Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Vacant position at the department: technician
We are looking for a skilled technician to join our staff. Qualification prerequisite: complete secondary education, experience in laboratory practice is welcome. Languages: Slovak (obligatory), English (welcome). Job description: professional technical work in the laboratory, including the preparation of experiments for the pedagogical process, assistance in organizing events, keeping records of the department's property. Weekly working hours 37,5. Contacts:, .
Dr. Pašteka in Organic Letters - Stereomutation of Substituted Bullvalenes
26. 2. 2021: A member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Lukáš F. Pašteka, published a new paper showcased on the front page of Organic Letters (impact factor 6.091). This paper is a continuation of the work previously published in Angewandte Chemie. The focus of this work is the fluid (fluxional) molecule bullavelene, C10H10, which constantly undergoes shape-shifting transformations of all interconnected conformers and allow for its substituents to „float“ on the surface of the molecule.
The latest paper extedns the network analysis of substituted bullvalenes to stereogenic substituents. The resulting interplay of the stereogenic bullvalene centre with the chirality of substituents leads to an increase in complexity of already rather complex reaction networks.
You can find the paper on bullvalene on the website of Organic Letters, where it is accessible under this link. Hi-res front page image can be found here.

Award for the best poster of the conference EESTER2020 goes to MSc. Halima Said
13. 1. 2021: A PhD. student of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, MSc. Halima Said, working under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Bučko, received the award for the Best Poster Presentation at the international conference International workshop and conference on Evolution of Electronic Structure Theory and Experimental Realization 2020 with her work titled Ab-initio molecular dynamics study of cesiated molybdenum surfaces. Congratulations to our successful colleague!

An Interview with Dr. Monika Jerigová, President of SChS, for ChemistryViews
1. 12. 2020: A member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and, since January 2020, also the President of the Slovak Chemical Society, Dr. Monika Jerigová, has given an interview for ChemistryViews magazine.
This magazine is published in partnership of 16 European chemical societies by Wiley-VCH publishing house, along 17 prestigious chemical journals like Chemistry – A European Journal, ChemSusChem or European Journal of Organic Chemistry. Dr. Jerigová talked to ChemistryViews about membership in SChS, about what led to her Presidency of SChS, as well as about the value of chemical societies for chemistry. Moreover, she also tells us who inspired her the most in her scientific career and what motivates her at work. You can read the whole story here, on the pages of ChemistryViews.
Dr. Pašteka for Nature Communications - The Secret of Astatine Deciphered!
8. 9. 2020: A member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Lukáš F. Pašteka, is appending his list of publications with yet another top-notch scientific journal. This time, in a paper for Nature Communications (impact factor 12.121), he collaborated on explaining the elusive value of electron affinity of a rare chemical element, astatine.

"In a paper just published in Nature Communications," says Dr. Pašteka, "a team of collaborators including the CERN managed to determine, for the first time, one of the most fundamental and chemically most important properties of astatine, its electron affinity. This result has a great significance for chemistry, but as well even for medicine."
For the majority of elements, quantities like the ionization potential have been well-know for a long time and with great precision. Astatine is, however, so rare, that these properties are only examined now. Its ionization potential was measured, for the first time, only in 2013, by a team of the ISOLDE institute that is a part of the Swiss CERN. The electron affinity remained a mystery.
The experiments finally revealing this this value, were again lead by the ISOLDA institute experimentators, and interpretation included the help of highly accurate calculations based on the principles of quantum mechanics, performed by theoretical chemists. The theoretical team that now contributed towards understanding the electron affinity of astatine included Dr. Pašteka, as well as colleagues from Gröningen and Tel Aviv.
You can read more about the work of Dr. Pašteka on astatine in his contribution on Denník N (in Slovak) and in his interviews for SME and HN Science (in Slovak). We also recommend to have a read also about his recent stunning results with gold, published on
Goodbye, paper lab-reports!
20. 1. 2020: The amount of paper used each term only for lab-reports in laboratory courses, is significant. The Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry thus decided to follow a more modern path - we said Enough to the unnecessary waste of paper and we switched, or are in the process of switching, to being completely paperless in most of our undergraduate lab courses.
"We have been building paperless teaching of lab courses for several years," says Dr. Erik Szabó, who initiated the change. "We began using Moodle, the university e-learning platform, only for uploading instruction materials. Compared to traditional textbooks, this electronic instruction had a great advantage - you can correct mistakes and improve experiments overnight, no need to wait for a new edition of the textbook. It was, simultaneously, a powerful engine of overall improvement in the quality of our experimental tasks."
Gradually, we got rid of paper entirely. Paradoxically, it was the practical courses that were perfectly suited for these changes. "Physical chemistry lab-reports contain a great deal of tables and graphs that the student creates on computer, anyway. It was a matter of time, when we stop asking the students to print the lab-reports and start marking in this electronic form," says Dr. Táňa Sebechlebská, who implemented paperless teaching into further courses at the department.

Of course, it was not all just easy, as Dr. Szabó recollects. "Everything that brings advantages comes also with some disadvantage, that is natural. For instance, it used to be quite a lot quicker in person, telling a student where they had made a mistake that needed correction, pointing it out with a finger on paper. This is not possible electronically and giving feedback in writing takes more time. On the other hand, it brings certain flexibility. The student can read my comments several times, whenever they wish. And when needed, we still combine this with consultation in person."
"At the same time, we have a much better idea about how our experiments perform. Data in printed lab-reports could not be processed further, but with electronic reports, we are gradually building a massive database of results, which can potentially serve another purpose, one day. Not to mention, electronic reports helped us improve objective marking. Since the report does not have to be marked by the same teaching assistant that runs the lab session, we could divide marking so that the same experiment is always marked by the same teaching assistant. At the end of the day, this even saves some time and the students get to meet more of us."
Most importantly, even the students appreciate these changes in a positive way. Getting rid of paper is seen a step that is not only eco-friendly, but also generally modernizing, and is likely to become the new standard, eventually. Administration of studying by electronic systems gradually led to making paper grade lists obsolete. We will not avoid this trend in other areas either. At our department, we are already more than well-prepared.
Erik Szabó, Táňa Sebechlebská
Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a within the 2020 series of our departmenal seminars:
Optimalization of electrochemical properties of 3D printed electrodes
Táňa Sebechlebská
that will take place on Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 9:30 in the departmental seminar room CH1-303

Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a within the 2020 series of our departmenal seminars:
Theoretical Study of the Microhydration of Iodous Acid (HOIO)
Siba Suliman
that will take place on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 9:30 in the departmental seminar room CH1-303

Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a within the 2020 series of our departmenal seminars:
Analysis and identification of (micro)meteorites with a database of mass spectra
Justína Nováková
that will take place on Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 9:30 in the departmental seminar room CH1-303

Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a within the 2020 series of our departmenal seminars:
Investigation of semiconductor properties of pure and doped materials on the basis of ZnO nanoparticles using THz-TDS
Daniel Furka
that will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 9:30 in the departmental seminar room CH1-303

Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to three seminars of our colleagues from University of Edinburgh:
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh
Philip J. Camp
School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (GB)
Molecular Simulations of Lubricant Base Oils at High Pressure
Iain J. Prentice
School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (GB)
Molecular Simulations of Functionalised Copolymers in Bulk and in Confinement: Uncovering the Role of Functional-Group Distribution
Rui Apostolo
School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (GB)
that will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 9:30 in the departmental seminar room CH1-303
Abstracts of the seminars in the PDF format may be downloaded here

Topics of Theses 2020/21
The Department is announcing topics of Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Dissertation Theses for the academic year 2020/21 for students in the final year of studies or for those interested in enrolling in the respective programmes. The list is still updated and may not be complete! In case of interest in further information, please do not hesiate to contact the supervisors of the topics.
- Prof. Bujádk: Fundamental principles and use of fluorescence anisotropy.
- Prof. Černušák: Interactions of H2S with molecules in atmosphere.
- Prof. Urban: Nonclusters of gold and silver, their properties and use in chemistry, nanotechnology and medicine.
- Assoc. Prof. Janek: Preparation of thin layers of high-temperature phases of silicates with photoluminiscent properties.
- Assoc. Prof. Pitoňák: Development and application of approximate quantum-chemical methods on noncovalent interactions.
- Assoc. Prof. Valent: Free radicals and antioxidants in biological systems - reaction kinetics and mechanisms.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Microscopy, spectrometry and spectroscopy of polytiophenes.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Investigation of vitamine C thermal stability using infrared spectroscopy.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Fluorescence spectroscopy of coumarine in micellar solution.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Cyclodextrin supramolecular complexes with coumarine and its fluorescence.
- Dr. Jerigová: Investigation of acrylamide presence on the coffee beans surface by using mass spectrometry.
- Dr. Jerigová: Forensic analysis of car paints by using mass spectrometry.
- Dr. Pašteka: Chemistry of super-heavy elements.
- Dr. Pašteka: Searching for exotic physics through molecules.
- Dr. Pašteka: Biohomochirality and differences between enantiomers.
- Dr. Sebechlebská: Uses of 3D printing in electrochemistry.
- Dr. Szabo: Fractals in Chemistry.
- Dr. Szabo: Lambert-Beer law and its limitations.
- Dr. Szabo: Kinetics of negative activation energies.
- Dr. Szabo: Electron bifurcation in living metabolism and in exotic redox reactions.
- Prof. Bujdák: Photoactivity of dyes in systems with modified layered nanoparticles.
- Prof. Černušák: Atmospheric reactivity of halogens.
- Prof. Urban, Prof. Kellö, Assoc. Prof. Neogrády: Spectroscopic properties of auromolecules.
- Prof. Urban: Computer modelling of polyethylene cross-linked by metallic atoms.
- Assoc. Prof. Valent: Oscillator bromate-anilline: Peculiar chemistry of aniline oxidation.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Polythiophene-perovskite structure and its correlation by using scanning microscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič: Infrared and terahertz spectroscopy of perovskites.
- Dr. Jerigová: Forensic analysis of tissues by using mass spectrometry.
- Dr. Jerigová: Mass spectrometry of meteorites and micrometeorites.
- Dr. Szabo: Improving mechanisms of chemical oscillator by including atmospheric oxygen.
- Dr. Szabo: Examination of chemical oscillators by the RPKA methodology.
- Dr. Szabo: Unexplored iodine chemistry in iodate oscillators.
- Prof. Bujdák: Modified polymers with photoactive sruface.
- Prof. Černušák: Quantum chemical studies of molecules leading to novel materials.
- Prof. Urban, Prof. Kellö, Assoc. Prof. Neogrády: Spectroscopic properties of auromolecules.
- Prof. Urban: Computer modelling of polyethylene cross-linked by metallic atoms.
- Assoc. Prof. Velič, Dr. Lorenc: Terahertz spectroscopy of charge transfer in perovskites.
- Dr. Jerigová, Dr. Lorenc: Preparation of titanium carbides by using laser ablation and mass spectrometry analysis.
Launch of the Festive season 2019
6. 12. 2019: Our department was visited by Saint Nicholas. Of course, among the first ones to visit, he chose our hard-working students, chemists and biochemists, whose schedules this semester included laboratory periods on Fridays at 8:10.
Firstly, St. Nicholas was given a short presentation of Safety instruction for our labs. St. Nicholas also assured us that he had not come to propagate any political ideology and his resemblance with Carl Marx is a purely coincidental by-product of his true festive mission. After these unavoidable administrative formalities, we gladly let St. Nicholas teach the rest of Friday's labs.
The Festive season at the Department will continue with Wednesday, 11 December, with the traditional departmental Kapustnica party. All students of 1st and 2nd year, who are potentially inclined towards our Department, are cordially invited to our gathering in festive atmosphere after 16:00.

Joint Lecture
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and Department of Inorganic Chemistry are inviting you to a joint lecture
The role of caesium in negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion
Ursel Fantz, Alessandro Mimo & Sofia Cristofaro
Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching & Augsburg University, Dept. Phys., Experimental Plasma Physics (DE)
that will take place on Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 14:00 in CPS+, room B1-322

Dr. Monika Jerigová, the new Chairwoman of the Slovak Chemical Society
9.-13. 9. 2019: 71st Convention of Chemists in 2019 took place again in Tatras. And Dr. Monika Jerigová, a member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, was elected for the term 2020-2022 the President of the Slovak Chemical Society. At the Convention, in a friendly discussion with Prof. Feringa, a Nobel laureate, they exchanged views on the future of Slovak science.
Dušan Velič

71st Convention of Chemists at Vysoké Tatry
9.-13. 9. 2019: An invitation to the 71st Convention of Chemist was also accepted by the 2016 Nobel laureate for Chemisty, Professor Ben Feringa. Ben Feringa specialises in molecular nanotechnologies and at the Convention he presented a very interesting lecture titled Dynamic Molecular Systems - from switches to motors.
At the Convention, we saw Professor as a very friendly and open person, it was a great experience to be in his company and to talk to him even briefly. He also attended the Poster Section, which was an opportunity to meet with him and talk to him even for students and young scientists. We, from the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, used the opportunity and made a memory in the form of a nice photo with young members of our research group.
Monika Jerigová

Variable constants?
A popular-science podcast This Week in Science (TWIS) produced by the University of California interviewed our colleague Lukáš F. Pašteka. They discussed topics such as the variation of fundamental constants in space and observation of dark matter. We recently reported here in greater detail about his paper in Physical Review Letters that proposed a new pathway towards the first detection of these phenomena based on laser interferometry.
Audio track is available here.
A new prestigious work: Are fundamental constants truly constant?
24. 4. 2019: It was just recently that our excellent colleague from the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Lukáš F. Pašteka, published a frontispiece for Angewandte Chemie Communications, and he is publishing again in another highly prestigious journal, the Physical Review Letters (impact factor 8.839). This time he set out to investigate a significant question whether the fundamental physical constants are truly constant.

The fact that physical constants may not be absolutely constant is predicted, for example, by certain theories of dark matter, according to which the values of some fundamental constants may oscillate. This applies to the constant μ that represents the ratio of masses of proton and electron, but also to the fine-structure constant that Richard P. Feynman called "one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics."
Dr. Pašteka with colleagues now proposed a method how the changes in these constants could be measured even on Earth, and that is through the impact of these constants on the volumes of crystals. According to prediction, small increase in the value of the fine-structure constant that was, until now, unobservable might be captured by shrinking of crystals of gold or expansion of crystals of germanium. Although these changes are minuscule, they could be recorded by measuring the crystals over the course of a few years using the techniques of optical cavity od resonant mass, recently used in detection of gravitational waves.
The paper by Dr. Pašteka is also in the spotlight of a Synopsis by American Physical Society that you can read on a page under this link.
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a seminar
Charge transport in single molecule junctions
Dr. Magdalena Hromadova
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry AS CR (CZ)
that will take place on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 14:00 in the Faculty Presentation Centre CPS+ (B1-322)

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and Department of Inorganic Chemistry are inviting you to a joint seminar
Multi-responsive Porphyrins for Sensing Applications
Dr. Jan Labuta
International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, Namiki Tsukuba Ibaraki (JPN)
that will take place on Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 10:00 in the Library of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, room CH2-213

A prestigious journal asked for a Review from Assoc. Prof. Bujdák
1. 3. 2018: A member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Assoc. Prof. Juraj Bujdák, was requested by the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews (impact factor 15.325) to write a Review on the effects of layered nanomaterials on molecular aggregation of dyes.

"Metachromasia, caused by the molecular aggregation of dyes not only leads to color changes, but also to important changes in other photophysical properties," says Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Juraj Bujdák, DrSc., who has studied these phenomena, especially in the systems of organic dyes and colloidal systems of phyllosilicates, for 20 years.
His recent report is, in part, a continuation of his chapter in a monograph published last year: Inorganic Nanosheets and Nanosheet-Based Materials: Fundamentals and Applications of Two-Dimensional Systems. The review summarizes our knowledge of metachromasia in the context of molecular aggregation of dyes. It briefly presents the history, physical principles of molecular aggregation and the relationship between spectral properties of molecular aggregates on their structure. The main part of the review deals with the critical evaluation of the effects of layered nanoparticles, in particular their surface charge, on the metachromasy of ionic dyes. The author also assesses the importance of this phenomenon and possible research trends in the near future. Great attention has been paid to the use of metachromasia for the detection of nanoparticles, in the design of hybrid materials with the required properties, and in the phenomenon of aggregation-induced luminescence.
You can read the entire review on the pages of J. Photochem. Photobiol. C under this link.
MSc. Táňa Sebechlebská awarded in the Metrohm Young Chemist Award 2018
29. 5. 2018: A PhD. student of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, MSc. Táňa Sebechlebská, won a Metrohm Young Chemist Award 2018, scoring a fantastic 3rd place in this year's competition. The award was deserved for the article "Investigation of the geometrical arrangement and single molecule charge transport in self-assembled monolayers of molecular towers based on tetraphenylmethane tripod" (Electrochim. Acta 258, 2017).
The goal of this work was a systematic study of molecules that may play crucial role in electrochemically controllable molecular switcheas as a part of nanoelectronics. The work was done during her intership at J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, under the guidance of MSc. Magdaléna Hromadová, PhD. and RNDr. Viliam Kolivoška, PhD. Congratulations to our successful colleague!

Lívia Rechtoríková: Periodic phenomena in chemical systems (Supervisor: Dr. Szabó)
Monika Gešvandtnerová: Computer simulations of important catalytic reactions (Supervisor: doc. Bučko)
Dávid Vrška: Influence of relativistic effects on atomic and molecular properties (Supervisor: prof. Kellö)
Tatiana Vojteková: Infrared Spectroscopy of Composite Materials based on poly-vinyl chloride and lignin (Supervisor: doc. Velič)
Katarína Rišková: Properties of molecules in excited electronic states (Supervisor: prof. Kellö)
The award for the best poster of the conference goes to MSc. Tímea Baranyaiová
29. 5. 2018: A PhD. student of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, MSc. Tímea Baranyaiová, working under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Juraj Bujdák, received the award for the Best Poster Presentation of a Young Researcher at the international conference 11th Conference on Colloid Chemistry. Her contribution on the effects of dye surface concentration on the formation of the rhodamine 123 molecular aggregates in colloidal dispersions of montmorillonite was selected by the Scientific Committee of the conference and members of the Hungarian Chemical Society among 50 presentations. Congratulations to our successful colleague!

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and Department of Inorganic Chemistry are inviting you to a joint seminar
Can a base be turned into a super-acid?
The magical effect of non-covalent interactions and other niceties
Prof. Otilia Mó
Departamento de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (ES)
that will take place on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 10:00 in the Seminar room CH1-303

Work of Dr. Pašteka on the title of Angewandte Chemie Communications
1. 3. 2018: A member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Lukáš F. Pašteka, publishes again in one of the most prestigious scientific journals. This time, his research on bullvalene becomes the frontispiece of Angewandte Chemie Communications (impact factor 11.994).

Bullvalene C10H10 is a fluxional, dynamically changing molecule, that exists in the form of 1209600 isomers with totally identical energies. Mutual transformations among all isomers occur at all times and very fast even at laboratory temperature. Substituents connected to bullvalene may move on its skeleton freely and assume any mutual orientation.
Dr. Pašteka speaks about the latest contribution towards understanding of this fascinating molecule: "In our team with a group of organic chemists from Massey University, New Zealand, we designed a new efficient synthesis of substituted bullvalenes and we developed a program for automated analysis of reaction graphs joining individual isomers. For selected substituents, the program generates the complete reaction graph, geometries of all unique isomers, and it provides an interface to quantum-chemistry packages for calculating energies and practically important properties, e.g. the NMR shifts."
It is not so long ago since we were celebrating the findings of Dr. Pašteka in the field of quantum chemistry of gold, published in another prestigious journal, the Physical Review Letters. To the new paper in Angewandte Chemie, we extend our congratulations to Dr. Pašteka again, and we wish him many equally relevant results in the future.
You can read the entire paper by Dr. Pašteka on bullvalene on the website of Angewandte Chemie, where it is freely accessible under this link.
Popularization Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a popularization seminar
Why do firefighters need Raman spectroscopy?
mjr. MSc. Zoran Benedikovič
Firefighters & Rescuers Unit of Trnava
that will take place on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 10:00 in the Presentation centre CPS+ of FNS CU
The seminar will include A five-minute intro to Raman spectroscopy (RNDr. Erik Szabó, PhD., Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry) and, of course, practical demonstrations of the cutting-edge equipment for detection of hazardous materials in the field.

International Chemistry Olympiad 2018 spotlight on oscillating reactions

1. 2. 2018: The web of International Chemistry Olympiad 2018 published the Preparatory Problems. This year, the Olympiad will be closely tied to our Department. The theme of the Physical Chemistry part of the Practical Preparatory Problems is Nonlinear Kinetics and the BZ oscillating reaction.
After the 49th IChO, organized by Thailand, the jubilee 50th IChO 2018 will be held in Bratislava, at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and in Prague, at the UCT. For the first time, the Olympiad is organized in cooperation of two countries, and its slogan is "Back to Where It All Began". This prestigious competition was, actually, established and for the first time organized here, in the former Czechoslovakia.
Members of the Scientific Committee preparing the scientific part of the Olympiad also include memebers of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry. Our team of Authors, comprised of Dr. Erik Szabo, MSc. Táňa Sebechlebská and Dr. Lukáš Félix Pašteka, is preparing Phsyical Chemistry tasks for the Practical part of the competition.
The Head of the Team, Dr. Erik Szabo, chose to focus this year's Preparatory Problems on a field that has a long and rich tradition in our region, and our Department in particular. Practical Preparatory Problems P4 and P5 are named "A chemical oscillator and its activation energies" and "Kinetics of a chemical wave front propagation".
You can reach the Preparatory Problems directly HERE.
You should also check out the whole 50th IChO 2018 Official Web.
Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry and Department of Inorganic Chemistry are inviting you to a joint seminar
Superheavy elements: production and investigation of chemical properties
Dr. Valeria Pershina
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt (DE)
that will take place on Wednesday, January 24, 2017 at 14:00
in the Presentation centre AMOS of FNS CU

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a seminar
Transition metal cluster complexes: Photophysical properties and new applications
Ing. Kamil Lang, CSc.
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, CAS (CZ)
that will take place on Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 14:00
in the Presentation centre CPS+ of FNS CU
A brief outline of the seminar (in Czech) may be downloaded here

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a seminar
within the Eropean Week of Science
Science and Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry in the USA and in the Czech Republic
RNDr. PhDr. Zdeněk Hostomský, CSc.
Director of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences
that will take place on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 9:50 in Seminar Room B2-404

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry is inviting you to a seminar
Relativistic quatum-chemical calculations
supporting experiments in the chemistry of heavy and super-heavy elements
Assoc Prof. RNDr. Miroslav Iliaš, PhD.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences UMB, Banská Bystrica
that will take place on Friday, October 20, 2017 at 10:00 in the Departmental Seminar Room CH1-303
A brief outline of the seminar (in Slovak) may be downloaded here

Dr. Erik Szabo elected into Division VIII of IUPAC
1. 8. 2017: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry IUPAC is the world's authority for chemical nomenclature, standardization of data and for outreach in the field of chemistry. IUPAC works in eight divisions, each having its president, vice-president, a small circle of titular and associated members, and around 10 national representatives, who serve in the name of various countries from all around the world.
In the period of June-July 2017, IUPAC's divisions held elections of national representatives for the term 2018-19. In Division VIII - Chemical nomenclature and structure representation, one of the elected national representatives is a member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Erik Szabo. We extend our congratulations and in his upcoming service we wish him success in adding his activities in the Division to his continuing contribution to spreading the good name of our Faculty as well as of Slovakia.

Dr. Lukáš Félix Pašteka awarded the Faculty Medal

28. 4. 2017: Each year, our Faculty awards Commemorative Medals to the significant members as a token of the highest appreciation and recognition of our excellent people.
The medal for excellent results of a young scientist aged 35 or less, was now awarded to the member of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Dr. Lukáš Félix Pašteka. We add our congratulations to this award, and we wish to our colleague many more results in the future that will continue to spread the good name of the Department and the Faculty at home, as well as abroad.
Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
is inviting you to a seminar
Search for a drifting proton-to-electron mass ratio
from molecular spectra
Dr. Jiří Vondrášek
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, CAS (CZ)
that will take place on Friday, 5 May 2017 at 10:00 in the Presentation centre AMOS of FNS CU

Joint Seminar

Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
is inviting you to a seminar
Search for a drifting proton-to-electron mass ratio
from molecular spectra
Assoc. Prof. Vladimír Špirko
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, CAS (CZ)
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics, CU (CZ)
that will take place on Friday, 21 April 2017 at 10:00 in the Presentation centre AMOS of FNS CU
Joint Seminar

International Laser Centre
and Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Everything you always wanted to know about carotenoids but were too afraid to ask
Prof. Jürgen Hauer, Photonics Institute, TU Vienna
that will take place on Monday, 13 March 2017 at 10:00 in the Presentation centre AMOS of FNS CU
Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Electrode Procesees in the Light of Elimination Methods
Assoc. Prof. Libuše Trnková, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (CZ)
that will take place on Friday, 17 February 2017, 10:00
in the Presentation Centre AMOS
A brief outline of the seminar (in Czech) may be downloaded here

Departmental Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
is inviting you to a departmental seminar
Participation in the EuroFusion project - agony, ecstasy and results for caesium.
Prof. RNDr. Ivan Černušák, DrSc.
that will take place on Wednesday, 8 February 2017, 9:30
in the Department Seminar Room CH1-303.
Research results of Dr. Pašteka in the focus
10. 1. 2017: Our Department's Dr. Lukáš Félix Pašteka, currently in a Post-Doctoral position at Massey University (NZ), and the results of his research shifted relativistic quantum chemistry of gold to a whole new level!
His results were published in the prestigious Journal Physical Review Letters, which could not escape the attention of media in the world, as well as in Slovakia. His discoveries are discussed at PHYS.ORG and SME Tech, where our colleague also gave a personal interview. Thank you, Lukáš, and we are very much looking forward to your return to the Department!

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Halogen Bonds and Other Sigma-Hole Interactions
Dr. Michal H. Kolář, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (DE)
that will take place on Wednesday, 7 December 2016, 14:00
in the Presentation Centre CPS+

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Fine Tuning the Nonequilibrium Features of
Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Mixtures
Prof. Róbert Mészáros, Eötvös Loránd University (HU), Ján Selye University (SK)
that will take place on Friday, 25 November 2016, 13:00
in the Presentation Centre CPS+

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Energetic diagrams and structural properties
of monohaloacetylenes HC≡CX (X = F, Cl, Br)
Dr. Dorra Khiri, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, France
that will take place on Friday, 23 September 2016, 10:00
in the Seminars Room of the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (CH1-303)

Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
‘Heavy atoms’ calculations at the edge of accuracy:
from high-precision spectroscopy to tests of fundamental physics
Prof. Ephraim Eliav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
that will take place on Wednesday, 7 September 2016, 13:30
in the Seminar Room of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry (CH2-213)
Joint Seminar
International Laser Centre and Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
are inviting you to a joint seminar
Beautiful boranes: A route to the first borane laser
Dr. Michael G. S. Londesborough, The Czech Academy of Sciences
Dr. Luis Cerdán, CSIC Madrid, Spain
that will take place on Monday, 9 May 2016 at 14:00 in the Presentation centre AMOS of FNS CU

Mini-Erasmus Summer Term 2016

5. 4. 2016: As we do every term, the Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry participated, again, in the programme of Future Generation Europe Mini-Erasmus. Selected high-school students from all over Slovakia, who decided to try the lives of university students for one week, visited our labs, where we prepared our favorite experiments from the practical courses of Physical Chemistry and Laboratory Techniques. After lunch, they looked behind the curtains of computations in Theoretical and Computer Chemistry. We hope that this is not the last time we see our Mini-Erasmus students and we shall meet again soon!
Joint Seminar
Department of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry & Department of Inorganic Chemistry are inviting you to a joint seminar
Modern DFT and TD-DFT approaches applied to real life
Dr. Luciano Carta, University of Napoli – Federico II, Italy
that will take place on Monday, 22 February 2016, 13:10 in the Library of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry (CH2-213)