Partial results
Action B.1 Risk analysis
A short report – Risk analysis
Download: (pdf)
A short report – Characteristics of health status in municipalities with different water hardness (Summary. The full text of the report is attached)
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) Appendix: Comparison of municipalities with hard and soft water – epidemiological study
Download: (pdf)
Action B.2 Selection of two drinking water sources for water re-carbonization
A short report on the selection of two water resources
Download: (pdf)
Action B.3 Laboratory tests
Selection of suitable rock types for water re-carbonization
Download report (Stage I.) only in Slovak (pdf)
Download report (Stage II.) only in Slovak (pdf)
A short report - Ca and Mg extraction from roks: Laboratory tests (pdf)
(in Slovak / English) A short report – Approval of rock types selected based on certificate laboratory tests for use in drinking water treatment process (pdf)
(in Slovak / English) A short report – Certifikate lists for rock materials and CO2 used for drinking water re-carbonization (pdf)
Action B.4 Biomonitoring
(only in Slovak) A short report – Measurement of elasticity (stiffness) of vessels in villages with different water hardness
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) A short report – Methodology and results of measurements of arterial stiffness
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) A short report – Evaluation of chemical analyses of localy grown vegetable
Download: (pdf)
Action B.5 Construction of prototypes
(only in Slovak) A short report – Technical documentation on the constructed prototypes
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) Technical documentation for the production of equipment for recarbonization of drinking water - DEVICIE
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) Recarbonization testing in semi-operating conditions
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) Technical documentation for the production of equipment for the recarbonization of drinking water at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source
Download: (pdf)
Action B.6 Instalation of two prototypes into testing operation
(only in Slovak) Licence agreement for the installation of two prototypes into continuous operation
Download: (pdf)
(only in Slovak) Photovoltaic system for water source in the village Devičie and for water source in the village Kokava nad Rimavicou
Download: (pdf)
Commissioning of the fluid recarbonization reactor at the Devičie water source - June 25, 2021
Commissioning of the recarbonization reactor at the Kokava nad Rimavicou water source into temporary operation - 12 July 2021
The results of the enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg during temporary operation are given in activity C.1: Short report Monitoring the content of Ca and Mg in two water sources with recarbonation of drinking water (six months after the start of recarbonation) and a short report Monitoring the content of Ca and Mg in two water sources with recarbonation of drinking water (12 months after the start of recarbonation).
Action B.7 Instalation of two prototypes for water re-carbonization into continuos operation
Instalation of two prototypes for water re-carbonization into continuos operation
Download: (pdf)
Results of continuous operation of installed water recarbonation prototypes
Download: pdf
Replicability and Transerability Plan
Download: pdf
Action C.1 Monitoring of Ca and Mg of the in re-carbonized drinking water sources
Short report: Monitoring of Ca and Mg content in two water sources with recarbonization of drinking water (six months after the start of recarbonization)
Download (only in Slovak): (pdf)
Short report: Monitoring the content of Ca and Mg in two water sources with recarbonation of drinking water (12 months after the start of recarbonation).
Download (only in Slovak): (pdf)
Short report: Monitoring the content of Ca and Mg in two water sources with recarbonation of drinking water (18 months after the start of recarbonation)
Download (only in Slovak): pdf
Action C.2 Monitoring of the health impacts of the project actions
Short report: Results of measurements of elasticity (stiffness) of vessels after enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg
Download (only in Slovak): (pdf)
Short report: Results of measurements of arterial stiffness after enrichment of drinking water with Ca and Mg_2
Download (only in Slovak): pdf
Action C.3 Monitoring of the socio-economic impacts of project actions
Evaluation of questionnaires on the awareness of the citizens of the village Devičie and the village Kokava nad Rimavicou about the recarbonization of the water source of drinking water in their village for the purpose of enrichment with calcium and magnesium (only in Slovak)
Download: (pdf)
Evaluation of questionnaires on the awareness of the citizens of DEVIČIE and KOKAVA NAD RIMAVICOU about the impact of recarbonation (enrichment with Ca and Mg) of drinking water and about its impact on health (only in Slovak)
Download: (pdf)
Action C.4 Monitoring of the LIFE -cycle assessment
Short report (only in Czech) - Environmental assessment of drinking water recarbonization reactors for a water source in the village of Devičie and in the village of Kokava nad Rimavicou
Download: (pdf)
Final report (only in Czech): Environmental assessment of drinking water recarbonization reactors for a water source in the village of Devičie and in the village of Kokava nad Rimavicou
Download: pdf
Summary of the final report for the project Life Cycle Assessment – Environmental assessment of the drinking water recarbonisation reactors for the water sources in Devičie and in Kokava nad Rimavicou in years 2021 - 2022
download: pdf
Action D.1 - Dissemination management and communication activities for general public and stakeholders
The layman report on the LIFE - WATER and HEALTH project is available for download: Layman report EN
Action D.2 Dissemination of research findings and knowledge transfer among scientific community and concened authorities
Recommendation of the proposal for the inclusion of calcium and magnesium among the regulated parameters in the Drinking Water Directive and national regulations for drinking water
Download: (pdf)
E. Project management
Action E.1 Project administration, management and planing
E.1.2 After-LIFE Plan Including Exploitation Plan
Na stiahnutie: (pdf)