Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Inorganic Chemistry

Study plan  [daily form]   [external form]

Teachers    [daily form]   [external form]

Responsible persons

The person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study programme

prof. RNDr. Jozef Noga. DrSc.,  funkčné miesto profesor,   [portál VŠ]

Persons responsible for the profile courses of the study programme

prof. RNDr. Gustáv Plesch, DrSc.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Jozef Tatiersky, PhD.  [portál VŠ]
doc. Mgr. Olivier Monfort, PhD.  [portál VŠ]

doc. RNDr. Erik Rakovský, PhD.
  [portál VŠ]

Graduate profile and learning objectives

The institution defines the learning objectives of the study programme such as student’s abilities at the time of completion of the programme and the main learning outcomes.

The graduate of the doctoral study program Inorganic Chemistry masters at a high level the scientific methods of research and theoretical work with an appropriate knowledge of exact analysis and synthesis. He/she has a wide range of knowledge in inorganic chemistry and related interdisciplinary disciplines. He/she masters experimental physico-chemical methods and their application to various areas of chemically oriented research. He/she oriented at a professional level in the whole range of issues of preparation and characterization of new inorganic, coordination and organometallic compounds, nanomaterials, superconducting, magnetic and photosensitive materials and uses optical, electrical, magnetic, spectral and X-ray structural analysis methods to determine the properties of new substances and their structure. He/she knows the principles of good laboratory practice, the principles of occupational safety with regard to environmental protection, procedures for handling toxic and hazardous substances in accordance with applicable legislation. He/she studies new directions of development of the department, formulates problems and hypotheses, identifies the causes of unexpected results, determines suitable procedures and solutions. He/she is able to work independently, implement a scientific project, present his/her results to colleagues and at scientific conferences, publish the results of scientific research in top scientific journals in the field, provide advice in the field of inorganic chemistry, to teach specialized chemical subjects at universities, to coordinate domestic and foreign grant tasks and to manage research teams.

The institution indicates the professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate’s employability.

Graduates of the doctoral program Inorganic Chemistry find employment in academia, in various positions of scientific research, in laboratories of chemical and pharmaceutical companies, in institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, also in workplaces focusing on medicine and environmental protection and in chemical, technological and related industry segments. The theoretical and experimental skills acquired during studies that allow him/her to perform demanding work in the chemical laboratory, especially in the synthesis of new compounds and the preparation of new materials with the required properties. He/she may be employed in places where knowledge is used in the preparation of new inorganic and coordination compounds, inorganic therapeutics, sorption materials, in the field of research of new inorganic materials with specific electrical, magnetic, optical, photoactive and other properties and in places where knowledge of methods of characterization of these substances and materials is required, whether it is spectral methods, X-ray structural analysis or specific electrical, optical and magnetic measurements. He/she is qualified to work as a university teacher, researcher, independent researcher, assistant professor, research leader, laboratory manager, product development manager, chemical production manager, etc.


Graduates of the doctoral study program Inorganic Chemistry are able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in all institutions and companies engaged in research, production or use of products, especially in the fields of chemistry with a focus on inorganic, materials, construction chemistry, etc. They are able to perform laboratory work at these workplaces individually or as team members, continuously learn, maintain contact with the development of inorganic chemistry and related scientific disciplines and thus contribute to the development of scientific knowledge. Graduates are also professionally prepared to practice the profession of university pedagogue, to work at all universities with a scientific, pedagogical and technological focus and in scientific institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The graduate can apply in the positions of a manager in the field of science and research, ministries of the environment, agriculture, food industry and nature protection.


For individual study plans, the institution states the requirements for completing the individual parts of the study programme and the student’s progress within the study programme in the given structure:
- Number of credits for compulsory courses: 54
- Number of credits for compulsory optional courses: 10
- Number of credits for optional courses and scientific part: 136
- Number of credits for the dissertation exam: 15
- Number of credits for the defence of the dissertation thesis: 25