Research area
My research is focusing on:
- Research, development and design of physical and chemical processes for water, wastewater and solid waste treatment.
- Research on processes to identify factors that limit mass transfer, kinetics, equilibrium and phase separation by means of natural clay minerals (clinoptilolite and mordenite).
- Environmental quality (water, soil and biota) monitoring.
- Water and solid waste treatment by physical-chemical and biological method (bioremediation techniques).
- Environmental Policy
Selected publications
Foreign Conference and Universities Invitations:
Presentations at universities: Tbilisi - SU (1988), Amsterdam - Netherland (1989), Lublin - Poland (1990), Zűrich - Swiss (1990), Nagoya - Japan (1993), Vienna - Austria (1995, 1996, 1997), Bucharest - Romania (1998), Ankara - Turkey (1999), Antalya - Turkey (2000), Thessaloniki - Greece (2000), Beijing - China (2000), Halle - Germany (2000), Kiev - Ukraine (2000), Bangkog - Thailand (2001), Puebla – Mexico (2001), Athens - Greece (2002), Cape Town - South Africa (2002), Wolverhampton - England (2002), Napoli - Italy (2003), Zacatecas - Mexiko (2003), Porto - Portugal (2005), Indore - India (2005), Havana - Cuba (2006), Matamata - New Zealand (2007), Kuwait - State of Kuwait (2007), Guilin - China (2009), Teheran (2010), Kathmandu - Nepal (2011), Ulaan Baatar - Mongolia (2011), Soul Masan City - South Korea (2012), Arak - Iran (2012), Reykjavik - Island (2013), Taiwan (2013), Belgrade (2017).
- Conferences, Seminars and Colloquials
Professional Countries Experience:
10/1989 - 2/1990: Fellowship at Institute for Crystalography and Petrography ETH Zürich (Switzerland), consultancy in respect to environmental exploitation of clinoptilolite with Unipoint AG Truttikon;
10/1990 - 12/1990: BIT Co. Boulder, Colorado USA; short-term contract for consultancy (Wyoming zeolite research for heavy metal removal)
1995 (3 weeks): University of Bari, National Institute for Water Research, Bari (TEMPUS project cooperation)
1996 (2 weeks): Technische Hochschule Giessen, Germany and University of Wageningen, Netherland (TEMPUS project cooperation)
1997-8 (2 weeks): University of Regensburg, Germany (TEMPUS project cooperation)
2000 (1 week): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Chemistry, Greece
2000 (3 weeks): Tsinghua University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Beijing, China
2000 (1 week): Martin Luther University, Fachbereich Chemie, Institut fűr Analytik und Umwelt Chemie, Halle, Germany
2000 (1 week): Schevtschenko University, Chemical Faculty, Kiev, Ukraine
2001 (2 weeks): Kasetsart University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand
2001 (1 week): Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, Mexico
2002 (1 week): National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Section of Economic Geology and Geochemistry, Athens, Greece
2002 (10 days): Cape Technikon, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cape Town, South Africa
2002 (5 days): University of Salford, University of Wolverhampton, Great Britain (SOCRATES)
2003 (5 days): University of Napoli FEDERICO II, Italy (SOCRATES)
2005 (7 days): Instituto Superior de Engenharia, University of Porto, Portugal (Socrates/Erasmus)
2006 (6 days): Instituto de Materiales y Reactivos, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba
2007 (11 days): Faculdad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
2007 (10 days): Blue Pacific Minerals, Matamata, New Zealand
2009: Department of Resources and Env. Eng. Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, China
2010: School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
2011: Kathmandu University, Department of Civil and Geomatics Eng. Dhulikhel, Nepal
2011: School of Material's Technology, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
2012: Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Soul, South Korea
2013: Island GeoSurvey, Reykjavík
2013: National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan
2017: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metalurgy, Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Belgrade
Awards, members, interests
Horváthová-Chmielewská, E., Konečný, J., Bošan, Z.: Technology for wastewater treatment in tannery processing plants. CS-Patent 02 604-89, No.: 274 068, 1989.
Membership of professional bodies
Member of International Natural Zeolite Association INZA
Member of International Association of Water Quality, Group on Nutrient Removal, London, Great Britain
Member of EWA (European Water Association, Sweden)
Faculty Representative in Association of Industrial Ecology ASPEK
Member of American Nano Society (http://nanosociety.us)
Member of International Editorial Board for Environment Protection Engineering, TU Wroclaw (Poland)
Research Journal of CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT, Indore (India)
Member of International Editorial Board for Columbia Publ. (USA): International Journal of Enviromental Pollution and Solutions (www.uscip.org)
Assoc. Editor for Bentham Science Publ. (USA) and the Journal CURRENT GREEN CHEMISTRY (http://www.benthamscience.com/cgc)
Member of International Editorial Board for JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (a scientific journal of the Academic Publication Council of Kuwait University, http://pubcouncil.kuniv.edu.kw/jer)
Member of Editorial Board for Wastes (ODPADY) in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Slovak Silicates Association, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Consultant of ZEOCEM Company (Slovakia) and Unipoint AG, Truttikon (Switzerland)
Review Expert of APVV and VEGA grants (Agencies for Science and Research in Slovakia) and The Grants Team of The Royal Society, London (Great Britain)
Review Expert of International Scientific Journals (Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Separation Science and Technology, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Technology, J. Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Chemical Engineering Communications, Desalination and Water Treatment, Atmospheric Environment, Brazilian J. Chemical Engineering, J. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Chemistry & Ecology, Water Management [in Slovak] )
Survey Quick Appraisal Expert of Major Project Applications for Environment Investments (ECORYS-Netherlands)
The Scientific Commettee Member of the Conferences:
3er. Congreso Mexicano de Zeolitas Naturales in Zacatecas,2003; INZA Nomination Commettee at Intern. Natural Zeolite Conf. (7th Inter. Conference on the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, 16-21 July 2006 - Socorro, New Mexico USA); International Conf. on Chemistry and Environment (2005 Indore, India; 2007 Kuwait City, Kuwait); 7th Int. Symp. Effects of Surface Heter.in Adsorp. and Catal. on Solids, ISSHAC-7 Kazimierz Dolny (Poland) 5-11 July 2009; Recycling of the used transport. batteries and accumulators (WASTE RECYCLING); Sklené Teplice (Slovakia) 21-24 April2009; Iran International Zeolite Conference in Teheran - May 2010, in Arak - June 2012.
The Text Translator from German into Slovak language for INTERPRESS Co., Bratislava (1979-1986)
- Curriculum vitae [.doc]
Language skills
English, German, Russian, Czech
travel, nature, music, movie