AAA Klasické experimenty v genetike : Na ceste k odhaleniu tajomstiev dedičnosti. / Ľubomír Tomáška ... [et al.]
North Charleston : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015 -
ADC Eukaryotic transporters for hydroxyderivatives of benzoic acid / Andrea Cillingová ... [et al.]
In: Scientific reports [elektronický dokument]. - Vol. 7, No. 1 (2017), Art. No. 8998 [13 s.] -
ADC Genome sequence of the opportunistic human pathogen Magnusiomyces capitatus / Bronislava Brejová ... [et al.]
In: Current Genetics. - Roč. 65, č. 2 (2019), s. 539-560 -
ADM Draft genome sequence of an obligate psychrophilic yeast, Candida psychrophila NRRL Y-17665T / Broňa Brejová ... [et al.]
In: Genome Announcements [elektronický zdroj]. - Vol. 5, No. 35 (2017), Art. No. e00851-17 [2 s.] -
AFG Functional analysis of the gene GTF1, a putative transcriptional activator of the genisate pathway in the yeast Candida parapsilosis / Andrea Cillingová ... [et al.]
In: Biology of pathogenic fungi: genetics, genomics, diagnostics : CESC 2014 : 4th Central European Summer Course and 1st Rising Stars in Mycology Workshop. - ISBN 978-963-315-193-8. - Szeged : University of Szeged, 2014. - S. 64 -
AFH A new family of eucaryotic MFS transporters for hydroxyderivatives of benzoic acid / A. Cillingová ... [et al.]
In: 43rd Annual Conference on Yeasts. - Bratislava : SAV, 2016. - S. 49