Conference fee: 45, - €
(conference fee includes maximum of 2 articles)
Confirmation of the conference fee payment will be received by each paying participant in electronic form within two days from the SSC 2024.
Papers will be accepted and published in the Proceedings of SSC 2024 only if you meet the deadline (March 25th, 2024) for the payment of the conference fee.
Conference fee is NOT PAYED BY:
Those participants who were awarded at SSC FNS CU 2023
High school and Grammar school students
Students of Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University studying in Bc. and Mgr. degree of study
Members of the Organizing Committee
Conference fee IS PAYED BY:
Internal doctoral students of FNS CU in Bratislava: they can pay the conference fee in one of the following ways:
in the registration form of SSC, they will state in agreement with their supervisor, the so-called SPP element (grant code in the Sofia accounting system, NOT the grant number), on which the funds are located, and from which the FNS will withdraw the conference fee as a contribution to the faculty.
The conference fee can also be paid by internal doctoral students by transfer to the account, in the manner specified in the section “Other participants of the SSC 2024”, until March 25th, 2024. The exact date of payment together with evidence of payment (transfer print screen, pdf...) must be notified to the e-mail address:
Other participants of SSC 2024:
pay the conference fee until March 25th, 2024 by transfer to the account:
ŠTÁTNA POKLADNICA, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Account: 000000-7000082845/8180
VS: 25042024
IBAN: SK34 8180 0000 0070 0008 2845
SWIFT: SUBASKBX (BIC/SWIFT: SPSRSKBAXXX, can be generated when paying from abroad, which is fine)
Product: Bežný účet neúročený
Account name: Bežný účet Prírodovedecká fakulta UK Bratislava
Account currency: EUR
Client/VOJ: Prírodovedecká fakulta UK v Bratislave
Client ID/VOJ: 11260
Client address /VOJ: Mlynská dolina, Bratislava – mestská časť Karlova Ves, 842 15 INCLUDE THE SURNAME AND NAME OF THE PARTICIPANT IN THE NOTE.
The evidence of payment (transfer print screen, pdf ...) together with the exact date of payment MUST be sent to the e-mail address:
Participants for whom the conference fee has been paid by the organization must state this fact in the SSC registration form. In order to issue a tax document, it is necessary to state the identification data of the organization:
The full name of the organization
Company ID (IČO)
Organization address - street, postcode, city, state
VAT payer (yes / no)
Person/legal entity
Tax ID (DIČ)
VAT number (IČ DPH)
- It will not be possible to issue an invoice without providing the necessary identification data of the organization or in case of paying the conference fee from the participant's private account. In this case, the participant will receive a confirmation of payment of the conference fee, which contains all the relevant information.
- Invoices will be issued on the day of SSC 2024 and will be sent by post to the address of the organization that paid the conference fee.
If you have any questions regarding fees, please send them to the following e-mail address: