Družba Student Hostel
Accommodation department
Office hours: Monday–Thursday 7:30─15:00
Friday 7:30─12:30
Contact: ubytovacie(at)
Phone: +42102/602 99261
Švédske domky
Accommodation price for a bed in the hostel Švédske domky UK for the academic year 2014/2015
Students, PhD students
- block B1,B2,B3 - 2 bed dorm room = €58.10/month
- block B4, B6 - 2 bed dorm room with Internet connection = €76.36/ month
- 1 bed dorm room with Internet connection = €90.30/ month
Payments should be sent to the account number:
IBAN: SK69 8180 0000 0070 0008 3282, BIC: SPSRSKBA.
As a variable symbol, use the student UOČ (University identification number).