Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava

Viktoriia LIAPUN

Publications - selection

- publications (in "EPČ UK")

Liapun, V, 2021: Fungi as bioremediators. In: Collection de papiers scientifiques : Roč. Vol. 1. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-617-7991-73-0. - Paríž : Plateforme scientifique européenne, 2021. - S. 51-53 [online]. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK. Katedra geochémie. Bratislava ; UKOPREGE 

Liapun, V, 2020: Primenenie nanoadsorbentov dlja udalenija zagrjaznjajuščich veščestv iz vody. Naučnyj progress kak kľjučevoj faktor razvitija sfery znanij [elektronický dokument] : Sbornik naučnych trudov. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-5-6044999-4-8. - Kazaň : UDK, 2020. - S. 362-366 [online]. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK. Katedra geochémie. Bratislava ; UKOPREGE

Liapun, V, 2021: Role of Fungi in Soil Carbon Sequestration. Proceedings of the International Forum on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: New Challenges of the Century [elektronický dokument]. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-617-7421-81-7. - Mykolaiv : Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, 2021. - S. 45-46 [online]. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK. Katedra geochémie. Bratislava ; UKOPREGE

Liapun, V, 2021: Mycoremediation of environmental pollutants. Conference : Roč. Vol. 1. - : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-1-68524-910-6. - Vilnius : NGO European Scientific Platform, 2021. - S. 86-88. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK. Katedra geochémie. Bratislava ; UKOPREGE alis.uniba.sk/lib/item


(a list of current projects in which the student participates):



Teaching in Bachelor Study:

Global Environmental Problems

Research and their application


"Interactions of potentially toxic elements with microorganisms"

 Microorganisms are intimately involved in the biogeochemical processes underpinning metals and mineral transformations and the cycling of radionuclides, metalloids, and other related substances. Many processes can determine metal and radionuclide bioavailability and mobility, influencing transfer to living things and the environment. I am interested in the properties of microorganisms and their role in crucial biosphere processes. The central focus is on physiological and morphological responses of microorganisms to toxic metals. As well as being important for many environmental processes, metal transformations by microorganisms are relevant to human health with application to bioremediation. For example, the solubilization of toxic metals provides a means of removal from soils and industrial waste. Alternatively, immobilization processes are also applicable for removing metals and radionuclides. 


- Ukrainian, English, Russian