Student Scientific Conference
Student Scientific Conference
The Student Scientific Conference has been organized at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava since 1970. It represents a significant part of the scientific knowledge dissemination throughout the faculty, heightens the attractiveness of studying at the faculty, and also has a great importance for the faculty management, guarantors of study programs, teachers and researchers working at the faculty. The conference presents scientific papers from various scientific fields, from biology, through chemistry, geology, geography, environmental studies to didactics in science. SSC FNS CU holds the first place among scientific events of a similar type in Slovakia, and it is organized for students of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies in natural sciences (without the scientific-academic degree of PhD.). High school and grammar school students can also actively participate in the conference. The main aim of the conference is to create a suitable environment for students to present the results of their scientific activities, improve student-student and student-teacher communication and create a real academic atmosphere on the faculty campus.
The number of active participants in SSC FNS CU is growing from year to year. In recent years, more than 300 students have been actively presenting their results at SSC FNS CU. Students from other domestic and foreign universities, research institutes also inform the audience in the auditorium about the results of their scientific work.
Presenters and passive participants get practical experience in formulating conclusions and generalizing the results of their research. They improve in sharing and presenting of given results and also themselves as individuals and scientists. They also get an overview of ongoing research from various scientific fields. SSC FNS CU can also be perceived as the promotion of individual departments and institutes, or various specializations. Based on the presented works, students get an idea of the research activities of the faculty departments, which could help them realize what their next steps as scientists could be and which field of science would fit them best. The event also has a special importance for secondary and grammar schools, students and teachers, who are starting to attend SSC FNS CU in an increasing number.
The conference begins with an opening speech by the rector of CU and the dean of FNS CU, continues with a plenary lecture, followed by presentations of individual papers submitted in the aforementioned sections. Part of the presentation of works is a poster section at the end of the first half of the event, where students present their results in the form of engaging posters. SSC FNS CU is traditionally closed by a social evening linked with the presentation of awards to active participants. The committee composed of the faculty’s associate professors and professors selects the best paper for each section, the author of which is awarded with a diploma and prizes for the best paper and presentation of the SSC FNS CU. Every year, the dean awards the students with a diploma for the best contribution in the biological, didactic, environmental, geographical, geological and chemical sections, and a diploma for the "Best Poster" along with many other attractive prizes.
SSC FNS CU includes the publication of conference proceedings with ISBN, whose reviewers are renowned experts in individual fields of natural sciences from the Faculty of Natural Science at the Comenius University in Bratislava. In printed form, the collection has more than 2,000 pages with a clear structure. The texts of the papers are usually supplemented by tables and illustrations. Despite the fact that it is mostly a professional text, many contributions have the ambition to address the general public.
SSC FNS CU usually takes place at FNC CU and in 2024 it will take place on Wednesday, 25th April 2024.
The SSC FNS CU is under the auspices of Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava, prof. JUDr. Marek Števček, DrSc.. and Dean of the Faculty of Natural Science, Comenius University in Bratislava, prof. RNDr. Peter Fedor, DrSc.
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RNDr. Mária Chovancová, PhD.