Faculty of Natural
Comenius University Bratislava


  1. ABA Mechanisms of Silicon-Mediated Alleviation of Abiotic Stress in Plants Recent Advances and Future Perspective / Denis Líška ... [et al.]
    In: Silicon in Plants: Advances and Future Prospect. - ISBN 978-1-4987-3949-8. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2017. - S. 1-27 [3,38 AH]
  2. ADC Silicon Uptake and Localisation in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) - A Unique Association With Sclerenchyma / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Frontiers in Plant Science [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 10, č. August (2019), s. [1-17], Art. No. 988 [online]
  3. ADC Silicon-mediated cell wall modifications of sorghum root exodermis and suppression of invasion by fungus Alternaria alternata / Monika Bathóová ... [et al.]
    In: Plant pathology. - Roč. 67, č. 9 (2018), s. 1891-1900
  4. ADC Expression of Genes for Si Uptake, Accumulation, and Correlation of Si with Other Elements in Ionome of Maize Kernel / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Frontiers in Plant Science [elektronický dokument]. - Vol. 8, June (2017), Art. No. 1063 [12 s.] [online]
  5. ADC Silicon does not always mitigate zinc toxicity in maize / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. - Vol. 36, No. 3 (2014), s. 733-743
  6. ADC Effects of Auxins on PIN-FORMED2 (PIN2) Dynamics Are Not Mediated by Inhibiting PIN2 Endocytosis / Ján Jásik ... [et al.]
    In: Plant Physiology. - Vol. 172, No. 2 (2016), s. 1019-1031
  7. ADC Ionome and expression level of Si transporter genes (Lsi1, Lsi2, and Lsi6) affected by Zn and Si interaction in maize / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. - Vol. 22, No. 9 (2015), s. 6800-6811
  8. ADC Silicification of Root Tissues / Alexander Lux [et al.]
    In: Plants-Basel [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 9, č. 1 (2020), s. [1-20], Article Number: 111 [online]
  9. ADD Effect of silicon application on Sorghum bicolor exposed to toxic concentration of zinc / Daniel Masarovič ... [et al.]
    In: Biologia. - Vol. 67, No. 4 (2012), s. 706-712
  10. ADF Účinky kremíka na interakciu medzi cirokom a vybranými patogénnymi hubami / Monika Bathóová ... [et al.]
    In: Bulletin Slovenskej botanickej spoločnosti. - Roč. 41, č. 2 (2019), s. 117-125
  11. ADM Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Two Cucumber Cultivars with Different Sensitivity to Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection / Zdeno Šubr ... [et al.]
    In: Pathogens [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 9, č. 2 (2020), s. [1-18] [online]
  12. AFC Zmierňuje kremík dôsledky zvýšenej koncentrácie zinku pri kukurici? / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2011. - ISBN 978-80-213-2160-1. - Praha : Česká zemědělská univerzita, 2011. - S. 186-189
  13. AFC Silicon deposition in the apoplast and its effect on Si-mediated resistance to abiotic stress / A. Lux ... [et al.]
    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture. - Beijing : [s.n.], 2011. - S. 118
  14. AFD Ako kremík (Si) ovplyvňuje deficienciu zinku (Zn) v rastlinách pšenice letnej (Triticum aestivum L.)? / Veronika Rusinová, Boris Bokor, Marek Vaculík
    In: Študentská vedecká konferencia Prif UK 2017 [elektronický dokument] : zborník recenzovaných príspevkov. - ISBN 978-80-223-4310-7. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2017. - S. 681-686 [online]
  15. AFD Vplyv pH substrátu na niektoré rastové parametre a expresiu Lsi transportérov v ciroku Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench / Petra Gašpárková ...[et al.]
    In: Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2018. Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov [elektronický dokument]. - ISBN 978-80-223-4517-0. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2018. - S. 140-145 [online]
  16. AFD Fyziologické adaptácie rastlín na stres z vodného deficitu / Dominik Kostoláni, Boris Bokor, Michal Martinka
    In: Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2018. Zborník recenzovaných príspevkov [elektronický dokument]. - ISBN 978-80-223-4517-0. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2018. - S. 320-325 [online]
  17. AFD Silicon does not mitigate zinc toxicity in maize (Zea mays L., hybrid Novania) / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Structure and Function of Roots. - ISBN 978-80-89257-33-1. - Bratislava : Mgr. Pavol Cibulka, Copycentrum PACI, 2011. - S. 36-37
  18. AFG The effect of silicon on cadmium and zinc treated maize plants / Alexande Lux ... [et al.]
    In: Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety. COST Action 859 - Phyto2009. - Zurich : Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 2009. - S. 102-103
  19. AFG Vplyv zvýšenej koncentrácie zinku na kukuricu / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin a Fyziologické sekce Slovenské botanické společnosti. - Praha : Česká společnost experimentální biologie rostlin, 2010. - S. 141
  20. AFH Zinc and silicon interaction modifies root architecture / Boris Bokor ... [et al.]
    In: Zborník príspevkov z konferencie 11. dni doktorandov experimentálnej biológie rastlín a 13. konferencie experimentálnej biológie rastlín. - ISBN 978-80-8152-031-0. - Košice : UPJŠ, 2013. - S. 42
  21. BFA Silicification of Cocos nucifero and Phoenix dactylifera / Akexander Lux ... [et al.]
    In: 7th International conference on Silicon in agriculture. - Bangalore : University of Agricultural sciences, 2017. - S. 118
  22. BFA The gene regulatory map of Physcomitrella patens life cycle reveals key components of the developmental transitions modulated by membrane‐anchored calpain DEFECTIVE KERNEL1 / Viktor Demko ... [et al.]
    In: The conference of International Association of Bryologists, International Molecular Moss Science Society and Sociedad Espanola de Bryología. - Madrid : [s.n.], 2019. - S. [1-1]
  23. BFA Checkpoints of transport processes in plants exposed to toxic levels of trace elements and/or toxic elements / Alexander Lux ... [et al.]
    In: 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements [elektronický dokument] : Biogeochemistry of trace elements for improved environmental sustainability and human health. - Nanjing : [s.n.], 2019. - S. [1-1], Oral S5-1 [USB-key]
  24. BFA The role of peroxidases in tobacco plants (Nicotiana benthamiana) treated in vitro with As / Zuzana Lukačová, Boris Bokor, Alexander Lux
    In: 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements [elektronický dokument] : Biogeochemistry of trace elements for improved environmental sustainability and human health. - Nanjing : [s.n.], 2019. - S. [1-1] [USB-key]
  25. BFA Silicon application and phytomerediation may help in environmental restoration of polluted soils / Alexander Lux ... [et al.]
    In: TECO Networking Conference. - [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2016. - S. 8
  26. DAI Toxic elements and mineral nutrition - the effect on growth, plant tolerance, uptake, and accumulation of mineral elements / Boris Bokor ; školiteľ Alexander Lux
    Bratislava : [s.n.], 2014