ADC Identification of the Required Acyltransferase Step in the Biosynthesis of the Phosphatidylinositol Mannosides of Mycobacterium Species / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 278, No. 38 (2003), s. 36285-36295 -
ADC Benzothiazinones Kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Blocking Arabinan Synthesis / Vadim Makarov ... [et al.]
In: Science. - Vol. 324, No. 5928 (2009), s. 801-804 -
ADC Substrate-induced Conformational Changes in the Essential Peripheral Membrane-associated Mannosyltransferase PimA from Mycobacteria / Marcelo E. Guerin ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 284, No. 32 (2009), s. 21613-21625 -
ADC The structure-activity relationship of urea derivatives as anti-tuberculosis agents / Joshua R. Brown ... [et al.]
In: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. - Vol. 19, No. 18 (2011), s. 5585-5595 -
ADC AftD, a novel essential arabinofuranosyltransferase from mycobacteria / Henrieta Škovierová ... [et al.]
In: Glycobiology. - Vol. 19, No. 11 (2009), s. 1235-1247 -
ADC Mechanochemical Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Novel Isoniazid Derivatives with Potent Antitubercular Activity / Paulo F. M. Oliveira ... [et al.]
In: Molecules. - Vol. 22, No. 9 (2017), Art. No. 1457 [27 s.] -
ADC Essentiality of mmpL3 and impact of its silencing on Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene expression / Giulia Degiacomi ... [et al.]
In: Scientific reports [elektronický dokument]. - Vol. 7, February (2017), Art. No. 43495 [online] [7 s.] -
ADC DprE1 Is a Vulnerable Tuberculosis Drug Target Due to Its Cell Wall Localization / Miroslav Brecik ... [et al.]
In: ACS Chemical Biology. - Vol. 10, No. 7 (2015), s. 1631-1636 -
ADC An ethA-ethR-Deficient Mycobacterium bovis BCG Mutant Displays Increased Adherence to Mammalian Cells and Greater Persistence In Vivo, Which Correlate with Altered Mycolic Acid Composition / Michelle Lay Teng Ang ... [et al.]
In: Infection and Immunity. - Vol. 82, No. 5 (2014), s. 1850-1859 -
ADC Genetic basis for the biosynthesis of methylglucose lipopolysaccharides in Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Gustavo Stadthagen ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 282, No. 37 (2007), s. 27270-27276 -
ADC Impact of Mycobacterium ulcerans biofilm on transmissibility to ecological niches and Buruli ulcer pathogenesis / Laurent Marsollier ... [et al.]
In: PLoS Pathogens. - Vol. 3, No. 5 (2007), s. 582-594 -
ADC Isoxyl activation is required for bacteriostatic activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. - Vol. 51, No. 11 (2007), s. 3824-3829 -
ADC Lead selection and characterization of antitubercular compounds using the Nested Chemical Library / Anna Sipos ... [et al.]
In: Tuberculosis. - Vol. 95, Suppl. 1 (2015), s. S200-S206 -
ADC Design, synthesis and evaluation of new GEQ derivatives as inhibitors of InhA enzyme and Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth / Aurelien Chollet ... [et al.]
In: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - Vol. 101, July (2015), s. 218-235 -
ADC Molecular Basis of Phosphatidyl-myo-inositol Mannoside Biosynthesis and Regulation in Mycobacteria / Marcelo E. Guerin ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 285, No. 44 (2010), s. 33577-33583 -
ADC Synthesis, biological activity, and evaluation of the mode of action of novel antitubercular benzofurobenzopyrans substituted on A ring / Aikaterini Termentzi ... [et al.]
In: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - Vol. 45, No. 12 (2010), s. 5833-5847 -
ADC Identification of aminopyrimidine-sulfonamides as potent modulators of Wag31-mediated cell elongation in mycobacteria / Vinayak Singh ... [et al.]
In: Molecular Microbiology. - Vol. 103, No. 1 (2017), s. 13-25 -
ADC Identification of a novel galactosyl transferase involved in biosynthesis of the mycobacterial cell wall / Katarína Mikušová ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Bacteriology. - Vol. 188, No. 18 (2006), s. 6592-6598 -
ADC Molecular recognition and interfacial catalysis by the essential phosphatidylinositol mannosyltransferase PimA from mycobacteria / Marcelo E. Guerin ... [et. al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 282, No. 28 (2007), s. 20705-20714 -
ADC Pyrrolidinone and pyrrolidine derivatives: Evaluation as inhibitors of InhA and Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Tetiana Matviiuk ... [et al.]
In: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - Vol. 123, November (2016), s. 462-475 -
ADC Trehalose Conjugation Enhances Toxicity of Photosensitizers against Mycobacteria / Amit K. Dutta ... [et al.]
In: ACS Central Science. - Roč. 5, č. 4 (2019), s. 644-650 -
ADC Purification and characterization of the acyltransferase involved in biosynthesis of the major mycobacterial cell envelope glycolipid - Monoacylated phosphatidylinositol dimannoside / Zuzana Svetlíková ... [et al.]
In: Protein Expression and Purification. - Vol. 100, August (2014), s. 33-39 -
ADC p-Hydroxybenzoic acid synthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Gustavo Stadthagen ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 280, No. 49 (2005), s. 40699-40706 -
ADC The Phosphatidyl-myo-Inositol Mannosyltransferase PimA Is Essential for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Growth In Vitro and In Vivo / Francesca Boldrin ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Bacteriology. - Vol. 196, No. 19 (2014), s. 3441-3451 -
ADC A Small Multidrug Resistance-like Transporter Involved in the Arabinosylation of Arabinogalactan and Lipoarabinomannan in Mycobacteria / Géreald Larrouy-Maumus ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 287, No. 47 (2012), s. NIL_691-NIL_699 -
ADC A Common Mechanism of Inhibition of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycolic Acid Biosynthetic Pathway by Isoxyl and Thiacetazone / Anna E. Grzegorzewicz ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 287, No. 47 (2012), s. 38434-38441 -
ADC Definition of the First Mannosylation Step in Phosphatidylinositol Mannoside Synthesis - PimA is essential for growth of mycobacteria / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Vol. 277, No. 35 (2002), s. 31335-31344 -
ADC Impact of the epoxide hydrolase EphD on the metabolism of mycolic acids in mycobacteria / Jan Medacki ... [et al.]
In: The Journal of Biological Chemistry. - Roč. 293, č. 14 (2018), s. 5172-5184 -
ADC Inhibition of mycolic acid transport across the Mycobacterium tuberculosis plasma membrane / Anna Grzegorzewicz ... [et al.]
In: Nature Chemical Biology. - Vol. 8, No. 4 (2012), s. 334-341 -
ADC New lipophilic isoniazid derivatives and their 1,3,4-oxadiazole analogues: Synthesis, antimycobacterial activity and investigation of their mechanism of action / Rudolf Vosátka ... [et al.]
In: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - č. 151 (2018), s. 824-835 -
ADC Drugging the Folate Pathway in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: The Role of Multi-targeting Agents / Behnoush Hajian ... [et al.]
In: Cell Chemical Biology. - Roč. 26, č. 6 (2019), s. [1-17], Art. No. 781 -
ADC Development of 3,5-Dinitrophenyl-Containing 1,2,4-Triazoles and Their Trifluoromethyl Analogues as Highly Efficient Antitubercular Agents Inhibiting Decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribofuranose 2 '-Oxidase / Galina Karabanovich ... [et al.]
In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. - Roč. 62, č. 17 (2019), s. 8115-8139 -
ADC Structural basis for selective recognition of acyl chains by the membrane-associated acyltransferase PatA / David Albesa-Jové ... [et al.]
In: Nature Communications [elektronický zdroj]. - Vol. 7, March (2016), Art. No. 10906 [12 s.] [online] -
ADD Investigation of ABC transporter from mycobacterial arabinogalactan biosynthetic cluster / Petronela Dianišková ... [et al.]
In: General Physiology and Biophysics. - Vol. 30, No. 3 (2011), s. 239-250 -
ADE Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of PimA, an essential mannosyltransferase from Mycobacterium smegmatis / Marcelo E. Guerin ... [et al.]
In: Acta Crystallographica - Section F - Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications. - Vol. 61, Part 5 (2005), s. 518-520 -
ADM Alkylamino derivatives of N-benzylpyrazine-2-carboxamide: synthesis and antimycobacterial evaluation / B. Servusová-Vanasková ... [et al.]
In: MedChemComm. - Vol. 6, No. 7 (2015), s. 1311-1317 -
ADM Covalent Modification of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis FAS-II Dehydratase by Isoxyl and Thiacetazone / Anna E. Grzegorzewicz ... [et al.]
In: ACS Infectious Diseases. - Vol. 1, No. 2 (2016), s. 91-97 -
ADM New Insights into the Mechanism of Action of the Thienopyrimidine Antitubercular Prodrug TP053 / Laurent R. Chiarelli ... [et al.]
In: ACS Infectious Diseases [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 6, č. 2 (2020), s. 313-323 [online] -
AED Evaluation of Cell Breakage Methods for Investigation of Aspects of Mycobacterial Cell Wall Biosynthesis / H. Škovierová ... [et al.]
In: Acta Physica Universitatis Comenianae-New Series, Vol. 52, No. 1. - ISBN 978-80-223-3023-7. - Bratislava : Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, 2011. - S. 67-72 -
AEG Antimykobakteriálna aktivita benzotiazolového derivátu A11 / Jana Korduláková, Katarína Mikušová
In: Chemické listy [elektronický dokument]. - Vol. 94, No. 8 (2000), s. 754-755 -
AEG Aftd, a novel arabinofuranosyltransferase from mycobacteria / Henrieta Škovierová ... [et al.]
In: Glycobiology. - Vol. 19, No. 11 (2009), s. 1322 -
AFB New trends in the fight against tuberculosis / Jana Korduláková
In: Progres v biológii 2009 / Progress in Biology 2009. - ISBN 978-80-8094-595-4. - Nitra : UKF, 2009. - S. 16 -
AFD Charakterizácia substrátu metyltransferázy Hma z Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Jan Madacki, Katarína Mikušová, Jana Korduláková
In: Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2012. Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-223-3213-2. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2012. - S. 914-919 [CD-ROM] -
AFD Štúdium funkcie predpokladaného ABC transportéra Rv1458c-Rv1457c-Rv1456c v mykobaktériách / Michal Šarkan, Katarína Mikušová, Jana Korduláková
In: Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2012. Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov [elektronický zdroj]. - ISBN 978-80-223-3213-2. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2012. - S. 1015-1020 [CD-ROM] -
AFD Štúdium funkčnej spätosti metyltransferázy Hma a epoxidhydrolázy EphD v mykobaktériach / Jan Madacki, Katarína Mikušová, Jana Korduláková
In: Moderné metódy v biomedicínskom výskume. - ISBN 978-80-89354-05-4. - Bratislava : Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR, 2011. - S. 70-76 -
AFF Mycobacterial glycosyl transferases - challenge and expectations / Katarína Mikušová ... [et al.]
In: 20. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 80-969532-6-5. - Bratislava : SAV, 2006. - S.8 -
AFG Fluorescent GDP-Man Analogs as Probes for the Mycobacterial Mannosyltransferase PimA / Katarína Mikušová ... [et al.]
In: Eurocarb 15. - Vienna : University of Vienna, 2009. - S. 469 -
AFG The Functional Characterization of Rv1459c in Mycobacteria / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: Eurocarb 15. - Vienna : University of Vienna, 2009. - S. 293 -
AFG Identification and characterization of the cellular target for benzothiazinones, a new potential antitubercular drug class / Giulia Manina ... [et al.]
In: 7th International Conference on the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial Infections. - Stockholm : CONGREX, 2008. - S. 3 -
AFG Investigation of the putative mycobacterial ABC transporter MSMEG_6366-MSMEG_6369 / Petronela Dianišková ... [et al.]
In: 7th International Conference on the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial Infections. - Stockholm : CONGREX, 2008. - S. 102 -
AFG Isolation of mycobacterial monooxygenase EthA / Monika Záhorszká ... [et al.]
In: FEBS open bio [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 8, č. S1 (2018), s. 418-419 [online] -
AFG Investigation of putative ABC transporter Rv1458/Rv1457c/Rv1456c in mycobacteria / Michal Šarkan ... [et al.]
In: FEBS Journal. - Vol. 280, Suppl. 1 (2013), s. 356-357 -
AFG Investigation of the effect of tuberculosis drug isoxyl on selected mycobacterial epoxide hydrolases / Jan Madacki ... [et al.]
In: FEBS Journal. - Vol. 280, Suppl. 1 (2013), s. 355356 -
AFG The ethA/R locus is involved in mycobacterial adherence to mammalian cells and contributes to the pathogen’s virulence in vivo / M. Ang ... [et al.]
In: Tuberculosis 2012: Biology, pathogenesis, intervention strategies. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 2012. - Nestr. P5 [1 s.] -
AFH Mycobacterial mannosyl transferase pima AS a Target for the development of new antitubercular drugs / Zuzana Svetlíková ... [et al.]
In: 22. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 978-80-88866-83-1. - Bratislava : UK, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, 2010. - S. 100 -
AFH Funkčná charakterizácia predpokladanej epoxidhydrolázy EphD z Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Jan Madacki, Katarína Mikušová, Jana Korduláková
In: Drobnicov memoriál 6. ročník. - ISBN 978-80-970164-3-2. - Bratislava : Petrus, 2011. - S. 50 -
AFH Štúdium funkcie predpokladaného ABC transportéra MSMEG_3119/MSMEG_3118/MSMEG_3117 v mykobaktériách / Michal Šarkan, Katarína Mikušová, Jana Korduláková
In: Drobnicov memoriál 6. ročník. - ISBN 978-80-970164-3-2. - Bratislava : Petrus, 2011. - S. 68 -
AFH Rv1458c/Rv1457c/Rv1456c: Mykobakteriálny efluxný systém?" / Michal Šarkan ... [et al.]
In: 24. biochemický zjazd SSBMB a ČSBMB. Zborník prednášok a posterov. - ISBN 978-80-970164-6-3. - Bratislava : SSBMB, 2014. - S. 219 -
AFH Úloha proteínu MSMEG_4280 v metabolizme mykolových kyselín Mycobacterium smegmatis / Ján Madacki ... [et al.]
In: 24. biochemický zjazd SSBMB a ČSBMB. Zborník prednášok a posterov. - ISBN 978-80-970164-6-3. - Bratislava : SSBMB, 2014. - S. 184 -
AFH Kryštalizácia mykobakteriálnej monooxygenázy EthA / Monika Záhorszká, Marco Bellinzoni, Jana Korduláková
In: Drobnicov memoriál [elektronický dokument] : 10. ročník. - ISBN 978-80-972752-6-6. - Bratislava : Slovenská akadémia vied, 2019. - S. [1-2] [print] -
AFK Screening of the Potential Inhibitors of the Mycobacterial Mannosyl Transferase PimA / Zuzana Svetlíková ... [et a.]
In: Tuberculosis: Biology, Pathology and Therapy. - Keystone : Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2009. - S. 147 -
AFK Preparation of the tools for investigation of the putative mycobacterial ABC transport MSMEG_6366 - MSMEG_6369 / P. Danišková .... [et al.]
In: 21. biochemický sjezd. - ISBN 80-86313-21-2. - České Budějovice : JPM Tisk, 2008. - S. 194 -
AFK Štúdium úlohy predpokladanej glykozyltransferázy MSMEG_2699 v procese biosyntézy bunkového obalu mykobaktérií / M. Beláňová .... [et al.]
In: 21. biochemický sjezd. - ISBN 80-86313-21-2. - České Budějovice : JPM Tisk, 2008. - S. 192 -
AFL Mycobacterial epoxidehydrolase EPHD is involved in fatty acid metabolism / Jan Madacki ... [et al.]
In: 22. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 978-80-88866-83-1. - Bratislava : UK, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Medical Biochemistry, 2010. - S. 171 -
AFL Biochemical characterization of RV1459C protein putative GT-C glycosyltransferase from mycobacteria / Milo Bystrický ... [et al.]
In: 22. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 978-80-88866-83-1. - Bratislava : UK, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Medical Biochemistry, 2010. - S. 195 -
AFL The functional characterization of the putative mycobacterial ABC transporter MSMEG_6366 - MSMEG_6369 / Petronela Dianišková ... [et al.]
In: 22. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 978-80-88866-83-1. - Bratislava : UK, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Department of Medical Biochemistry, 2010. - S. 197 -
AFL Biochemical characterisation of mycobacterial mannosyl transferase PimA / Katarína Mikušová ... [et al.]
In: 20. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 80-969532-6-5. - Bratislava : SAV, 2006. - PO9.4 -
AFL Study of Mannosyltransferase reaction of mycobacterial PimA expressed in E. coli / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: 18. biochemický zjazd. - ISBN 80-224-0764-X. - Bratislava : VEDA, 2003. - S. 164 -
BCI Klonovanie a expresia génu v Escherichia coli : Experimentálne cvičenie z molekulárnej biológie. / Jana Korduláková, Gabriela Gavurníková
Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2008 -
BDF Kľúč k úspešnej liečbe tuberkulózy skrýva bunková stena mykobaktérií / Jana Korduláková ... [et al.]
In: Biológia, ekológia, chémia [elektronický dokument]. - Vol. 5, No. 4 (2000), s. 20-22 -
BFA Addressing the role of the putative ABC transporter MSMEG_3119-MSMEG_3118-MSMEG_3117 in mycobacteria / Michal Šarkan ... [et al.]
In: 5th FEBS Special Meeting: ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases ABC Proteins. - [s.l.] : FEBS, 2014. - S. 30 -
BFA Spheroplasts as a tool for investigation of topological aspects of arabinogalactan biosynthesis in mycobacteria / Veronika Mokošová ... [et al.]
In: 9th International Conference on the Pathogenesis of Mycobacterial Infections. - Stockholm : European Society of Mycobacteriology, 2014. - S. 57 -
BFB Yeasts in the classroom / Silvia Borecká ... [et al.]
In: 35th Annual Conference on Yeasts. - Bratislava : SAV, 2007. - S. 45