Prírodovedecká fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

2023/01/17 Specific soil microbial responses to physico-chemical conditions and management practices

Slovenská spektroskopická spoločnosť,
člen Zväzu slovenských vedecko-technických spoločností

Ústav laboratórneho výskumu geomateriálov,
Prírodovedecká fakulta, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

pozývajú na prednášku

prof. Antonia Gelsomina
z Department of Agricultural Sciences, Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria (Taliansko)

17.01.2023 o 9:30 h.
na Prirodovedeckej fakulte UK v miestnosti AMOS

téma prednášky
Specific soil microbial responses to physico-chemical conditions and management practices

anotácia prednášky:
Soil is a complex and dynamic biological system, whose vulnerability and importance for the maintenance of ecosystem services have been nowadays recognised. The microbial component represents a key driver, which is selectively shaped in taxonomic composition and functional responses by stationary physico-chemical conditions and applied management practices. Assessing these site-specific features is therefore needed for a successful and sustainable management of agricultural soil resources.

Za organizátorov
Martin Urík


Plagát  [.pdf]   [.doc]   [.jpg]