Prírodovedecká fakultaUniverzita Komenského v Bratislave

Informácie pre doktorandov / Information for Doctoral Students


Slovak Language for Foreign Doctoral Students (1432 kB)

Information for Doctoral Students _ presentation (2,28 MB)






2024-2025 Winter Semester

Dear PhD students,

An Excel spreadsheet with concrete time slots, lecture rooms and in-person or online options (only to external students) are attached to this notification.

The spreadsheet needs to be signed no later than 10th September 2024.

Be assured all of you will be catered for and have a spot to participate at a course.

With regards,

Aneta Barnes 



Information on a non-compulsory testing:

Date: 6 February 2025

Time: 10.00 - 11.30 or 12.00 - 13.30

Venue: G 203

This is an optional test for students who may be interested in a reference letter!

As you are aware, we have scheduled a voluntary test for February 2025. Due to the constraints within the AIS platform (the platform does not allow further examination sign-ups once your evaluation is recorded), we have come up with an alternative method to facilitate sign-ups for the voluntary test.

Below, you can find a link to an Excel Spreadsheet providing you with the opportunity to select your preferred time slot and thus ensure an even distribution of participants across two groups within the span of a day.

Please follow the provided LINK to access the spreadsheet and indicate your availability: Optional Test for the PhD Students 6th February 2025

Should you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the sign-up process, feel free to reach out to us.

The test consists of a vocabulary section based on two documents provided by Ms Aneta Barnes (Academic Vocabulary and Synonyms, see below), a reading test and a listening test.


Attention to all newly accepted PhD students from 1st February 2025

Based on the faculty’s accreditation, all the PhD students are required to pass the Professional English 1 as a compulsory course.

This course can only be taken in the winter semester of a certain academic year and not in the summer semester. 

PhD students may take Professional English 2 course in the summer semester. It is a voluntary follow up course to the Professional English 1 course.

For all newly accepted PhD students, it means postponing Professional English 1 course to the winter semester of the following academic year.

In case you want to stay in touch with English, you may take up Professional English 2 course starting next Monday, 17th February 2025.

Please refer to the Excel sheet above and sign up no later than XY February 2025.


Aneta Barnes


2024-2025 Winter Semester

Professional English for PhD Students 1 


All PhD students who have obtained a C2 certificate, UNICERT certificate or have at least C1 proficiency in English need to contact the head of the Language Department RNDr. Tatiana Slováková, Ph.D. prior to signing for the course.

IELTS test results with a band score of at least 6.5 and corresponding TOEFL test results (higher than 79) are also accepted.

After consideration, these students might be exempt from attending this course and from taking the final test conducted in January

Students are welcome to join this interactive course to further improve their English language skills and implement the newly gained competencies in their future scientific work.

This course is a compulsory course for all the doctoral students in the winter semester.

Credits allocation: Credits (5) will be awarded to students who demonstrate continual active participation during lessons and deliver all set tasks and assignments in timely manner. Each task must be completed at the minimum of 60%. 

The course’s outcome is for each PhD student to effectively use the English language for professional purposes thus sufficiently comprehend targeted written and audio texts and present their viewpoints in required forms.

The aim of the course is a detailed focus on the individual parts of a research paper, its correct structure, usage of scientific vocabulary in various fields of science, correct written delivery of research results (including figure legends, explanation of graphs and tables) as well as appropriate grammar structures used in scientific articles and research papers. Consequently, to help the participants improve their presentational skills in a simulated conference/symposium setting as well as the explicit teaching of techniques associated with the proper delivery of a good presentation.

All participants are required a B2 level in English in order to participate and pass this course.


The official start of this course is the week starting 23rd September 2024.

Students can choose from five offered time slots. Number of students in one time slot is limited to twenty. Please note that online courses are preferable offered to external students.


Materials to be printed out and brought to the first lesson:

Academic vocabulary (112 kB)

Synonyms (42 kB)


Monday:  9:20–10:50 in room G 417 (the course commencement date: 23 September 2024);

Monday: 11:00–12:30 in room G 417 (the course commencement date: 23 September 2024);

Wednesday: 8:10–9:40 online (for external students) via MS Teams (the course commencement date: 25 September 2024)

Thursday: 12:30–14:00 in room G 417 (the course commencement date: 26 September 2024) 

Thursday: 14:10–15:40 in room G 417 (the course commencement date: 26 September 2024) 

Suggested textbook:

Armer, T.: Cambridge English for Scientists


2024-2025 Summer Semester

Professional English for PhD Students 2 


Dear PhD students,

Based on voluntary participation PhD students have the opportunity to attend the Professional English 2 course in summer semester 2024/25 to further improve their language skills.

We are delighted to offer any interested students the following time slots:

Monday: 8:10–9:40 in room G 417

Monday: 9:50–11:20 in room G 417

Wednesday: 8:10–9:40 in room G 417

In case of your interest please sign up to the preferred time slot at the enclosed Excel sheet no later than 28th January 2025.


Sign-up Excel Spreadsheet for PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH_PhD_summer_semester_2024_25


The course first session will take place during the first week of the summer semester in February 2025 (17th February 2025).

Kind regards Aneta Barnes


Contact person:  Mgr. Aneta Barnes