Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Information for Incoming Researchers

Dear incoming researchers, 

we are pleased to welcome you to the Comenius University in Bratislava, the oldest and largest of all universities in Slovakia. The Faculty of Natural Sciences is a top scientific educational institution with extensive pedagogical and research focus. Our faculty academically caters for and guarantees research programmes and projects whose results are recognized in the Europe-wide context. It is the most successful faculty in Slovakia in terms of co-financing projects from EU funds. The faculty the faculty is divided into five sections according to the basic scientific fields - Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Geography, Environmental Sciences and Natural Sciences Teaching. We hope that this webpage provides you with some practical information that helps you arrange your research stay in Slovakia.

We would like to ask you to fill in a short Application form to start your first contact with us. This step is necessary for your successful acceptation at our faculty. Warning: This form is only for those who have approved mobility by home institution. 



Bilateral agreements staff

ERASMUS+ staff mobility for teaching (STA)

ERASMUS+ staff mobility for training (STT)

National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic

Practical information before coming to Slovakia