Publikačná činnosť - výber
- publikácie (v EPČ UK)
1. Prokop, P., & Okrouhlík, J. (2021): Metabolic cost of holding nuptial food gifts for male spiders. Ecological Entomology, 46(3), 684-690.
2. Prokop, P. (2019): Male preferences for nuptial gifts and gift weight loss amongst the nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis. Journal of Ethology, 37(3), 363-370.
3. Onyishi, I. E., Nwonyi, S. K., Pazda, A., & Prokop, P. (2021): Attitudes and behaviour toward snakes on the part of Igbo people in southeastern Nigeria. Science of the Total Environment, 763, 143045
4. Prokop, P., Jersáková, J., Fančovičová, J., & Pipíška, M. (2019). Flower closure enhances pollen viability in Crocus discolor G. Reuss. Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, 250, 68–71.
5. Pecina, P., Vidlička, Ľ., & Prokop, P. (2020). Testing adaptive significance of host manipulation with a parasitoid wasp. Ethology, 126(7), 735-740
(zoznam aktuálnych projektov, na ktorých zamestnanec participuje):
Prokop, P. (hlavný riešiteľ): Ekológia pohlavného výberu. APVV č. 20-0081
Prokop, P. (hlavný riešiteľ): Ekologické špecifiká opeľovania a disperzie semien v urbánnom prostredí. VEGA č. 1/0007/21
Prokop, P. (spoluriešiteľ): Potenciál druhovej špecifickej fenotypovej „explózie“ vo forenznej rekonštrukcii introdukcie karanténnych Thysanoptera v umelo inteligentnom rozhraní. VEGA č. 1/0286/20
Bakalárske štúdium:
Biodiverzita, I. ročník, ZS, 4 kredity, povinný
Ekológia urbánnej krajiny, ZS, II. ročník, 3 kredity, povinný
Príroda – zdroj a inšpirácia, LS, I.-II. ročník, 3 kredity, výberový
Magisterské štúdium:
Biodiverzita, I. ročník, ZS, 4 kredity, povinný
Výskum a jeho aplikácia
Zaoberám sa evolúciou správania rôznych druhov živočíchov vrátane človeka so špeciálnym zameraním na pohlavný výber, sexuálny konflikt, svadobné kŕmenie, vzťahy medzi rastlinami a živočíchmi, ako aj na vzťahy medzi živočíchmi a človekom.
- VEGA 2/0033/12: Kompetícia spermií a sexuálny kanibalizmus u modlivky zelenej (Mantis religiosa) (hlavný riešiteľ)
- VEGA 2/0009/09: Predsvadobné kŕmenie a imunitné funkcie lovčíka hájneho (Pisaura mirabilis) (hlavný riešiteľ).
- VEGA 2/4082/4: Hniezdna hustota a reprodukčný úspech strnádky ciavej (Emberizia cia) v súvislosti s hustotou vegetácie na hniezdisku (zástupca hlavného riešiteľa).
- VEGA 2/7080/27: Vplyv veku, pohlavia, biotických a abiotických faktorov na imunokompetenciu a veľkosť investícií do rastu a reprodukcie u jašterice zelenej Lacerta viridis. (zástupca hlavného riešiteľa).
- VEGA 1/0111/03: Vplyv poveternostných podmienok na pohniezdny výskyt a dennú aktivitu vtákov (spoluriešiteľ).
- VEGA 1/3257/06: Faktory ovplyvňujúce mieru predácie na umelých a skutočných hniezdach vtákov v močiarnych biotopoch (spoluriešiteľ).
Publikačná činnosť
publikované články - úplný zoznam
Prokop, P. , Jersáková, J., Fančovičová, J., Pipíška, M. (2019). Flower closure enhances pollen viability in Crocus discolor G. Reuss. In Flora, 250:68–71.
Marcinkowska, U. M., Rantala, M. J., Lee, A. J., Kozlov, M. V., Aavik, T., Cai, H., Contreras-Garduño, J., David, O. A., Kaminski, G., Li, N. P., Onyishi, I. E., Prasai, K., Pazhoohi, F., Prokop, P., Cardozo, S. L., R., Sydney, N., Taniguchi, H., Krams, I., Dixson, B. J. W. (2019). Women’s preferences for men’s facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditions. In Scientific Reports, 9: 3387.
Bonin, P., Thiebaut, G., Prokop, P., Méot, A. (2019): “In your head, zombie”: zombies, predation and memory. In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 31(7): 635-650.
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2019): Examining secondary school students’ misconceptions about the human body: correlations between the methods of drawing and open-ended questions. In: Journal of Baltic Science Education, 18(4): 549 – 557.
Díaz-Morales, J. F., Jankowski, K. S., Prokop, P., Castellana, I., Linke, M., Randler, C., & Rahafar, A. (2018). Sleep timing is linked to sociosexuality: Evidence from German, Polish, Slovak, and Spanish females. In: Time & Society, 28 (3): 1272–1287.
Prokop, P. (2019): Male preferences for nuptial gifts and gift weight loss amongst the nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis. In: Journal of Ethology, 37(3), 363-370.
Prokop, P., & Fančovičová, J. (2019). The perception of toxic and non-toxic plants by children and adolescents with regard to gender: implications for teaching botany. In: Journal of Biological Education, 53(4), 463-473.
Conroy-Beam, D., Roney, J. R., Lukaszewski, A. W., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A., ...Prokop, P.... & Alm, C. (2019). Assortative mating and the evolution of desirability covariation. In: Evolution and Human Behavior, 40 (5): 479-491.
Conroy-Beam, D., Buss, D. M., Asao, K., Sorokowska, A.... Prokop, P.,... Zupančič, M. (2019): Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries. In: Scientific Reports, 9: 16885.
... (na tejto časti sa pracuje)
Publikačná činnosť - do r. 2018
- Prokop, P. (2004): The effect of nest usurpation on breeding success of the Black‑billed magpie Pica pica. In Biologia, 59(2): 213–217. 135,65 kB (132,47 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Grygláková, D. (2005): Factors affecting the foraging success of the wasp‑like spider, Argiope bruennichi (Scopoli): role of web design. In Biologia, 60(2): 165–169. 169,48 kB (165,51 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Václav, R. (2005): Males respond to the risk of sperm competition in the sexually cannibalistic praying mantis Mantis religiosa. In Ethology, 111(9): 836–848. 153,43 kB (149,83 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P. (2005): Web inclination alters foraging success of a nocturnal predator. In Italian Journal of Zoology, 72(3): 249–252. 1,20 MB (1,15 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P. (2006): Prey type does not determine web design in two orb‑weaving spiders. In Zoological Studies, 45(1): 673–680. 245,70 kB (239,94 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Václav, R., Prokop, P. (2006): Does the appearance of orb‑weaving spiders attract prey? In Annales Zoologici Fennici, 43(1): 65–71. 638,56 kB (623,59 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2006): Do predators cause a change in movement patterns as indicated by mist‑net trapping rates? In Ardea, 94(1): 71–76. 179,43 kB (175,22 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P. (2006): Insemination does not affect female mate choice in a nuptial feeding spider. In Italian Journal of Zoology, 73(3): 197–201. 215,25 kB (210,20 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2006): Reedbed structure and habitat preference of reed passerines during post‑breeding period. In Biologia, 61(2): 225–230. 206,17 kB (201,34 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Žoldošová, K., Prokop, P. (2006): Analysis of motivational orientations in science education. In International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(4): 669–688. 156,05 kB (152,39 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Žoldošová, K., Prokop, P. (2006): Education in the field influences children’s ideas and interest toward science. In Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(3): 304–313. 310,85 kB (303,57 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2006): Students’ ideas about the human body: Do they really draw what they know? In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 5(2): 86–95. 564,31 kB (551,09 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Lešková. A., Kubiatko, M., Diran, C. (2007): Slovakian students’ knowledge of and attitudes toward biotechnology. In International Journal of Science Education, 29(7): 895–907. 112,35 kB (109,72 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Prokop, M., Tunnicliffe, S. D., Diran, C. (2007): Children’s ideas of animals’ internal structures. In Journal of Biological Education, 41(2), 62–67. 78,03 kB (76,20 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Kubiatko, M., Fančovičová, J. (2007): Why do cocks crow? Children’s concepts about birds. In Research in Science Education, 37(4): 393–405. 207,37 kB (202,51 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
See the Bird Knowledge Questionnaire. 480,77 kB (469,50 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tuncer, G., Kvasničák, R. (2007): Short‑term effects of field programme on students’ knowledge and attitude toward biology: a Slovak experience. In Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(3): 247–255. 237,46 kB (231,89 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Kubiatko, M., Prokop, P. (2007): Pupils’ misconceptions about mammals. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6(1): 5–14. 328,73 kB (321,02 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Žoldošová, K., Prokop, P. (2007): Primary pupils’ preconceptions about child prenatal development. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(3): 239–246. 204,18 kB (199,39 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Prokop, M., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2007): Is biology boring? Student attitudes toward biology. In Journal of Biological Education, 42(1): 36–39. 144,62 kB (141,23 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
See the Biology Attitude Questionnaire. 9,04 kB (8,83 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tuncer, G., Chudá, J. (2007): Slovakian students’ attitude toward biology. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(4): 287–295. 224,79 kB (219,52 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Václav, R., Prokop, P., Fekiač, V. (2007): Expression of breeding coloration in Green Lizards (Lacerta viridis): variation with morphology and tick infestation. In Canadian Journal of Zoology, 85(12): 1199–1206. 261,04 kB (254,92 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Kubiatko, M., Fančovičová, J. (2008): Slovakian pupils’ knowledge of and attitudes toward birds. In Anthrozoös, 21(3): 221–235. 354,83 kB (346,51 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Prokop, M., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2008): Effects of keeping animals as pets on children’s concepts of vertebrates and invertebrates. In International Journal of Science Education, 30(4): 431–449. 157,79 kB (154,10 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Václav, R. (2008): Seasonal aspects of sexual cannibalism in the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa). In Journal of Ethology, 26(2): 213–218. 180,57 kB (176,34 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2008): “Disgusting animals”: Primary school children’s attitudes and myths of bats and spiders. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 4(2): 87–97. 378,02 kB (369,17 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Kubiatko, M. (2008): Bad wolf kills lovable rabbit: Children’s attitudes toward predator and prey. In Electronic Journal of Science Education, 12(1): 55–70. 101,73 kB (99,35 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2008): Students’ attitudes toward computer use in Slovakia. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 4(3): 255–262. 580,46 kB (566,86 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Maxwell, M. R. (2008): Interactions between multiple forms of nuptial feeding in the wood cricket Nemobius sylvestris (Bosc): dual spermatophores and male forewings. In Ethology, 114(12): 1173–1182. 190,26 kB (185,81 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P., Batáry, P. (2008): Dummy birds in artificial nest studies: an experiment with Red‑backed Shrike Lanius collurio. In Bird Study, 55(3): 329–331. 67,02 kB (65,45 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2008): Students’ understanding of human pregnancy. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 7(1): 37–47. 164,59 kB (160,73 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Özden, M., Uşak, M., Prokop, P., Türkoglu, A., Bahar, M. (2008): Student teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward chemical hormone usage in biotechnology. In African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(21): 3892–3899. 109,56 kB (107,00 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Bahar, M., Özel, M., Prokop, P., Uşak, M. (2008): Science student teachers’ ideas of the heart. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 7(2): 78–85. 800,83 kB (782,06 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Sánchez, S., Václav, R., Prokop, P. (2009): An inter‑regional approach to intraspecific variation in habitat association: Rock Buntings Emberiza cia as a case study. In Ibis, 151(1): 88–98. 248,68 kB (242,85 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Maxwell, M. R. (2009): Female feeding regime and polyandry in the nuptially feeding nursery web spider, Pisaura mirabilis. In Naturwissenschaften, 96(2): 259–265. 169,98 kB (165,99 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Kubiatko, M. (2009): Vampires are still alive: Slovakian students’ attitudes toward bats. In Anthrozoös, 22(1): 19–30. 215,83 kB (210,78 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
See the Bat Attitude Questionnaire. 125,44 kB (122,50 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Batáry, P., Prokop, P. (2009): Interactive effects of vegetation structure and breeding patterns on the survival of Great Reed Warbler’s Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests. In Ardea, 97(1): 109–116. 327,98 kB (320,30 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Uşak, M., Erdoğan, M., Prokop, P., Özel, M. (2009): High school and university students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding biotechnology. In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 37(2): 123–130. 93,25 kB (91,06 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Özel, M., Erdoğan, M., Uşak, M., Prokop, P. (2009): High school students’ knowledge and attitudes regarding biotechnology applications. In Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 9(1): 297–328. 147,33 kB (143,88 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Trnka, R., Trnka, A. (2009): First videotaped infanticide in the Common Pochard Aythya ferina. In Biologia, 64(5): 1016–1017. 158,86 kB (155,14 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Özel, M., Uşak, M. (2009): Cross‑cultural comparison of student attitudes toward snakes. In Society and Animals, 17(3): 224–240. 610,60 kB (596,29 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
See the Snake Attitude Questionnaire 58,37 kB (57,00 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Erdoğan, M. Özel, M., Uşak, M., Prokop, P. (2009): Development and validation of an instrument to measure university students’ biotechnology attitude. In Journal of Science Education & Technology, 18(3): 255–264. 245,36 kB (239,61 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2009): The effect of type of instruction on expression of children’s knowledge: how do children see the endocrine and urinary system? In International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 4(1): 75–93. 1,63 MB (1,56 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Rodák, R. (2009): Ability of Slovakian pupils to identify birds. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 5(2): 127–133. 482,56 kB (471,25 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Uşak, M., Prokop, P., Özden, M., Özel, M., Bilen, K., Erdoğan, M. (2009): Turkish university students’ attitudes toward biology: the effects of gender and enrolment in biology classes. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(2): 88–96. 447,85 kB (437,35 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Uşak, M., Özel, M., Fančovičová, J. (2009): Children’s conceptions of animal breathing: A cross‑age and cross‑cultural comparison. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 8(3): 191–207. 5,53 MB (5,27 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P., Batáry, P. (2010): Infanticide or interference: Does the Great Reed Warbler selectively destroy eggs? In Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47(4): 272–277. 222,78 kB (217,56 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tunnicliffe, S. D. (2010): Effects of keeping pets at home on children’s attitudes toward popular and unpopular animals. In Anthrozoös, 23(1): 21–35. 188,21 kB (183,79 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tolarovičová, A., Camerik, A., Peterková, V. (2010): High school students’ attitudes towards spiders: A cross‑cultural comparison. In International Journal of Science Education, 32(12): 1665–1688. 269,96 kB (263,63 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Uşak, M., Fančovičová, J. (2010): Health and the avoidance of macroparasites: A preliminary cross‑cultural study. In Journal of Ethology, 28(2): 345–351. 273,40 kB (266,99 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2010): Development and initial psychometric assessment of the Plant Attitude Questionnaire. In Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19(5): 415–421. 202,78 kB (198,02 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Trnka, A. (2011): Why do grebes cover their nests? Laboratory and field tests of two alternative hypotheses. In Journal of Ethology, 29(1): 17–22. 233,78 kB (228,30 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P., Uşak, M. (2010): Web‑site as an educational tool in biology education: A case of nutrition issue. In Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 10(2): 907–921. 185,18 kB (180,84 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Tunnicliffe, S. D., Kubiatko, M., Hornáčková, A., Uşak, M. (2011): The role of teacher in students’ attitudes to and achievement in palaeontology. In Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, 3(1): 29–45. 293,38 kB (286,50 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2010): The association between disgust, danger and fear of macroparasites and human behaviour. In Acta Ethologica, 13(1): 57–62. 142,38 kB (139,04 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Hudson, P., Uşak, M., Fančovičová, J., Erdoğan, M., Prokop, P. (2010): Preservice teachers’ memories of their secondary science education experiences. In Journal of Science Education and Technology, 19(6): 546–552. 267,70 kB (261,43 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Obertová, Z., Fedor, P. (2010): Paternity cues and mating opportunities: what makes fathers good? In Acta Ethologica, 13(2): 101–107. 205,62 kB (200,80 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Fedor, P. (2010): Health is associated with anti‑parasite behavior and fear of disease‑relevant animals in humans. In Ecological Psychology, 22(3): 222–237. 336,80 kB (328,91 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Uşak, M., Fančovičová, J. (2010): Risk of parasite transmission influences perceived vulnerability to disease and perceived danger of disease‑relevant animals. In Behavioural Processes, 85(1): 52–57. 233,48 kB (228,01 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2010): Does social mating system influence nest defence behaviour in Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) males? In Ethology, 116(11): 1075–1083. 187,84 kB (183,44 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fedor, P., Doričová, M., Prokop, P., Mound, L. A. (2010): Heinrich Uzel, the father of Thysanoptera studies. In Zootaxa, 2645: 55–63. 167,64 kB (163,71 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2010): Perceived body condition is associated with fear of a large carnivore predator in humans. In Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47(6): 417–425. 799,91 kB (781,16 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fedor, P., Doričová, M., Hammersteinová, I., Prokop, P., Sierka, W., Kiseľák, J., Zvarík, M. (2011): Cereal pests among nest parasites – the story of barley thrips, Limothrips denticornis Haliday (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). In Entomologica Fennica, 21(4): 221–231. 305,86 kB (298,70 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Václav, R., Ficová, M., Prokop, P., Betáková, T. (2011): Associations between coinfection prevalence of Borrelia lusitaniae, Anaplasma sp., Rickettsia spp. in hard ticks feeding on reptile host. In Microbial Ecology, 61(2): 245–253. 198,70 kB (194,04 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2011): Polygynous great reed warblers suffer more cuckoo parasitism than monogamous pairs. In Journal of Avian Biology, 42(2): 192–195. 90,60 kB (88,48 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Erdoğan, M., Fančovičová, J., Bahar, M., Uşak, M. (2011): Fear, disgust and perceived danger of invertebrates in schooling children from Slovakia and Turkey: implications for biology education. In Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 40: 344–352. 135,05 kB (131,88 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2011): The effect of owning animals on perceived vulnerability to, and avoidance of, parasitic diseases in humans. In Journal of Individual Differences, 32(3): 129–136. 112,04 kB (109,41 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2011): Plants have a chance: Outdoor educational programmes alter student’s knowledge and attitudes towards plants. In Environmental Education Research, 17(4): 537–551. 222,99 kB (217,76 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2011): The use and the function of snake skins in the nests of Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus. In Ibis, 153(3): 627–630. 158,17 kB (154,47 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Maxwell, M. R. (2011): Sexual conflict over spermatophore attachment in a nuptially‑feeding cricket. In Ethology, 117(6): 520–528. 198,61 kB (193,95 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2011): Physical attractiveness influences reproductive success of modern men. In Journal of Ethology, 29(3): 543–458. 189,68 kB (185,23 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2011): Children’s ability to recognise toxic and non‑toxic fruits: A preliminary study. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 7(2): 115–120. 177,19 kB (173,04 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Ficová, M., Betáková, T., Pančík, P., Václav, R., Prokop, P., Halásová, Z., Kúdelová, M. (2011): Molecular detection of murine herpesvirus 68 in ticks feeding on free‑living reptiles. In Microbial Ecology, 62(4): 862–867. 184,25 kB (179,94 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Uşak, M., Erdoğan, M. (2011): Good predators in bad stories: cross‑cultural comparison of children’s attitudes toward wolves. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 10(4): 229–242. 321,74 kB (314,20 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2011): Preferences for spicy foods and disgust of ectoparasites are associated with reported health in humans. In Psihologija, 44(4): 281–293. 93,97 kB (91,77 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Halder, P., Prokop, P., Chang, C. Y., Uşak, M., Pietarinen, J. Havu‑Nuutinen, S. Pelkonen, P., Cakir, M. (2012): International survey on bioenergy knowledge, perceptions and attitudes among young citizens. In BioEnergy Research, 5(1): 247–261. 256,96 kB (250,94 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2012): Beautiful fruits taste good: the aesthetic influences of fruit preferences in humans. In Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 69(1): 71–83. 1,05 MB (1,00 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2012): Tolerance of amphibians in Slovakian people: A comparison of pond owners and non‑owners. In Anthrozoös, 25(3): 277–288. 215,90 kB (210,84 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P., Kašová, M., Sobeková, K., Kocian, Ľ. Hatchling sex ratio and female mating status in the great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Aves: Passeriformes): further evidence for offspring sex ratio manipulation. In Italian Journal of Zoology, 79(2): 2012–217. 196,21 kB (191,62 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Rantala, M. J., Fančovičová, J. (2012): Is plasticity in mating preferences adapted to perceived exposure to pathogens? In Acta Ethologica, 15(1): 135–140. 190,62 kB (186,15 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P. (2012): The effectiveness of hawk mimicry in protecting the cuckoos from aggressive hosts. In Animal Behaviour, 83(1): 263–268. 388,49 kB (379,39 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Randler, C., Hummel, E., Prokop, P. (2012): Practical work at school reduces disgust and fear of unpopular animals. In Society and Animals, 20(1): 61–74. 360,00 kB (351,57 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Maxwell, M. R. (2012): Gift‑carrying in the spider Pisaura mirabilis: nuptial gift contents in nature and effects on male running speed and fighting success. In Animal Behaviour, 83(6): 1395–1399. 387,34 kB (378,26 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Erdoğan, M., Özel, M., BouJaoude, S., Lamanauskas, V., Uşak, M., Prokop, P. (2012): Assessment of preservice teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes regarding biotechnology: A cross‑cultural comparison. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(1): 78–93. 310,90 kB (303,62 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Prokop, P., Grim, T. (2012): Uncovering dangerous cheats: How do avian hosts recognize adult brood parasites? In PLoS ONE, 7(5): e37445. 427,71 kB (417,69 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Požgayová, M., Procházka, P., Prokop, P., Honza, M. (2012): Breeding success of a brood parasite is associated with social mating status of its host. In Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 66(8): 1187–1194. 606,60 kB (592,39 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Šorgo, A., Lamanauskas, V., Šašić, S. S., Kubiatko, M., Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Bilek, M., Tomažič, T., Erdoğan, E. (2012): A cross‑national study of prospective elementary and science teacher’ creativity styles. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 11(3): 285–292. 226,17 kB (220,87 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2013): Self‑protection versus disease avoidance: The perceived physical condition is associated with fear of predators in humans. In Journal of Individual Differences, 34(1): 15–23. 241,31 kB (235,66 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Halder, P., Pietarinen, J. Havu‑Nuutinen, S., Pelkonen, P., Prokop, P., Chang, C. Y., Uşak, M. (2013): Knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes as determinants of youth’s intentions to use bioenergy – a cross‑national perspective. In International Journal of Green Energy, 10(8): 797–813. 221,30 kB (216,11 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Ballouard, J. M., Ajtic, R., Balint, H., Brito, J., Crnobrnja‑Isailovic, J., Elmouden, E. L., Erdoğan, M., Feriche, M., Pleuguezuelos, J. M., Prokop, P., Sanchez, A., Santos, X., Slimani, T., Sterijovski, B., Tomovic, L., Uşak, M., Zuffi, M., Bonnet, X. (2013): Schoolchildren and one of the most unpopular animals: are they ready to protect snakes? In Anthrozoös, 26(1): 93–109. 292,86 kB (286,00 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Rantala, M. J., Uşak, M., Senay, I. (2013): Is a woman’s preference for chest hair in men influenced by parasite threat? In Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(7): 1181–1189. 478,90 kB (467,68 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2013): Associations between body morphology, mating success and mate preferences among Slovak males and females. In Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 70(2): 121–135. 336,52 kB (328,63 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2013): Does colour matter? The influence of animal warning colouration in human emotions and willingness to protect them. In Animal Conservation, 16(4): 458–466. 370,61 kB (361,93 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2013): The effects of parasites on human behaviour: An evolutionary perspective. In Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, 5(5): 46–64. 3,03 MB (2,89 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Özel, M., Uşak, M., Senay, I. (2013): Disease‑threat model explains acceptance of genetically modified products. In Psihologija, 40(3): 229–243. 129,60 kB (126,56 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Hromada, M. (2013): Women use red in order to attract mates. In Ethology, 119(7): 605–613. 1,65 MB (1,57 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P. (2013): Rape avoidance behavior among Slovak women. In Evolutionary Psychology, 11(2): 365–382. 413,84 kB (404,14 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P., Lešková, A. (2013): Perceived disgust and personal experiences are associated with acceptance of dissections in schools. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 9(3): 311–318. 342,88 kB (334,84 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Štefániková, S., Prokop, P. (2013): Introducing the concept of adaptive memory to science education: does survival threat influence our knowledge about animals? In Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 14(3A): 1403–1414. 382,43 kB (373,47 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Jančovičová, M. (2013): Disgust sensitivity and gender differences: an initial test of the parental investment hypothesis. In Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century, 7(7): 40–48. 5,67 MB (5,40 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Trnka, A., Peterková, V., Prokop, P., Batáry, P. (2014): Management of reedbeds: mosaic reed cutting does not affect prey abundance and nest predation rate of reed passerine birds. In Wetlands Ecology and Management, 22(3): 227–234. 1,05 MB (1,00 MiB), 13. 1. 2015
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2014): Seeing coloured fruits: Utilization of the theory of adaptive memory in teaching botany. In Journal of Biological Education, 48(3): 127–132. 214,23 kB (209,21 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Fedor, P., Peña‑Méndez, E. M., Kucharczyk, H., Vaňhara, J., Havel, J., Doričová, M., Prokop, P. (2014): Artificial neural networks in online semiautomated pest discriminability: an applied case with 2 Thrips species. In Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 38(1): 111–124. 1,52 MB (1,45 MiB), 10. 12. 2014
Prokop, P., Kubiatko, M. (2014): Perceived vulnerability to disease predicts environmental attitudes. In Eurasia Journal of Mathemaics, Science and Technology Education, 10(1): 3–11. 251,06 kB (245,18 KiB), 10. 12. 2014
Šorgo, A., Uşak, M., Kubiatko, M., Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P., Puhek, M., Škoda, J., Bahar, M. (2014): A cross‑cultural study on freshmen’s knowledge of genetics, evolution, and the nature of science. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(1): 6–18. 316,72 kB (309,29 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Pazda, A., Prokop, P., Elliot, A. (2014): Red and romantic rivalry: Viewing another woman in red increases perceptions of sexual receptivity, derogation, and intentions to mate‑guard. In Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(10): 1260–1269. 498,31 kB (486,63 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Prokop, P. (2014): Partner satisfaction, as opposed to condom use, predicts symptoms of depression amongst women: A failure to replicate Gallup et al. (2002). In Personality and Individual Differences, 71(12): 51–55. 229,57 kB (224,19 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Prokop, P., Neupauerová, D. (2014): Flower closure in the field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis): a field test of the pollination hypothesis. In Turkish Journal of Botany, 38: 877–882. 125,76 kB (122,81 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Fedor, P. (2014): Parasites enhance self‑grooming behaviour and information retention in humans. In Behavioural Processes, 107(9): 42–46. 334,90 kB (327,05 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Marcinkowska, U. M., Kozlov, M. V., Cai, H., Contreras‑Garduño, J., Dixson, B. J., Oana, G. A., Kaminski, G., Li, N. P., Lyons, M. T., Onyishi, I. E., Prasai, K., Pazhoohi, F., Prokop, P., Rosales Cardozo, S. L., Sydney, N., Yong, J. C., Rantala, M. J. (2014): Cross‑cultural variation in men’s preference for sexual dimorphism in women’s faces. In Biology Letters, 10(4): 20130850. 233,84 kB (228,35 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. 2014: The effects of 3D plastic models of animals and cadaveric dissection on student’s perceptions of the internal organs of animals. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(6): 767-775. 376,03 kB (367,22 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Masarovič, R., Doričová, M., Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2014): “Testing the limits” – an interesting record of the exotic banded greenhouse thrips Hercinothrips femoralis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae) at high Carpathian mountain altitudes. In Biologia, 69(11): 1631-1634. 183,88 kB (179,57 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Randler, C., Prokop, P., Sahus, S., Haldar, P. (2015): Cross‑cultural comparison of seven morningness and sleep‑wake measures from Germany, India and Slovakia. In International Journal of Psychology. 50(4): 279–287 170,82 kB (166,82 KiB), 3. 8. 2015
Senay, I., Uşak, M., Prokop, P. (2015): Talking about Behaviors in the passive voice increases task performance. In Applied Cognitive Psychology. 29(2): 262–270. 386,78 kB (377,72 KiB), 17. 3. 2015
Prokop, P. (2015): Perception of intensity of sperm competition on the part of males. In Personality and Individual Differences, 76: 99–103 237,06 kB (231,51 KiB), 13. 1. 2015
Ballouard, J. M., Mullin, S. J., Ajtic, R., Brito, J. C., ElMouden, E. H., Erdogan, M., Feriche, M., Pleguezuelos, J. M., Prokop, P., Sánchez, A., Santos, X., Slimani, T., Sterijovski, B., Tomovic, L., Uşak, M., Zuffi, M., Bonnet, X. (2015): Factors influencing schoolchildren’s responses to a questionnaire in wildlife conservation education. In International Journal of Science Education, 37(3): 469–483. 319,47 kB (311,98 KiB), 20. 2. 2015
Hummel, E., Özel, M., Medina‑Jerez, W., Fančovičová, J., Uşak, M., Prokop, P., Randler, C. (2015): Interest in birds and its relationship with attitudes and myths: A cross‑cultural study in countries with different levels of economic development. In Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 15(1): 285–296. 624,55 kB (609,91 KiB), 16. 3. 2015
Šorgo, A., Pipenbaher, N., Šašić, S. Š., Prokop, P., Kubiatko, M., Golob, N., Erdogan, M., Tomažič, I., Bilek, M., Fančovičová, J., Lamanauskas, V., Usak, M. (2015): Cross national study on pre‑service elementary and science teachers’ opinions on science teaching. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(4): 713–723. 401,26 kB (391,85 KiB), 20. 7. 2015
Štefániková, S., Prokop, P. (2015): Do we believe pictures more or spoken words? How specific information affects how students learn about animals. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(4): 725–733. 316,07 kB (308,66 KiB), 20. 7. 2015
Prokop, P. (2015): The putative son’s attractiveness alters the perceived attractiveness of the putative father. In Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(6): 1713–1721. 465,36 kB (454,46 KiB), 20. 7. 2015
Prokop, P., Pazda, A. D., Elliot, A. J. (2015): Influence of conception risk and sociosexuality on female attraction to male red. In Personality and Individual Differences, 87: 166–170. 359,10 kB (350,68 KiB), 12. 10. 2015
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Krajčovičová, A. (2016): Alternative conceptions about micro-organisms are influenced by experiences with disease in children. In Journal of Biological Education, 50(1): 61–72. 556,56 kB (543,51 KiB), 1. 3. 2016
Onyishi, I. E., Prokop, P., Okafor, C. O., Pham, M. N. (2016): Female genital cutting restricts sociosexuality among the Igbo people of Southeast Nigeria. In Evolutionary Psychology, 14(2): 1–7. 321,59 kB (314,05 KiB), 14. 5. 2016
Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2016): Why do flowers close at night? Experiments with the Lesser Celandine, Ficaria verna Huds. (Ranunculaceae). In Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 18(3): 698—702. 313,88 kB (306,52 KiB), 22. 5. 2016
Prokop, P., Medina‑Jerez, W., Coleman, J., Fančovičová, J., Özel, M., Fedor, P. (2016): Tolerance of frogs among high school students: Influences of disgust and culture. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 12(6): 1499–1505. 956,32 kB (933,91 KiB), 22. 3. 2016
Prokop, P. (2016): Male preference for female pubic hair: An evolutionary view. In Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 73(2): 169–175. 607,56 kB (593,32 KiB), 9. 6. 2016
Zvaríková, M., Kiseľák, J., Zvarík, M., Masarovič, R., Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2016): Ecological gradients and environmental impact in the forest dwelling Haplothrips subtilissimus (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) phenotypic variability. In Ecological Indicators, 66: 313–320. 1,13 MB (1,08 MiB), 18. 2. 2016
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2016): Mothers are less disgust sensitive than childless females. In Personality and Individual Differences, 96: 65–69. 358,75 kB (350,34 KiB), 7. 3. 2016
Prokop, P., Majerčíková, D., Vyoralová, Z. (2016): The use of realia versus powerpoint presentations on botany lessons. In Journal of Baltic Science Education, 15(1): 18–27. 399,68 kB (390,32 KiB), 30. 3. 2016
Prokop, P., Morvayová, N., Fedor, P. (2016): With or without you: does partner satisfaction and partner‑directed violence influence the presence of a partner on women’s Facebook cover profile photographs? In Anales de Psicología, 32(2): 307–312. 266,64 kB (260,39 KiB), 5. 4. 2016
Bryant, G. A., Fessler, D. M. T., Fusaroli, R., Clint, E., Aarøe, L., Apicella, C. L., Petersen, M. P., Bickham, S. T., Bolyanatz, A., Chavez, B., De Smet, D., Díaz, C., Fančovičová, J., Fux, M., Giraldo-Perez, P., Hu, A., Kamble, S. V., Kameda, T., Li, N. P., Luberti, F. R., Prokop, P., Quintelier, K., Scelza, B. A., Shin, H. J., Soler, M., Stieger, S., Toyokawa, W., van den Hende, E. A., Viciana‑Asensio, H., Yildizhan, S. E., Yong, J. C., Yuditha, T., Zhou, Y. (2016): Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(17): 4682–4687. 1,08 MB (1,03 MiB), 27. 4. 2016
Prokop, P., Pazda, A. D. (2016): Women’s red clothing can increase mate‑guarding from their male partner. In Personality and Individual Differences, 98: 114–117. 340,98 kB (332,98 KiB), 15. 4. 2016
Prokop, P., Maxwell, M. R. (2016): Female predatory response to conspecific males and heterospecific prey in the praying mantis Mantis religiosa: evidence for discrimination of conspecific males. In Journal of Ethology, 34(2): 139–146. 582,08 kB (568,44 KiB), 15. 4. 2016
Prokop, P., Pekárik, L. (2016): Men’s perception of raped women: test of the sexually transmitted disease hypothesis and the cuckoldry hypothesis. In European Journal of Ecology, 2(1): 1–12. 483,53 kB (472,20 KiB), 6. 2. 2017
Tybur, J. M., Inbar, Y., Aarøe, L., Barclay, P., Barlow, F. K., de Barra, M., Becker, D. V., Borovoi, L., Choi, I., Choi, J. A., Consedine, N. S., Conway, A., Conway, J. R., Conway, P., Adoric, V. C., Demirci, D. E., Fernández, A. M., Ferreira, D. C. S., Ishii, K., Jakši, I., Ji, T., van Leeuwen, F., Lewis, D. M. G., Li, N. P., McIntyre, J. C., Mukherjee, S., Park, J. H., Pawlowski, B., Petersen, M. B., Pizarro, D., Prodromitis, G., Prokop, P., Rantala, M. J., Reynolds, L. M., Sandin, B., Sevi, B., Smet, D. D., Srinivasan, N., Tewari, S., Wilson, C., Yong, J. C., Žeželj, I. (2016): Parasite stress and pathogen avoidance relate to distinct dimensions of political ideology across 30 nations. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Stated of America, 113(44): 12408–12413. 681,43 kB (665,46 KiB), 26. 11. 2016
Randler, C., Desch, I. H., Kampe, V. O., Wüst‑Ackermann, P., Wilde, M., Prokop, P. (2017): Anxiety, disgust and negative emotions influence food intake in humans. In International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 7: 11–15. 188,30 kB (183,88 KiB), 3. 1. 2017
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2017): The effect of hands‑on activities on children’s knowledge and disgust for animals. In Journal of Biological Education, 51(3), 305–314. 1,38 MB (1,32 MiB), 22. 8. 2017
Kubiatko, M., Balátová, K., Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2017): Pupils’ attitudes toward chemistry in two types of Czech schools. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(6): 2539–2552. 624,28 kB (609,65 KiB), 22. 8. 2017
Prokop, P., Semelbauer, M. (2017): Biometrical and behavioural associations with offering nuptial gifts by males in the spider Pisaura mirabilis. In Animal Behaviour, 129, pp. 189–196. ISSN 0003‑3472. 848,81 kB (828,92 KiB), 22. 8. 2017
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J. (2017): Animals in dangerous postures enhance learning, but decrease willingness to protect animals. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(9): 6069–6077. 415,35 kB (405,61 KiB), 5. 9. 2017
Zvaríková, M., Masarovič, R., Bohuš, M., Prokop, P., Fedor, P. (2017): Another climate change induced infiltration? The northernmost record of thermophilous spore‑feeding Allothrips pillichellus (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: Idolothripinae). In Biologia, 72(8): 961—964. 932,96 kB (911,09 KiB), 18. 9. 2017
Prokop, P., Onyishi, I. E., Okafor, C. O., Pham, M. (2017): Preliminary evidence for existence of oral sex in the rural Igbo community in Southeast Nigeria. In Human Ethology Bulletin, 32(3): 129–140. 4,20 MB (4,01 MiB), 3. 10. 2017
Šorgo, A., Lamanauskas, V., Sašic, S. Š., Ersozlu, Z. N., Tomažič, I., Kubiatko, M., Prokop, P., Ersozlu, A., Fančovičová, J., Bílek, M., Usak, M. (2017): Cross‑national study on relations between motivation for science courses, pedagogy courses and general self‑efficacy. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 13(10): 6497–6508. 367,52 kB (358,90 KiB), 3. 10. 2017
Fedor, P., Sigmund, J., Zvaríková, M., Masarovič, R., Štefánik, M., Kumpál, M., Litavský, J., Prokop, P. (2018): The Most Northern Record of the Alien Composite Thrips Microcephalothrips abdominalis in Europe. In Plant Protection Science, 54(1): 43–47. 667,84 kB (652,18 KiB), 27. 11. 2017
Fančovičová, J., Prokop, P. (2018): Effects of Hands‑on Activities on Conservation, Disgust and Knowledge of Woodlice. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 14(3):721–729. 320,09 kB (312,59 KiB), 27. 11. 2017
Prokop, P., Fančovičová, J., Kučerová, A. (2018): Aposematic colouration does not explain fear of snakes in humans. In Journal of Ethology, 36(1): 35–41. 679,72 kB (663,79 KiB), 9. 1. 2018
Prokop, P. (2018): Natural selection influences the reactions of children to potentially dangerous animals. In Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 14(4): 1397–1406. 377,15 kB (368,31 KiB), 24. 1. 2018
Musila, S., Prokop, P., Gichuki, N. (2018): Knowledge and perceptions of, and attitudes to, bats by people living around Arabuko‑Sokoke Forest, Malindi‑Kenya. In Anthrozoös, 31(2): 247–262. 407,13 kB (397,58 KiB), 12. 3. 2018
Marcinkowska, U. M., Jasienska, G., Prokop, P. (2018): A comparison of masculinity facial preference among naturally cycling, pregnant, lactating, and post‑menopausal women. In Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(5): 1367–1374. 348,90 kB (340,72 KiB), 22. 5. 2018
Hosťovecký, M., Prokop, P. (2018): The relationship between internet addiction and personality traits in Slovak secondary schools students. In Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics, 14(1): 83–101. 337,96 kB (330,04 KiB), 27. 6. 2018
Harsányiová, M., Prokop, P. (2018): Living condition, weight loss and cognitive decline among people with dementia. In Nursing Open, 5(3): 275–284. 540,19 kB (527,53 KiB), 26. 7. 2018
Bryant, G. A., Fessler, D. M., Fusaroli, R., Clint, E., Amir, D., Chávez, B., Denton, K. K., Diaz, C., Duran, L. T., Fančovičová, J., Fux, M., Ginting, E. F., Hasan, Y., Hu, A. N., Kamble, S. V., Kameda, T., Kuroda, K., Li, N. P., Luberti, F. R., Peyravi, R., Prokop, P., Quintelier, K. J. P., Shin, H. J., Stieger, S., Sugiyma, L. S., van den Hende, E. A., Viciana-Asensio, H., Yildizhan, S. E., Yong, J. C., Yuditha, T., Zhou, Y. (2018). The perception of spontaneous and volitional laughter across 21 societies. In Psychological Science, 29(9): 1515–1525. 1,19 MB (1,14 MiB), 28. 9. 2018
Maxwell, M. R., Prokop, P. (2018). Fitness effects of nuptial gifts in the spider Pisaura mirabilis: examination under an alternative feeding regime. In Journal of Arachnology, 46(3):404–412. 260,90 kB (254,79 KiB), 22. 12. 2018