Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Admission instructions - bachelor level

Please review the instructions carefully before you start to fill in your application form.

Admission procedure

The basic condition for admission is the successful completion of secondary school with a high school diploma.

If the applicant choose to study in the English language, the most important condition for the admission to study a program realized in English is a knowledge of the English language at a level that enables studies in the English language, including a high school diploma with the English language final exam or an internationally recognized certificate in the English language (min. level B2). 

If the applicant choose to study in the Slovak language, the most important condition for admission of foreign applicants to study a program realized in the Slovak language is knowledge of the Slovak language at a level that enables studies in the Slovak language. A foreign applicant is obliged to take an entrance test on knowledge of the Slovak language and, in case of insufficient knowledge, to take an intensive Slovak language course before the start of the semester.

Навчання на факультеті природничих наук Університету Коменського в Братиславі

Schedule of admission procedure 2025/2026

Start of submission of applications15. 1. 2025
Deadline for submission of applications15. 3. 2025
Information about admission exams*April 2025
Date of admission exams*12. 6. 2025
Publication of admission exam results*13. 6. 2025
Decision on admission/non-admission to studyend of June 2025
Confirmation of interest in study with us ("návratka uchádzača")till 31. 7. 2025
Recognition of documents on studies abroad (nostrification)**till 16. 9. 2025
Registration for the 1st year of studyfirst half of September

* in case of exceeding the capacity for selected study programs (according to the number of applications)
** only successful applicants from abroad and Slovak citizens studying high school abroad

Application form


A complete application consists of various documents. Please refer to our application form, which will let you know what documents are required (CV, descriptions of student’s achievements, secondary school report, etc.).


Please note: if your application is not complete, we cannot begin your application review until we have received all required forms.

The application will ask you to provide biographical and study information and to detail your extracurricular activities. It also includes forms for school officials to complete on your behalf. Please, in case of submit a paper version of your application, send the application and the attached documents) by email on address: katarina.milickovauniba.sk (English study programmes) or prif.souniba.sk (Slovak study programmes).

Once we receive your application, we will send you an email with further instructions.

Please note: Applicants should maintain a valid e-mail address during the entire application process, as most of our information is communicated electronically. Please ensure that your e-mail account preferences and security settings permit Comenius University e-mails to be delivered without filtering or junk mail routing. If your e-mail address changes, you must inform us immediately.


Submitting an electronic application form

Download a paper version of application form

Manual for e-Application

Manual for Confirmation of the return slip

Application Fee

Fees for the admission procedure for the BSc. degree of study for the academic year 2025/2026

electronic application:
€20 for each study program (the electronic application is one that is filled out in the electronic system and then sent in printed form to the faculty's address)

paper application:
€50 for one study program (the paper application is filled out on the form available on this website) and €20 for each additional study program

Payment details:

Bank name:
 VUB, a.s. Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava

Name of recipient: Prírodovedecká fakulta UK, Bratislava


IBAN: SK3481800000007000082845

Variable symbol: 223242

Specific symbol: applicant's birth date (DDMMYYYY)

Payment note: applicant's name and surname

If you have any problem with payment, please contact: katarina.milickovauniba.sk (English study programmes) or prif.souniba.sk (Slovak study programmes).

Please note: The application fee is non-refundable.

Admission Exam

For all bachelor study programs (English and Slovak) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences CU, applicants will be admitted without admission exams, if the number of registered applicants does not exceed the capacity of the study program (see table 1 in the document Conditions for admission to bachelor study programs conducted at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in AR 2025/2026).

In case of exceeding the capacity of the concrete study program, decisions on admission are made by the faculty after careful evaluation of all applications. Evaluation is carried out based on a combination of factors such as student’s achievements, secondary school reports and an entrance examination. It should be noted that satisfying minimal standards is not a guarantee of admission, since the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available.

Admission to Comenius University is competitive through the entrance examination. The interview pattern is listed here:

Environmental Studies:

On-line test consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) in English. The approximate distribution of questions is as follows: Biology – 33 %; Chemistry – 33 %; Geography – 33 %. Applicants will receive details about the admission exams during April 2024.

Biological Chemistry:

On-line test consists of multiple-choice questions (MCQ) in English. The approximate distribution of questions is as follows: Biology – 50 %; Chemistry – 50 %. Applicants will receive details about the admission exams during April 2024.

Study programmes in Slovak:
Written test of knowledge according to the above-mentioned document Conditions for admission to bachelor study programs conducted at the Faculty of Natural Sciences in AR 2025/2026.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact: katarina.milickovauniba.sk (English study programmes) or prif.souniba.sk (Slovak study programmes).


Successful applicants from abroad and Slovak citizens graduating high school abroad must deliver a document of the equivalence of secondary school studies (so-called nostrification) to the Department of Student Affairs of our faculty on the day of registration for studies (generally first half in September). Please note that the nostrification process usually takes 1-2 months. We therefore recommend applying for nostrification immediately after obtaining your high school diploma!

The process of recognition of documents has 2 stages:
1) Transfer of grades from secondary schools abroad -> the foreign applicant transfers her/his grades to the Slovak scale based on the manual of the transfer of grades.

2) A foreign applicant (or a Slovak citizen graduating abroad) submits an application for nostrification at the Regional Office of the School Administration Bratislava (address: Tomášikova 3349/46, 831 04 Bratislava-Nové Mesto, Slovakia), or at the relevant Regional Office of the School Administration, if she/he has a permanent residence in Slovakia.

Nostrification proces detail information

Request for nostrification of documents

For more information about nostrification, please contact:  www.russ-ba.sk

Please note: Without nostrification, it is not possible to register for the 1st year of study with us in September! A student who does not submit the nostrification even in the alternative deadline, will have her/his admission to study canceled...

Temporary stay

A citizen of a third country who plans to work, business or study on the territory of the Slovak Republic may be granted a temporary residence permit (after meeting the conditions established by law and on the basis of a submitted application).

EU citizen - information sheet

Slovak living abroad - information sheet

Citizens of third countries - information sheet

Basic information about Slovakia

You can find useful information about life and stay in Slovakia in the attached information brochure:

Vitajte na Slovensku - Welcome to Slovakia - Ласкаво просимо до Словаччини
(EN version pp. 93-176, UA version pp. 177-268)

Scholarship for talented students from abroad


PDF version of information brochure

Contact person for English study programmes

Bc. Katarína Miličková, katarina.milickovauniba.sk 

Contact person for Slovak study programmes

Department of Student Affairs FNS CU, prif.souniba.sk