Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava


Today (27 March 2020) the Comenius University executive and the university's Rector's College discussed the organization of studies during this emergency. Based on the conclusions reached by the university executive, and after discussion with the Rector's College, the following decisions have been made regarding the organization of studies during this time.

27. 03. 2020 20.18 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

1. Tuition during semester shall end no later than 31 May 2020 and shall be completed by distance learning.

2. The exam period will end no later than 4 July 2020 and will then resume in August (17–31 August). Assessment shall be carried out by distance testing. The August exam period can be used for regular testing as well as resits.

3. Theses shall be submitted no later than 31 May 2020 for the first deadline, and exclusively in electronic form, unless the faculty has issued a later deadline for their submission. This deadline does not apply to doctoral theses, which will be submitted according to the original timetable.

4. State exams shall take place by distance testing.

5. The Rector recommends that thesis supervisors take the current situation and its potential course into account, and perhaps with the cooperation of guarantors of study programmes, they could change the aims, topics, and titles of theses. The rector also asks thesis supervisors and second reviewers (opponents) to take into account any objective circumstances which could have prevented the original thesis aims from being fulfilled when assessing a submitted work.

6. If, for objective reasons, a subject cannot be completed by a distance method of teaching or assessment (for example, if there is a need for laboratory exercises), the relevant faculty may change the study plan and move this subject to the following year. However, such a transfer must not be detrimental to students' interests.

7. If, for objective reasons and due to extraordinary circumstances, students have to extend the standard length of study, the rector will waive any tuition fees.

8. In accordance with these principles, necessary legislative changes to  internal regulations shall be adopted.