Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava


Study plan  [daily form]   [external form]

Teachers    [daily form]   [external form]

Responsible persons

The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme

prof. RNDr. Milada Holecová, CSc.,   funkčné miesto profesor,    [portál VŠ]

Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

doc. Mgr. Peter Mikulíček, PhD.  [portál VŠ]
doc. Mgr. Peter Vďačný, Dr.rer.nat.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Ján Kodada, CSc.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Peter Fenďa, PhD.  [portál VŠ]

Graduate profile and learning objectives

The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

Zoology study programme is focused on advanced knowledge within biological structures focusing on zoology. In the study part, a doctoral student within specialization from the above fields, gets the latest scientific knowledge, which is a prerequisite for passing the dissertation exam successfully. Scientific part includes solving scientific problems independently and creatively in the field of modern zoological research. A doctoral student will be able to choose appropriate methods of basic and applied research and will be able to perform independent scientific work and interpretation of obtained results, as well. The doctoral student should be able to publish scientific work results and present them at scientific events. The results of creative experimental work contribute to the development of science and provide application in agriculture, forestry sector, medicine, pharmacology and in protection of the genetic pool of plants, animals and humans. Graduated doctoral students are able to apply the findings of comprehensive scientific research in the field of zoology. Based on outputs and findings, graduates are able to design, verify and implement new research and working procedures. Should be skilled in practical and experimental methods in zoology, statistical methods and is able to apply knowledge from related scientific disciplines. The graduate should have an independent, critical and analytical thinking. A graduate doctoral student takes into account social, scientific and ethical aspects when formulating research intentions and interpreting research results. Graduates are able to present independently the research results and further development on professional community level, such as scientific articles and scientific forums. Graduates should design the main aim of research and coordinate the scientific team in biological research. Part of education at the third level will also offer personal development, management skills and competences courses. Graduated students with doctoral degree are qualified to become an expert in zoology as well as a university teacher. Graduates are familiar with scientific research methods in the field of zoology. Graduates study structure and function of an animal organism on various levels of its structural organization, starting with subcellular (molecular) level to the organism level with focusing on the molecular nature and interrelationships as well as mechanisms involved in the animal response to the organism as a whole. Graduates are familiar with biochemical, analytical methods, and methods of light, fluorescence and electron microscopy, which are combined with methods of molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics. The results of creative experimental work contribute to the development of science and scientific knowledge and can be used in applied research, especially in agriculture, forestry sector, horticulture and environmental protection. Achieving a doctoral education will enable graduates to participate in solving scientific problems in specific field at all levels from individual molecular-biological and metabolic processes to the life manifestations of the whole animal. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills with experimental material acquired during doctoral study can be used in any type of experimental work in the field of zoology. At the same time, graduate gains practical experience in processing, interpretation and appropriate comparison of the obtained experimental results published in prestigious scientific journals. Professional erudition in performance and scientific expression is acquired by presenting experimental results at domestic and international scientific events and conferences.


Current demand of graduates is mainly at the department of health, environment, economy, culture (museums) and education (universities, primary and secondary school), in academic area (public and private research and development workplaces), in companies, which are carrying out biotechnological production, biological and ecological surveys, assessing environmental impact, improving biotechnological production, using environmentally acceptable and sustainable process in producing energy, food, substrates and other substances, or decontaminating the environment from pollutants of natural and anthropogenic origin. Graduates can also be employed in non-governmental organizations focused on environmental protection.


For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- Number of credits for compulsory courses: 20 credits + 15 credits for dissertation exam and 30 credits for the defense of the dissertation thesis
- Number of credits for compulsory optional courses: 15 credits
- Number of credits for optional courses: minimum 9
- Credits for research activities, and other activities (e. g. teaching activities): at least 151 credits  
- Number of credits for the dissertation exam: 15
- Number of credits for the dissertation defence: 30