Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava


As the largest Slovak university, Comenius University in Bratislava is aware of its responsibilities towards students and staff. A meeting of the university's working group for monitoring, evaluating and adopting measures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) took place at the university on Monday 2 March 2020 and was chaired by Rector Marek Števček. The members of the working group include renowned medical experts as well as the managers of both university dormitories.

03. 03. 2020 22.34 hod.
By: From: CU Public Relations Office

 The Rector of Comenius University wishes to inform the academic community of the university that we are following the situation regarding the spread of COVID-19, that we shall continue to be guided by the recommendations and decisions of the competent authorities, and that we are ready to react promptly to any new development.

Measures to improve outbreak prevention and health protection include: 

  • the location of alcohol-based disinfectants in common areas and sanitary facilities, including in front of classrooms
  • an increased disinfection rate of the areas (e.g., door handles and contact surfaces) and their ventilation
  • placing information leaflets published on the website of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic on ways to reduce the risk of infection in areas where larger numbers of people move around 

Recommendations for the academic community:

  • Do not travel to risk areas (particularly northern Italy and China). If you return to Slovakia from an affected area, follow the guidelines of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic
  • If  you develop any symptom of the illness, or if you have returned from abroad, or if you have been in contact with an infected person, follow the instructions given by the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic: phone your doctor or local public health authority office, stay at home, and follow the instructions of competent authorities
  • Do not organize any events for a larger number of people, particularly those of an international character 

You can follow the latest information on the webpages of The Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, The Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, and The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Members of the working group