Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Vol. 16 (2008) No. 2

Acta Environmentalica Universitatis Comenianae (Bratislava):

Vol. 16 (2008) č. 2


KOÓŠOVÁ, M.: Assessment of life and health quality inhabitants living under extra high voltage power lines ... 5

LEHOTSKÁ, B., PETRÁŠOVÁ, M.: Distribution and ecological notes of Pipistrellus species in lowland part of western Slovakia during non-hibernating period ... 11

MINÁR, J., TREMBOŠ, P., HOLLOVÁ, J., MATEJKOVÁ, Z., MRÁZ, J., RICHTÁRIK, P., SKURKOVÁ, Z., ZBOROVIANOVÁ, K.: Risk of using of existing analytical sources in detail geoecological mapping or problem of geoecological field segmentation (Case study cadastral area Rohov) ... 22

MORAVČÍKOVÁ, Z.: Land use changes evaluation in Budmerice cadastral area during time period 1870-2008 ... 35

REHÁČKOVÁ, T.: The cultural, historical and natural elements in urban landscape ... 43

ŠIMONOVIČOVÁ, A.: Biodiversity of micromycetes in forest Cambisols of Slovakia ... 56

SLAVKOVIC, D.: Priority functions and current conflicts of the interests in the National Park Mavrovo (Macedonia) ... 64



PAVLIČKOVÁ, K.: K životnému jubileu profesorky Márie Kozovej [in Slovak] ... 73