Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Mgr Geography

Economic and social geography, demography and territorial development [en] [sk]

Social Geography [en] [sk]
Geography of Religions [en] [sk]
Geography of economic, social and political change [en] [sk]
Political Geography [.pdf]  [.docx] [en] [sk]
European Union Politics (Policy) [.pdf] [.docx] [en] [sk]
Geography, Public Policy and Urban Development [.pdf] [.docx] [en] [sk]
Qualitative methodologies and fieldwork [.pdf] [.docx] [en] [sk]

Regional geography, development of regions and European integration

Excursion – geography of Slovakia  [.pdf] [.docx] [en] [sk]
Geography of Central Europe  [.pdf] [.docx]
Regional studies  [.pdf] [.docx] [en] [sk]

Physical geography and geoinformatics

Fieldworks in Pedogeography and Biogeography [.pdf] [en] [sk]
Physico-geographical Excursion [.pdf] [en] [sk]