Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

A unique project the Wild Meadows near Nitra

May 2022

A unique project the Wild Meadows is being developed near Nitra thanks to the cooperation of the Department of Environmental Ecology and Landscape Management of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Bratislava and the companies Granvia and Granvia Operation.

The aim of the project is to create a flowering meadow on an area of 16 000 m2, which has the potential to serve as a biocentre for local fauna and flora in an otherwise agricultural and urbanized landscape. After planting a combination of 80 species of grasses and flowering plants, a team of experts from the Department of Environmental Ecology and Landscape Management will take a closer look at the changes that will occur on the site once the plants are present.

The results of the research may help future efforts to create similar sites and shed light on the changes and potential benefits of similar projects, which are becoming increasingly popular not only in Slovakia.

August 2022

The Wild Meadows project is progressing well! The scientific team of the Department of Environmental Ecology and Landscape Management of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava in cooperation with Granvia and Granvia Operation have obtained the first samples of invertebrates and plants from the site near Nitra.

The potential expansion of the project in this area will be subject to their results. The valuable advice that will be gathered may positively influence the future direction of similar projects.

November 2022

As the winter season creeps in, the collecting biological material at the Wild Meadows project is coming to its yearly conclusion. The team from the Department of Environmental Ecology and Landscape Management of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava is transferring their collected material to the laboratories. There work is now to process the material of this year's collection from the Wild Meadows project, which was planted to help local fauna in their search for suitable habitats.

The project will continue in the 2023 season when further specimens will be collected at the Nitra site.