Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Field of Interest And Professional Specialization

Doc. RNDr. Štefan Karolčík, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0002-7521-5159)

Teaching and Learning, curriculum development, E-Learning, teacher training, online education, distance education, ICT in education. The undergraduate and the postgraduate teacher training, writing of textbooks, of learning and methodological materials, creating education software and web applications and their assessment tools, methodics development for digital technologies implementation into teaching and their testing in the administration of the learning process Claroline and Moodle system, the, administration and management of Open Journal Systems contents of the magazine Geography.

Doc. PaedDr. Elena Čipková, PhD.

The undergraduate and the postgraduate teacher training in implementation of biological practicals and digital technologies into biology education, writing of textbooks, of learning and methodological materials, creating evaluation tools for educational software and web applications.

Doc. RNDr. Zuzana Haláková, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0001-8933-846X)

Science education, theory of teaching, teaching methods. The undergraduate teacher training in pedagogical communication, in the theory of teaching and school management, the field of science teaching and learning and in the theory of chemistry teaching.

RNDr. Jana Ciceková, PhD.

Educational and school psychology, soft skills for teachers, teacher training, well-being of children and adolescents coming from different environments, positive psychology, evolutionary biology, ecology.

Doc. PaedDr. Anna Drozdíková, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0002-8709-1050)

Curriculum development, teaching and learning, pedagogy and education, teaching experience, critical thinking, problem solving, academic writing, constructivism, concept mapping. The undergraduate and the postgraduate teacher training in didactics of school chemistry experiments.

PhDr. Michael Fuchs

The undergraduate teacher training in implementation of biology practicals and digital technologies into the biology education, writing of textbooks, of learning and methodological materials.

PhDr. ThLic. Peter Ikhardt, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0001-7577-4201)

Educational theory, positive psychology, educational and school psychology, developmental psychology, teacher education, research methodology.  Teacher´s personality in the context of current changes, adolescents´ mental health in the context of family and school, values, and the meaning of life of university students of helping professions.

Mgr. Lenka Kramárová, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0002-5051-4187)

Teaching methods, misconceptions, preconcepts, writing of textbooks. The undergraduate teacher training in the field of application of digital technologies into teaching chemistry, training of pre-service teachers for their teaching activities (organization and management of pedagogical practice in chemistry), professional specialization in the field of didactics.

Mgr. Dominik Šmida, PhD.

Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training and learning.

RNDr. Peter Likavský, CSc.

Pedagogy and education, curriculum development, teaching materials. The undergraduate teacher training in geography. The creation of geography education contents (co-author of 6 textbooks for the secondary school level, 3 textbooks for high school level - the head of the authors in one of them). Opportunities for the development of critical thinking by means of the geography education, the geography education misconceptions research.

RNDr. Henrieta Mázorová, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0001-5365-6933) 

Teacher education, teaching methods, science education. The undergraduate and the postgraduate teacher training in implementation of digital technologies into the teaching process of the biology and the geography; writing of textbooks, of learning and methodological materials, the pre-service teachers training, the pedagogical practice in geography.

PaedDr. Soňa Nagyová, PhD.

The undergraduate and the postgraduate teacher training, the research in preconcepts and misconceptions in the biology education (the primary and secondary levels), the implementation of digital technologies and the implementation of educational aspects into the biology education; prevention of drug addiction, sexual education, writing of textbooks, of learning and methodological materials.

Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Prokša, CSc.

Didactics of chemistry, methods of pedagogical research

Mgr. Štefan Zolcer, PhD. (ORCID: 0000-0003-1782-3604)

Philosophy of science, metaphysical and socio-cultural foundations of modern science, holistic approaches in philosophy of science; history of philosophy and science (especially history of astronomy) in early modern period; history of Anglo-American philosophy (especially Whitehead´s process philosophy, and pragmatism), Whitehead´s metaphysics; the scientific revolution in early modern period and at the beginning of the twentieth century; philosophy of education, philosophy for teachers; application possibilities of philosophy, environmental ethics.