Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Molecular Biology

Study plan  [daily form]   [external form]

Teachers    [daily form]   [external form]

Responsible persons

The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme

prof. RNDr. Ján Turňa, CSc.,   funkčné miesto profesor,   [portál VŠ]

Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

doc. RNDr. Stanislav Stuchlík, CSc.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Jozef Grones, CSc.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Tomáš Szemes, PhD.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Andrej Ficek, PhD.  [portál VŠ

Graduate profile and learning objectives

The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student's abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate of the doctoral program in molecular biology has a wide range of knowledge about basic biological processes in cells and organisms. He can use his knowledge in formulating and solving scientific problems. He has theoretical and practical knowledge of basic and advanced methods of molecular biology research and, to an appropriate extent, other related fields such as. from biotechnology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, immunology, but also bioinformatics data processing. Solving the tasks within the dissertation will provide the doctoral student with practical skills in the whole spectrum of modern molecular-biological methods. The elaboration of the dissertation will enable the graduate to become an expert in a specific scientific field, at the same time within the study he will gain a general overview in the field of study, which he can also use in other areas of research. During the study, the graduate improves his / her ability to communicate professionally and present his / her own scientific results at domestic and foreign scientific conferences, as well as by publishing in scientific journals registered in the Current Contents Connect, Web of Knowledge and Scopus databases and patent applications. Part of the study may also be completing a stay at a foreign workplace, which will provide him with experience with new methods and other ways of solving problems. Throughout the study, the doctoral student participates in the pedagogical process within the department, especially by leading exercises in the bachelor's degree, training and opposing bachelor's theses and also cooperates with master's students in solving their diploma theses. These activities provide graduates with experience working in a scientific team. At the same time, the graduate participates in the preparation of events within the department, which provide an opportunity to improve his organizational skills.
He masters experimental techniques of molecular biology, can carry them out experimentally and then evaluate them. In his work he is able to apply modern scientific methods and shows a sufficient degree of synthetic thinking. The graduate masters the principles of scientific work, is able to work experimentally in most research and development teams dealing with research in the field of biological and biomedical sciences. He also knows the basics of legislative processes that are associated with sensitive areas of human life, such as protecting human health, ensuring safe food and ensuring an environment with stable biodiversity, with a view to sustainable development in the use of natural resources. In the field of health protection, it is legislation related to the registration of active pharmaceutical ingredients and drugs. In the field of food safety and environmental protection, graduates understand the importance of regulating the use of genetically modified organisms in agriculture and food. The graduate knows how to clearly interpret their results and transform them into publications acceptable in journals from the database of Current Contents Connect, WoS / Clarivate, Scopus, as well as patent applications.

The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability.

According to the SRI index and the National database of qualifications, the graduates of the programme ae prepared for the following occupations:
Molecular biologist / researcher in basic research as well as applied research, senior healthcare professional - laboratory diagnostician in molecular biology, biotechnology, microbiology, representative of biotechnology, biomedical and pharmaceutical companies specializing in technologies focused on genetic and molecular or biological analysis, forensic geneticist, college lecturer, and others.


Evaluation of the study programme graduates employability.
The graduates of the programme have wide variety of employment options. The examples of the employers include:

Slovak employers:
Biomedical research center, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Centre of Biosciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Botanical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of molecular biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Institute of zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences; Medical Faculty, Comenius University in Bratislava; Jessenius Medical Faculty, Comenius University, Martin; University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice; Institute of Public Health, Food research institute, NPPC; National oncology institute; St. Elisabeth oncology institute; State Institute for Drug Control; Medirex; GHC Genetics SK, s.r.o.; Biomedica Slovakia, s.r.o.; Unilabs Slovakia, s.r.o.; Biotech, s.r.o.; Lambda Life, a.s.; Merck; MultiplexDX, Inc.; Future of Health, Roche, IQVIA.

Foreign employers:
Health Protection Agency, Norway; Czech Academy of Science, Praha, Czech Republic; Kinderwunschpraxis Dres. Göhring, Stuttgart, Germany; DiMe Praha, Czech Republic; BioVendor, Czech Republic;  Novartis, Czech Republic; Ingenetix GmbH,  Austria;  Biotalentum ltd, Hungary; Bristol Myers Squibb, Germany; Cermav CNRS ETN SynBIOcarb, France; Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, USA; Baxter Int. Inc., Spain; CEITEC, Czech Republic; Charles University, Czech Republic; University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic.


For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student's progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- Number of credits for compulsory courses:  40
- Number of credits for compulsory optional courses: 10
- Number of credits for optional courses: 145
- Number of credits for the dissertation exam: 15
- Number of credits for the dissertation defence: 30