Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Vol. 16 (2008) No. 1

Acta Environmentalica Universitatis Comenianae (Bratislava):

Vol. 16 (2008) č. 1


DRDOŠ, J., KOZOVÁ, M.: Landscape ecology: the state of the science and trends ... 5

ĎURIŠ, M.: The lead distribution to relation of soils organic carbon ... 21

CHRENŠČOVÁ, V.: Integrated management and sustainable development of protected areas ... 32

KOÓŠOVÁ, M.: Assessment of electromagnetic field intensity in small garden settlement Dielničná - Ružomberok ... 38

JURKOVIČ, Ľ., VESELSKÁ, V., GUČKOVÁ, V., FRANKOVSKÁ, J.: Geochemical assessment of arsenic contamination in soils of Zemianske Kostoľany area ... 47

KRAJČOVIČOVÁ, D., RAČEK, M.: Evaluation of systematic maintenance of woody plants ... 56

LUKIANENKO, Ľ., ČERŇANSKÝ, S., ŠTUBŇA, J.: Mine tailing site Pezinok - Kolársky vrch (Slovakia) - an example of anthropogenic contaminated landscape (some aspects for teachers of geosciences) ... 64

MUCHOVÁ, Z., PETROVIČ, F.: Ecological devices and measures in the land adaptation projects - the Lužianka cadastral area example ... 69

ŠIMONOVIČOVÁ, A., ĎUGOVÁ, O.: Mycocoenoses of selected localities of floodplain forest in region of Gabčíkovo ... 79



PAUDITŠOVÁ, E.: Recenzia na publikáciu Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East European Flora [in Slovak] ... 89