorable discos of a variety of different styles.

Location: on the road from the bus station towards Mladosť hostel.

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

Monday − Saturday  18:00−05:00
Sunday    closed

address: Staré Grunty51/A, Bratislava 841 04
phone: +421 917 999 998
e-mail: club39(at)club39.sk

Carolina SDC

Carolina SDC is a dance club that deals with dancing, promoting and teaching square and round dance. We go dancing every Wednesday in Átriáky hostel and we join many weekend dance events as well.

Location: Átriáky hostel – Block E

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

website: www.karolina.sk

Cultural Centre

The Cultural Centre offers:
− various activities and workshops
− lectures and discussions
− projection of documentary films .
− library offering world or Slovak fiction and fantasy books, literature on philosophy and religious systems, history and environmental education, arts and science

Location: Átriáky hostel – Block T, the entrance is from Cubicon

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

open daily 7:00−23:00

website: kc.mlynska.sk
e-mail: kulturne.centrum(at)gmail.com
facebook: kultúrne centrum Mlynská Dolina

University Club ELAM

ELAM was founded as a university students club in 1982.
Apart from discos and bars, the club also organizes concerts of popular musicians and music novices, live projection of sport events or profiles of musicians and filmmakers.
Location: Mladosť hostel

How to get there: terminal bus stop of 31 and 39 buses (the direction from the city centre) and of 139 bus (direction from Karlova Ves)

Monday − Friday   19:00−1:00
Saturday    21:00−4:00
Sunday    closed

address: Staré Grunty 53, Bratislava 841 05
phone: +421 2 654 26 304
e-mail: elam(at)elam.sk
facebook: ElamClub