Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Božena ŠERÁ

Publications - selection

- publications (in EPČ CU)

Šerá, B.; Scholtz, V.; Jirešová, J.; Khun, J.; Julák, J.; Šerý, M. (2021): Effects of Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment on Seed Germination and Early Growth of Leguminous Plants—A Review. – Plants 10(8): 1616. DOI: 10.3390/plants10081616

Hodgson J.G., Marti G.M., Sera B., Jones G. et al. (2020): Seed size, number and strategies in annual plants: a comparative functional analysis and synthesis. - Annals of Botany 126(7): 1109–1128. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa151

Herben T., Šerá B., Klimešová J. (2015): Clonal growth and sexual reproduction: tradeoffs and environmental constraints. - Oikos 124(4): 469-476. DOI: 10.1111/oik.01692 

Šerá B., Špatenka P., Šerý M., Vrchotová N. & Hrušková I. (2010): Influence of Plasma Treatment on Wheat and Oat Germination and Early Growth. – IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38(10): 2963-2968. DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2010.2060728

Šerá B. & Šerý M. (2004): Relation between number and weight of seeds and reproductive strategies in herbaceous plants. – Folia Geobotanica 39: 27–40. DOI: 10.1007/BF02803262


(a list of current projects in which the employee participates):

2024-2028 COST Action CA 23123: Non-chemical weed management in medicinal and aromatic plants (member of MC)

2024-2028 COST Action CA 23148: European Network for the Integrative Approach of Urban Forestry (member of MC)

2024-2026 09I03-03-V03-00033: Environmentálne aplikácie elektrických výbojov pre čistenie vody, ovzdušia a poľnohospodárstvo (Environmental applications of electrical discharges for water, air cleaning, and agriculture) (riešiteľ/solver)

2023-2026 VEGA: Cestná sieť ako líniový prvok pre migráciu a šírenie organizmov v podmienkach prebiehajúcej zmeny klímy [Road network as a linear element for the migration and spreading of organisms in the context of ongoing climate change] (zodpovedný riešiteľ)

2022-2024 Postdoctorand project CU: Synergy Effect of Biological Control and Non-Thermal Plasma Treatment against Fusarium Head Blight in Winter Wheat (zodpovedný riešiteľ)

2021-2024 VEGA: Ekologické špecifiká opeľovania a disperzie semien v urbánnom prostredí (riešiteľ)

2021-2024 GRANVIA a.s.: Divé lúky (riešiteľ) 

Research Area and its application

She is a plant ecologist and her work is connected with seed stimulation and various applications with using seed germination tests. Other interests include tree ecology, green urban structures, road ecology and plant reproductive strategies. An important part of her scientific interest is also adult education and environmental education.

Web of Science ResearcherID: H-1327-2014

Orchid ID: 0000-0001-5275-1015

Scopus Author ID: 55886144500

Clarivate: https://publons.com/researcher/1341079/bozena-sera/

Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5275-1015

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bozena-Sera